كريم الليل المنشط BioFresh Diamond Rose Night Cream
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ماركة: BioFresh
السلسلة: diamond rose
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ترطيب, تغذية, تنشيط, ضد الالتهابات, ضد التجاعيد
المكونات: الكافيار, ماء الورد, وردة
وقت التطبيق: ليلي
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: بلغاريا
صنع في: بلغاريا
كريم الليل BioFresh Diamond Rose يقدم عناية فعّالة لاستعادة نضارة البشرة خلال الليل، حيث يشرع في عمليات تجديد الخلايا وتجديدها بينما يمدها بالعناصر الغذائية المفيدة. تركيبة الكريم الفعّالة غنية بزيوت الفيتامين المغذية التي تضمن العناية المضادة للشيخوخة.
مزايا كريم BioFresh لاستعادة الحيوية:
- ملمس ناعم جداً يتم امتصاصه بسرعة من قبل البشرة؛
- قائم على زيت الورد الذي يتمتع بخصائص تنشيطية وتجديدية وتجديدية للبشرة؛
- يستعيد ويحافظ على التوازن المثالي للرطوبة في البشرة بفضل ماء الورد؛
- المكون الفريد Orsirtine ISR يمنع تلف الخلايا ويساعد في التخلص من التجاعيد؛
- يُنشّط عمليات الترميم والتجديد؛
- يجعل البشرة أكثر تماسكاً ونعومة وإشراقاً.طريقة الاستخدام: يُطبق الكريم كل مساء على بشرة الوجه النظيفة باستخدام حركات تدليك دائرية لطيفة.
في المساء، اغسل البشرة وجففها جيدًا. امسح على الوجه والرقبة ومنطقة الصدر، مع الضغط بلطف. تجنب المنطقة المحيطة بالعينين.
BioFresh Diamond Rose Night Cream - كريم الليل المنشط
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I really liked it. It moisturizes well and doesn't clog pores. I have normal skin, aged 35+. The most important thing for me is that it doesn't cause pore blockage. Thick creams used to immediately cause blackheads for me, but not this one. When applied, it may seem dense, but it quickly absorbs.
I really liked this cream. I have no complaints about it. I highly recommend it. My skin is dry, mature, and prone to allergies. Thank you, makeup, for the fast delivery.
I'm impressed! In just 4 days, I saw results - it slightly mattifies, tightens, reduces skin looseness, and it seems like the pores have slightly shrunk.
I only use this night cream after washing my face with a cleanser. I applied it around my eyes once, but they didn't approve. It feels like it lingers on my face for a long time, almost like a slight pulling sensation. There is some stickiness. I'm not sure how much of it gets absorbed during sleep, but judging from the effect - it's enough for me :). I try to apply it half an hour before bedtime.
I'm 34 years old. I have oily skin with large pores, and recently it became somewhat loose and developed red patches - but everything is gradually returning to normal. The looseness has decreased, and the "swelling/puffiness" is going down, and the pores are smaller. In the photo, it already looks "nice, clean, even tone, 10 minutes after applying the cream".
The best night cream ever, the only one I've been using for many years.
The cream is wonderful. In the morning, my skin feels smooth, and my face looks well-groomed. And what I particularly love about it is that it is not as thick as most night creams. However, despite its lightweight consistency, it nourishes the skin very well. The scent is very pleasant, with just a hint of rose.
The cream is pretty good, I liked it!!! Special thanks to the courier!!!!
The most beloved cream. Finally, I found something that suits me, even tried more expensive ones. I am 46. It doesn't create any film, provides enough nourishment, it's slightly greasy but absorbs well. It doesn't cause any unpleasant burning or allergies. It smoothes the skin and rejuvenates it. The delivery is excellent, as always. Thank you. It's just a pity that I've never received any gifts from the website.
I am very satisfied with this cream. By the way, it is also very economical. I rarely have to repurchase, but when this one runs out, I will definitely order it again.
Great cream!! I've been using it not for the first time. On one hand, the pink oil nourishes the skin, on the other hand, it acts as an excellent antiseptic, eliminating redness.
I have very sensitive skin and have tried many creams, both expensive and not so much. This cream applies nicely, absorbs within 5 minutes, has a subtle and non- overpowering scent. And the price is pleasing!
I liked it.