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ماركة: Lanbena
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف, ضد النقات السوداء
الحجم: 30 g
نوع قناع الوجه: قناع الورقة
المكونات: الألوة فيرا, حمض الهيالورونيك
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: الصين
صنع في: الصين
يحرص متخصصو لانبينا على أن يتمتع عملاؤهم ببشرة صحية وجميلة ومعتنى بها جيدًا، ولذلك تقوم العلامة التجارية بتجديد مجموعتها بمنتجات العناية بالبشرة الممتازة باستمرار. يأخذون في الاعتبار خصائص أنواع البشرة المختلفة وجميع احتياجاتها الأساسية. ولمن يشعرون بالقلق من ظهور الرؤوس السوداء، قامت لانبينا بابتكار تركيبة خاصة يمكنها تقليل ظهورها بسهولة.
فوائد شرائط الأنف لانبينا لتنظيف المسام:
- تزيل بسهولة البقع العنيدة والزيوت الزائدة؛
- مدعومة بحمض الهيالورونيك وممزوجة بمستخلصات طبيعية؛
- تضمن نتائج ملحوظة بعد الاستخدام الأول؛
- لا تسبب جفاف البشرة ولا تسبب إزعاجًا؛
- تكفي 3-4 إجراءات للتنظيف الكامل؛
- تحتوي على مجموعة من الشرائط الورقية الخاصة.-
1. اغسل البشرة أولاً ونظفها جيدًا.
2. ضع طبقة رقيقة على منطقة T، ولا تضع كمية كبيرة.
3. قم بتغطية الملصق واضغط عليه في كل مكان.
4. انتظر لمدة 5-10 دقائق حتى يجف، ثم قشره. لتثبيت التأثير، اغلق المسام بمكعب ثلج أو قناع خاص.
قد يتجمد هذا القناع في درجات حرارة أقل من 25 درجة، لذا يُرجى وضع الزجاجة في ماء دافئ لنقعها لفترة قصيرة قبل الاستخدام.
Lanbena Nose Plants Pore Strips - قناع الوجه للبقع السوداء
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The mask is superb.
The mask truly works wonders on problem spots if used correctly and regularly as instructed on the jar. Of course, it may not eliminate all of them at once, but nothing works instantly except for facial cleansing. Thank you for the product!
I don't know how people who have nothing to extract use it. I tried the mask for the first time on an "unprepared" nose (without steaming my face). The mask noticeably cleared the pores and "extracted" those pesky blackheads. I'm confident that if I steam my skin next time, the effect will be even better.
I really liked this product as it effectively removes black spots on my nose, which is a problematic area for me.
The only effective thing against black spots. Removes all the unwanted residues.
This mask is amazing, it really removes blackheads.
If someone didn't see results right away, be patient and do the mask 4-6-8 times (but not in a row
The cream is excellent, and the delivery was right at my doorstep.
Overall, this product was completely ineffective, receiving a score of 0 out of 10. Furthermore, it was also difficult to remove the dried mask, adding to the disappointment.
No miracles happened. It only managed to remove the smallest dots, while most of them remained. It's not any better than any other regular mask.
I didn't buy it here. I don't have many blemishes, but I decided to give it a try))) It works. The best way is to steam your face well and wait for the paper to dry thoroughly. It works, I recommend it!
This mask is very effective, I highly recommend it
It works great. We followed all the instructions.
One of the best masks for removing blackheads.
I really like it; it removes even large black spots superbly!
I tried it on my blemishes. The mask successfully removed small black spots and unclogged large and deep ones. It's a great facial cleansing product. Thank you!
The mask worked really well for me. It cleanses very effectively. I didn't experience any allergies, irritations, or dryness of the skin. I definitely recommend it!
Great mask, I didn't warm up the jar or steam my skin and still got such amazing results. Next time, I'll do it correctly. For the price, it's super!
I've used it several times, and my conclusion is that this mask is useless. It doesn't do anything except give a feeling of dryness, discomfort, and skin burning for a few hours.
