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ماركة: أروماتيكا
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: زيت أساسي
خصائص المنتج: العلاج العطري, تقوية, تنشيط, تهدئة, ضد الالتهابات, ضد التهيج, ضد القشرة
المكونات: باتشولي
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
يتميز زيت الباتشولي العطري بخصائص متنوعة تشمل تعزيز التوازن، ومكافحة الاكتئاب، وخصائص مطهرة، وقاتلة للبكتيريا، ومضادة للفيروسات، ومعززة للمناعة، ومضادة للحساسية، وذات تأثيرات مضادة للأكسدة عالية، ومضادة للالتهابات، ومضادة للاحتقان، وخافضة للحمى، ومهدئة، ومضادة للاكتئاب، وواقية للخلايا، ومزيلة للسموم، ومعطرة، وذات خصائص مبيدة للحشرات.
يؤثر هذا المنتج بشكل إيجابي على البشرة، حيث يغذيها ويجعلها ناعمة بينما يحفز عمليات التجديد. يتميز بخصائص قابضة ومعالجة للندوب، مما يوفر تأثير شد فعال. يتعامل بفعالية مع التشققات والجروح والخدوش والتقرحات والجروح الصديدية. يهدئ التهيج، ويقلل الالتهابات، ويزيل التقشر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يعمل على تطبيع وظائف الغدد الدهنية والعرقية.
للتدليك: 6-8 قطرات من الزيت العطري لكل 10 مل من الزيت النباتي الأساسي. للتدليك العلاجي (الريفلكسولوجي)، يتم خلطه مع الزيت النباتي بنسبة 1:1. لإثراء الكريمات والمنشطات: 5-7 قطرات لكل 5 مل من الأساس. للحمامات: 4-6 قطرات من الزيت، تُمزج مسبقًا مع مستحلب (1/4—1/3 كوب من الحليب، أو الكريمة، أو محلول من الملح البحري أو الملح العادي). للمصابيح العطرية: 3-5 قطرات. للرش كعامل مبيد للحشرات: 7 قطرات من الزيت لكل 10 مل من الكحول الإيثيلي بنسبة 90%.
Aromatika - زيت عطري "باتشولي"
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As someone familiar with authentic, high-quality Patchouli oil from India, I can confidently say that this is a very good budget alternative. It is a great purchase, and I am satisfied with it.
I chose this oil because I adore patchouli in perfumery (Tom Ford has fantastic patchouli scents). I also bought an aroma lamp for it. This oil is exquisite, it smells exactly how patchouli should smell in my opinion - a little bit of damp earth and a hint of chocolate. The room smells very pleasant and it is calming. I have cats at home, so the oil fixed the situation in just half an hour. However, I would recommend this oil to those who specifically love patchouli. If you are not bothered by dampness and earthiness, go for it. Otherwise, you might end up writing that it stinks because the scent is very strong.
This oil is excellent. Its aroma is unparalleled.
The quality of the oil is excellent, as always. A special THANK YOU to the store for their smooth and professional work! I am delighted!
Excellent oil.
It effectively combats signs of aging in the skin and also serves as an aphrodisiac.
I have been using this brand for a long time.
The quality is excellent.
Enrich your creams and shampoos with a few drops of oil.
Remember that the product is very concentrated.
It must be diluted with a base such as cream, carrier oil, shampoo, or masks.
Fast delivery.
Very satisfied.
Everything is great, as always fast delivery, excellent oil!
The product is excellent! I also love the oils from this company.
I bought this oil to add to my hair masks. I can't say anything about its effectiveness because my masks contain a million other ingredients. The smell is just terrible! It smells like mold or dampness, even though this oil is recommended for aroma lamps to eliminate unpleasant odors in a room. I read that patchouli oil contains rare substances, so I bought it for my hair. By the way, the smell of this oil did not remain on my hair after the mask. Maybe it was because the scent of tea tree oil overpowered it. But the cup in which I prepared the oil smelled strongly of mold after I washed it. I will buy it again and recommend it to everyone, but it's up to you to decide.
I love ordering on the May-app: the delivery is fast, the prices are pleasing, and I am confident in the quality. And I love Aromatiki oils!
But I would like to bring the attention of the website managers to the fact that I added an additional delivery address and selected the option "Call me back." However, these changes were not taken into account. It caused inconvenience to the courier, and the weather conditions only made it worse. Please be more attentive! When everything is running smoothly and organized, it is a great bonus for collaboration.
This is a great company with high-quality oils. The scent is authentic and the consistency is just perfect. I will definitely continue to expand my collection of oils from this brand. Thank you for the amazing makeup!
High-quality oil! I have purchased it multiple times and it is an excellent aphrodisiac.
Thank you to MakeUp.com.ua for their excellent work, fast delivery, and immediate polite response. This is not the first time I have ordered products and I am pleasantly surprised by the quality of their service!