قناع التطهير العضوي وتجديد شباب الوجه "Laminaria and Amla" Eliah Sahil Mask
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ماركة: Eliah Sahil
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية
نوع قناع الوجه: فخار
المكونات: طحالب بحرية, مستخلصات نباتية
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
شهادات خاصة: vegan
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: عضوي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: النمسا
صنع في: النمسا
تقدم لكم الشركة النمساوية إلياه ساهيل قناعاً عضوياً لتنقية وتجديد بشرة الوجه. يتميز هذا المنتج بصيغته الفريدة الغنية بالمكونات الطبيعية القيمة، حيث ينظف بشرتك بفعالية من الشوائب والخلايا الميتة. المنتج خالٍ من البارابين، الفثالات، والعطور الاصطناعية.
يحتوي قناع إلياه ساهيل على مستخلص فاكهة الأملا، المعروف بخصائصه المضادة للأكسدة القوية. يساعد هذا المكون في شد المسام وتقليل التجاعيد الدقيقة، كما يقاوم الجذور الحرة بنشاط. يساعد الطين العلاجي ملتاني ميتي الموجود أيضاً في هذا القناع على تقليل البقع الصبغية ومظاهر حب الشباب. كما يعيد الطحالب البحرية، الغنية بالعديد من الفيتامينات والمعادن والعناصر النادرة، هيكلة البشرة ويحسن من لونها.
طريقة الاستخدام: يوضع القناع على بشرة نظيفة تماماً من 2 إلى 3 مرات في الأسبوع. انتظر حتى يتغير لون القناع من الأسود إلى الرمادي الفاتح (10-15 دقيقة)، ثم اغسله جيداً بالماء.
قم بتطبيق القناع على بشرة تم تنظيفها جيداً 2-3 مرات في الأسبوع. انتظر لمدة 10-15 دقيقة ثم اشطفه جيداً بالماء.
The mask cleanses very well, tightens and evens out the skin tone. It is important to be careful and not leave it on for too long, as it may temporarily leave a red mark. Overall, I am very satisfied and will purchase it again.
Honestly, I don't know why there are such good reviews. After the first use, my face felt fresher, but I didn't see any wow effect. Moreover, I immediately got red spots. The mask is okay, but not worth the money.
I really liked the face mask, it is economical to use, and after the first application, my face feels much fresher.
I mainly use alginate masks, but this particular mask caught my attention with its reviews. After using it, my skin has a perfectly even tone on all areas. It feels like it smoothes out any roughness. My face looks refreshed and rested, as if I just came back from vacation. Although it is expensive, it is definitely worth the money. Now I will alternate between alginate masks and this one.
The mask is great, I tried it and was not disappointed. My skin looks bright and moisturized, just like after a salon treatment.
And indeed, it is a really good mask. You can see the effect even after the first use, which is not often encountered. It is expensive, but it is worth it.
This is not just a mask, it's a bomb! My personal discovery. Let me share: I diluted it with warm water, left it on for 15 minutes. At the end, it tingled a little bit for some reason. The result was amazing, even better than salon procedures: from the first use, my skin became incredibly soft and smooth, and those small red spots from pimples disappeared! The little wrinkles near my eyes are not visible anymore. By the way, it has a scent of seaweed. I really, really liked it. Thank you. Oh, and by the way, I used a small amount, maybe just a tablespoon.
A mask that needs to be diluted with water. I trust such masks more because the composition is difficult to recreate on your own, and it's not easy to find all the ingredients. The result after using it: I look fresher and younger, and breakouts appear much less frequently. I really liked it.
Good mask. It cleanses deeply, that's for sure. After using it, I apply anti-aging oil, and after a month of use, my skin looks much better. I liked it.
I have combination skin, and I sometimes get acne in my T-zone, even though I am well past my teenage years. So, I was looking for a mask that would cleanse and tighten my skin - a task that is not easy, to say the least. I must admit, this mask did a commendable job. My breakouts reduced by half, and my face started to look younger. If you're looking for something like this, give it a try, especially considering that it doesn't contain any chemicals at all. The only thing is that you need to dilute it with water until it reaches a creamy consistency, which is actually quite interesting.