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- كيفية الاستخدام
منذ 3 أشهر
ماركة: Eucerin
السلسلة: atopicontrol
نوع المنتج: زيت للاستحمام
خصائص المنتج: تغذية, تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
المكونات: تركيبة
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: بلجيكا
الجفاف، التقشر والحكة المستمرة هي أمور مألوفة لأصحاب البشرة التأتبية. يتطلب علاج هذه المشكلة نهجاً متكاملاً. كل شيء مهم هنا، لذا يجب اتباع حتى أبسط القواعد. يجب عدم استخدام الدش الساخن (خاصة لفترة طويلة)، وارتداء الملابس المصنوعة من مواد طبيعية ناعمة، واستخدام منتجات العناية الخاصة.
تم تطوير زيت الاستحمام Eucerin Atopi Control للبشرة التأتبية للجسم بواسطة خبراء من العلامة التجارية الشهيرة Eucerin. بفضل تركيبته اللطيفة واحتوائه على 50% من زيوت الأوميغا، يقوم المنتج بتنظيف البشرة بلطف، ويخفف الحكة، ويزيل الشعور غير المريح بالجفاف والشد، كما يجعل البشرة ناعمة. ولأن هذا المنتج لا يحتوي على مكونات قاسية مثل المواد الحافظة أو الملونات، فإنه يمكن استخدامه للعناية اللطيفة ببشرة الكبار والأطفال الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن ثلاثة أشهر.
يُوضع على البشرة الرطبة، ثم يُدلّك بلطف حتى تتكون الرغوة، ويُشطف جيدًا بالماء. يُجفف الجلد بلطف باستخدام منشفة. يُستخدم للأطفال فقط كإضافة إلى ماء الاستحمام.
Eucerin Atopi Control Oil Shower - زيت الاستحمام
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My child has atopic dermatitis, so a dermatologist recommended this product for us to use. It is not cheap, so we use it instead of hand soap during flare-ups. It is very effective and worth the money!
High-quality gel, with a consistency like oil! It doesn't have much of a scent, but it smells kind of medicinal, if you can describe it like that... Overall, we are very satisfied!
For children with atopic skin, this is the best product. The only downside is that it should be avoided contact with the eyes as it stings a lot.
The oil is good; it really moisturizes well and softens the water when added to the bathtub.
I have been using this gel for quite some time now. It works wonders for dry and atopic skin. By the way, it effectively cleanses pores even on oily skin, tested and proven.
I give it 4 stars because of the unpleasant smell. It smells like household soap, probably due to the lack of fragrance. It didn't have a wow effect. However, my skin doesn't itch after using it, and there is no feeling of tightness or any other drawbacks like with regular shower gels. I won't buy it again for the second time, I will search for something more suitable for myself.
This product cleanses excellently, leaving no greasy residue. After use, it moisturizes the skin and soothes it.
The gel-oil is perfect for both atopic skin and sensitive and dry skin. I use it for both body and face. It even removes makeup.
"This is an excellent gel for those with extremely dry skin. I highly recommend it!"
Undoubtedly, this is a product that deserves the attention of people with atopic dermatitis or extremely dry skin. It fulfills all its tasks excellently - the skin is clean and protected.
This oil worked perfectly for me. I use it to cleanse my face. I have very sensitive dry skin on my chin and around my mouth, while my nose and forehead are oily with enlarged pores. I apply the oil to DRY skin and gently massage it in circular motions for about 3 minutes. Then I wet my hands with warm water and create a lather, which I use to gently wash my eyes. It effectively removes pencil, eyeshadow, and mascara. I'm looking forward to a discount on it so I can purchase it again!
I can compare it to the Korean cleansing oil Elizavecca: the Korean one doesn't foam at all and does a worse job at removing makeup.
After using the oil, I don't wash my face with anything else. Of course, I use a moisturizing cream.
I give it 5 stars! I highly recommend it!
The smell of the oil is terrible, it reminds me of fish oil! After bathing, my son's skin becomes even drier. Money wasted! We previously used SVR Topialyse, which is more expensive but moisturizes much better and has a pleasant scent.