كريم مع الحلزون الأسود، أنبوب Mizon Black Snail All In One Cream
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ماركة: Mizon
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, ضد علامات التقدم في السن
الحجم: 35 ml
المكونات: الببتيدات, البروتينات, القهوة, الكافيين, الكاكاو, الكيراميدات, اللانتوين, النياسيناميد, بانثينول, زنك, زيت الزيتون, سنتيلا, سيراميدات, مخاط الحلزون, وردة
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: مشكلة
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
لطالما سعت النساء حول العالم لكشف أسرار الجمال والشباب الآسيوي. وقد قررت العلامة التجارية الكورية ميزون، التي اكتسبت شهرة عالمية بفضل فعالية منتجاتها التجميلية، مشاركة وصفة لتحقيق البشرة المثالية. كريم الحلزون الأسود الخاص بهم مصمم لمكافحة العلامات المبكرة للشيخوخة واستعادة المناطق التالفة من البشرة. يحتوي المنتج على عدد كبير من المكونات الطبيعية التي تؤثر بشكل فعال على البشرة، مما يعيد لها مظهرها الصحي والنضر. ستفاجئك النتيجة بعد بضعة استخدامات فقط.
فوائد كريم ميزون الحلزون الأسود متعدد الاستخدامات:
- مستخلص الحلزون الأسود يزيل الالتهابات والتقشر ويسرع من تجديد خلايا البشرة؛
- يقلل من ظهور الندوب والحروق؛
- يهدئ الالتهابات ويمنح البشرة مظهراً نضراً وصحياً؛
- غني بزيت بذور عباد الشمس الذي يرطب البشرة بشكل مثالي ويملس التجاعيد الدقيقة؛
- مستخلص سنتيلا أسياتيكا يعزز إنتاج الكولاجين وحمض الهيالورونيك؛
- يحسن الدورة الدموية ويوحد لون البشرة.-
ضع المنتج مرتين يوميًا (صباحًا ومساءً) على بشرة نظيفة.
It will be great for oily skin. I have combination skin, so I use it on specific areas. Therefore, it is not the best choice for me, maybe it will be better for the summer. It mattifies and slightly dries, just as it should, not too much.
It is easily absorbed, leaving the skin matte and well-nourished. No matter how many creams I've tried, I always come back to this one. Highly recommended!
This cream is great, it absorbs well and moisturizes. It doesn't leave a greasy shine and gives a matte finish. There is no stickiness, and the skin feels pleasant to the touch. I liked it more than the snail mucus cream from Farmstay that I used before. Although that one was also good, it occasionally caused breakouts for me. I haven't experienced any breakouts with the Mizon cream, I like everything about it. I will definitely buy it again.
I really liked this cream. I completely agree. It absorbs instantly and you don't feel it on your face. This is exactly the effect you need in the summer when any other cream leaves a greasy film. My skin is dry in the winter, but during this abnormally hot summer, it started to become oily, unpleasantly shiny during the day, and I developed some under-the-skin bumps. Mizon eliminated the excess oiliness, improved the skin's elasticity, and the bumps are disappearing.
In conclusion, my verdict is: only for summer and only for normal/oily skin.
I purchased this product from one of the cosmetic stores in Ukraine. It turned out that I got two for the price of one due to a promotion (expiry dates were fine). I won't be buying it again and I'm thinking of where to get rid of the second tube. The cream doesn't give any results at all, it seems like it doesn't absorb into the skin and just instantly dries out. I apply it and within a minute it's gone. I can't say anything about its effects on breakouts (it definitely doesn't work on small rashes) and redness because my skin is not prone to those. However, it's a big minus in terms of moisturizing - my skin feels even drier than before. Just to clarify, my skin is dry with slight oily areas around the nose and cheeks. Unfortunately, I don't recommend it.
I really liked the cream, so I ordered it again. It moisturizes well, absorbs quickly, and doesn't leave a greasy shine or a film effect. I used to use Vichy Idealia before, but Mizon is just as good and half the price.
The cream is designed for problematic skin, demodex, and other inflammations. It noticeably reduces redness by the morning. It also removes pigmentation and post-acne marks. However, as a moisturizer, it falls short. Additional nourishment and hydration are needed. But as a rescue option, it is the best thing that can be.
I am giving a rating of 3 out of respect for the Mizon brand, as I do like their other products. However, this cream did not work for my oily skin. It makes my face shiny in the morning, even though I applied it over the Mizon serum. Previously, I used a regular Avon anew cream, and even that did not make my skin as greasy. I bought this "miracle" cream for 280 UAH, but the cost is not justified. There is no noticeable effect whatsoever. I only apply it at night. Overall, I would rate this cream a 2.
The cream is not bad. I bought it as a replacement for Vichy Normaderm, which I also really like, but in terms of ingredients, this cream seems better and more natural. I couldn't find any "green" preservatives or parabens, so I decided to give it a try.
In terms of impressions: it moisturizes decently, but in winter, I would prefer more intensive care since I'm no longer a teenager. However, it is tolerable because this cream effectively controls oiliness. That's why it can be forgiven :) If applied under makeup, there won't be any greasy shine throughout the day.
I've been using it for a week now, and I'll see how it performs during the transitional seasons. It's currently winter, so I think I'll use it as a daytime moisturizer and stick to a more hydrating night cream for now, while the cold weather lasts.