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ماركة: Daeng Gi Meo Ri
السلسلة: hair&scalp care
نوع المنتج: مكيف الشعر
خصائص المنتج: تغذية
الحجم: 500 ml
المكونات: الجينسنغ
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: كوريا
صنع في: كوريا
بلسم Daeng Gi Meo Ri هو بلسم مغذٍ يناسب جميع أنواع الشعر ويُعتبر من أبرز منتجات هذه المجموعة التجميلية. يعمل بفعالية على ترطيب الشعر، وتجديد حيويته، وتقويته من الجذور حتى الأطراف. تم تصميم هذا المنتج لمعالجة الشعر الضعيف، الباهت، الهش، والمتضرر من الظروف البيئية القاسية.
يُغنى بمستخلصات نباتية طبيعية ومكونات صديقة للبيئة تُستخدم في العلاج النباتي، مما يترك الشعر ناعماً ولامعاً ومعتنى به جيداً، مع الحفاظ على توازن الماء والدهون الأمثل من خلال الحفاظ على الرطوبة داخل جذع الشعر. الاستخدام المنتظم لهذا البلسم يعزز من بنية الشعر وحالته العامة.
تضيف جذور الميرمية حيوية للون الشعر وتُعرف بتأثيرها المهدئ، مما يعزز نمو الشعر. يقدم البلسم تأثيراً علاجياً لفروة الرأس دون أن يسبب تهيجاً أو ردود فعل تحسسية، لكونه خالياً من المركبات الكيميائية الضارة.
بعد غسل شعرك بالشامبو، ضعي كمية صغيرة من البلسم ووزعيها بالتساوي على طول شعرك، مع تجنب الجذور وفروة الرأس. قومي بتدليك شعرك جيداً لضمان تغلغله. اتركيه لمدة 1-3 دقائق، ثم اشطفيه بالماء الدافئ. إذا دخل المنتج في عينيك، اشطفيهما فوراً بالماء.
Daeng Gi Meo Ri Conditioner - بلسم مغذي لجميع أنواع الشعر
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This conditioner is really great! After using it, my hair is easily detangled and looks shiny and beautiful. I also use it with the Daeng Gi Meo Ri Vitalizing Shampoo.
I didn't buy it here, but it is really amazing. It surpassed Lador by far in my opinion!
In my opinion, there are many cheap air conditioners in the supermarket that can outperform this one. There is nothing special about it.
Amazing! My blonde hair is absolutely thrilled! After using the conditioner, my hair looks healthy and doesn't tangle throughout the day. However... you need to leave it on your hair for about 2-3 minutes.
I like it.
The conditioner effectively moisturizes the hair, but the only downside for me is the scent. I would like to express my gratitude to Makeup for the fast delivery and the gift :)
This conditioner is excellent. It leaves the hair feeling very soft, shiny, and smooth. The only downside is the awful chemical smell. The smell of the same brand's purple conditioner is much more pleasant.
I have been buying this product for the third time now, and it makes my hair incredibly soft. So far, it is the best product I have purchased for home care.
A decent conditioner, but I didn't notice any significant difference between it and the Pantene conditioner that costs 100 UAH less.
I received the "updated" conditioner and shampoo from this series. The scent and texture were different. This used to be my favorite conditioner. Now it is a complete disappointment. I will not be ordering it anymore. I have a question for Makeup regarding their timely communication.
I have long, straight hair, and this conditioner really dries out my hair, even though it is naturally very soft. I have to apply a lot of oil to soften it after washing.
It works great with my porous, curly, and fluffy hair. My hair is soft and shiny! At first, I didn't appreciate it, but then, compared to everything else I bought, I realized that this conditioner is just perfect. It's even better than the number one hair mask!
This top is definitely my favorite. I've been tired of trying everything over the past year, both mass market and premium, but nothing seemed to work. I wanted my hair to be loose and flowing for a longer period of time, not just for a minute after combing. This conditioner and shampoo for damaged hair is as close to perfect as it gets. It's been a while since I last cut my hair, so it's heavily damaged. When combined with the spray for split ends (Gliss), the results last quite a long time. What can I say, even after riding an electric scooter for 30 minutes, my hair only got slightly tangled. And it doesn't overload my hair, so there's no heaviness. My hair feels light, loose, and shiny. The scent is not really my favorite, it smells strongly of licorice, which I can't stand. But to each their own, at least it's light and pleasant on dry hair.
The only thing I liked about it was the scent of the balm. Apart from that, the ends are dried out and the hair looks like an old washcloth. It's not worth my money at all.
This balm is really cool and has a delicious scent. It effectively nourishes the hair, making them soft. I highly recommend it!
I have been using this product for almost a year now, and it's the second time I purchase the 500ml jar - I haven't seen anything better! My hair is curly, thin, fluffy, and long. It used to be lifeless, so my hairdresser recommended this brand of conditioner and shampoo. Since using them, my hair has become alive, soft, and curls beautifully. They are also elastic, and I haven't had any split ends for a year now! The best part is that I forget about buying hair products for half a year because the jar is large, and the usage is minimal due to the thick consistency of the product. I will continue trying this brand in the future.
Unfortunately, this conditioner is not very effective for dry, coarse, and thick hair.
I have been using this product for a month now, and I purchased it for my makeup. To say that I am satisfied is an understatement. Before using this conditioner, I tried many others, including shampoos, conditioners, and masks from L'Oreal Professionnel. This conditioner is even better than the mask from Loreal.
My hair is very smooth, and I have never experienced this effect before. The only time my hair feels like this is when my hairdresser straightens it with a brush. I don't even need to use a straightening iron anymore. I can easily comb my wet hair, and when I blow-dry it with a brush, I also noticed that my hair has a voluminous effect. It feels great to touch, and it shines.
Naturally, my hair is thick and unruly. It has been colored many times in different shades and colors, but now it has its natural color with highlights.
Of course, everyone should try products for themselves. It's not fair to criticize a product just because it didn't work for you. So, for those who didn't find it suitable, please write that it didn't work for you but don't scare people away. We all need to try things on ourselves!
By the way, this conditioner currently works well with the L'Oreal shampoo. But I will buy the shampoo from the same line as this conditioner, and I think it will be even better!
The conditioner is simply amazing, it leaves my hair incredibly soft. I can't live without it anymore.
I have dry curly hair. After using this conditioner, my hair comes to life and remains soft until the next wash. It is easy to comb through and very economical to use. I bought it based on the recommendation of a professional and have not regretted it.
I tried this conditioner for the first time and I was pleased with everything: both the exterior and the interior. The bottle is very beautiful, glossy; it gives the impression of holding a real gem in your hands. The result after using it did not disappoint either. My hair became soft, manageable, easily combable, and had a beautiful noble shine. I was also pleased with the formula. Without a doubt, I will continue exploring products from this brand.
Nothing special. One shampoo is enough.
I received a sample of this conditioner as a gift from Makeup. I am impressed by it. None of the other conditioners have made my hair shine as much as this little sample did! What wonders it holds? I will definitely order it :)