The mask is amazing! It truly cleanses and after removing it, you can visibly see all the blackheads on the strip. The key is to soak the mask in hot water for 15 minutes before applying and to thoroughly steam your face beforehand. I also used it on my husband and it worked wonders for him too.
I did not notice any effect or strange smells. I tested it on both steamed and non-steamed skin, but there was no effect whatsoever. Enzyme powder works better.
This mask is really cool.
Great mask and a reasonable price on the internet.
The mask is excellent, it removes a lot of dirt! The price is pleasant, only the smell of some stinky glue, but it can be tolerated. I give it 5 stars, I really liked it! I will attach a photo below (sensitive viewers, please avoid looking!).
I bought this mask for the first time on AliExpress about 3 years ago. I was shocked, but I really liked it. It removed blackheads and even pulled out some tiny hairs from my face, but I wasn't scared because the effect was amazing. After using it, I applied a richer cream to combat dryness and everything was great. No breakouts or redness. I also tried it on my husband and the results were even better than mine. It also removed his dead skin cells, which is not surprising. The sensation was like spreading glue on your face, letting it dry, and then peeling it off with paper. But that's exactly what I wanted, because we were tired of using weak gelatin masks that didn't remove anything and useless nose pore strips that wouldn't stick properly and were just annoying. That's why I will now order it from a makeup store. Of course, it's more expensive than direct orders from China, but I don't want to wait 3 months for delivery from there.
This mask is really cool. The first time I used it, I got a little freaked out because I applied it twice to the same areas and it worked great! I use it once a week and my skin has become much cleaner, especially my problem zone - my nose! It feels like I regularly go to a cosmetologist for a deep facial cleansing. The main thing is to learn how to apply it with the right thickness. It shouldn't be too dense or thick, and not spread too thin. Just wait a little longer for it to dry for sure! Overall, I highly recommend it.
The mask is good, it is the best out of all the ones I have used for blackheads. There is a lot of product, so it will last a long time.
I first saw it at my sister's and tried it out, then I ordered one for myself. I will say that it took me three tries to learn how to use it properly. It does become thick and sticky, but if you warm it up a bit and apply and spread it evenly, it's completely fine. I apply it to my previously steamed and dry face, in a thin layer, and don't rush to remove it until it's completely dry because then it won't extract much (I made that mistake once).
On the downside, it does dry out and tighten the skin, although in other cases, the mask wouldn't have worked. So, after using it, it's important to moisturize the face well. The smell is specific, but not critical.
The mask does its job, and I think I will order it again in the future.
The mask is simply incredible, it removed 80% of all black spots at once. I highly recommend it.
This mask does absolutely nothing.
There is no wow effect, even when used strictly according to the instructions. The liquid itself is quite sticky and runny. By the way, there are quite a lot of stripes, so it will last for a long time. Overall, there were no changes on the face with the use of this product.
Cleanses the pores.
The price is unreasonably high... but the product is good!
This mask is great! It not only removes blackheads but also brightens and softens the face. I really liked it a lot, and I will definitely order it again when it runs out.))))
The mask really works, yes, it won't do something unreal to your face at first, but you can see how it cleans blackheads. With regular use, I'm sure it will have a great effect. I'm satisfied, and when it's finished, I'll definitely get more!
This product is great and effectively cleans, although it doesn't provide a 100% clean. Overall, I am satisfied.
The smell is definitely very distinctive, but it does perform its functions, the main thing is to steam the face before application.
- The mask effectively removes blackheads on the surface.
That's it.
- It's not really a mask, but rather a very rare liquid substance. Be very careful when opening it.
- It has a glue-like smell. It literally smells like pure glue.
- On the second day after using the mask, I started getting small pimples. I no longer use it.
Recommendation: Start with a small tester first, and then order a larger one if you like it.
The mask is decent if applied in a thin layer and torn paper is used to create small pieces that adhere properly. However, the strong odor is quite off-putting. Every time I question what I'm putting on my skin, what it's made of, and whether the potential harm to my skin outweighs the cleansing effect.
I really enjoyed this product.
Great mask. I never expected it to have such an amazing effect.