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ماركة: Argital
السلسلة: shampoos
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تقوية, تنظيف
المكونات: الطين, جنين القمح, زيت الزيتون, لوز, مستخلصات نباتية
خاصية المكياج: eco friendly
شهادات خاصة: bdih, bioagricert, cosmos organic, cosmos natural, icea, icea vegan
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: عضوي
نوع الشعر: عادي
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
لا شك في أن الشعر الصحي والمُرطب يحتاج أيضًا إلى عناية عالية الجودة. لضمان أن يظل شعرك لامعًا وحيويًا، فإن استخدام شامبو عالي الجودة أمر ضروري. هذا المنتج من أرجيتال هو الخيار المثالي للشعر العادي. باستخدام مكونات طبيعية وفيتامينات، يعزز هذا الشامبو جمال شعرك، تاركًا الآخرين مندهشين بجماله.
أحد المكونات الرئيسية في هذه التركيبة هو الطين الأخضر، وهي مادة تحظى بتقدير كبير في عالم الجمال والعناية الشخصية. هذا المنتج العضوي، الذي يرطب ويغذي الشعر بشكل ممتاز، يتم تعزيزه في شامبو أرجيتال بمكونات طبيعية أخرى تقوي شعرك، مما يجعله قويًا ولامعًا.
هذا المنتج للعناية بالشعر آمن تمامًا، حيث أن جميع منتجات العلامة التجارية الإيطالية الشهيرة لمستحضرات التجميل العضوية، أرجيتال، خالية من المواد الكيميائية الضارة، والكائنات المعدلة وراثيًا، والعطور، والأصباغ. وبالتالي، فإن الشامبو للشعر العادي يقدم لك الفوائد فقط لشعرك.
المكونات: ديسوديوم كوكوامفودياستات، ماء، بروتين القمح المحلل كوكويل الصوديوم، بوتاسيوم أوليفويل/لوريك بروتين القمح، الطين الأخضر، حمض الستريك، الأرقطيون، العرعر، يلانج يلانج*، اللافندر*، القرنفل*، الباتشولي*، اللوز الحلو، الزيتون، القمح، الستيراكس، البرباريس الشائع، حمض اللاكتيك، صمغ الزانثان، الكحول الإيثيلي. *مكونات من مزارع صديقة للبيئة.
رج الزجاجة جيدًا قبل الاستخدام. صب كمية قليلة من الشامبو على راحة يدك ووزعه على شعرك. ملعقة صغيرة من الشامبو تكفي. دلك جيدًا ثم اشطف بالماء.
Fantastic shampoo! I have been using organic products for about two years now, and I can say that it is thanks to organics that my hair has finally been restored. However, it took a long time, but for me, it is better to know that my hair is truly being restored rather than masked with silicones. The worse condition your hair is in, the drier it will be after using any organic shampoos. Since 2019, I have been using Melvita products, but my hair has probably gotten used to them because lately it has been more difficult to wash and quickly becomes greasy. I really like Arjital's green clay for the face, but I didn't know what their shampoo would be like. It is simply a discovery - my scalp breathes, my hair smells of essential oils that I adore, and it looks as if it has just been styled - elastic and shiny. But this is with the use of conditioner, of course, just a little bit, and this is only after the first wash. Thank you Makeup for the great discount.
This is exactly what I needed for my oily scalp area. I don't need conditioner for the ends, although it's available. My hair is not dyed and it's thick but fine. After using this shampoo, my hair stays fresh for a longer time. I wash my hair with two different shampoos: the first time with a regular one to remove dirt, and the second time with this one.
This shampoo is phenomenal. The smell is absolutely terrible, it doesn't lather, and it turns your hair into a stiff sponge. After using it with the mask from the same series, my hair looks like it hasn't been washed in a month the next day. I can't even imagine who would like this shampoo.
The scent is unique, but I liked it. The color is... gray-brown :) It's the first shampoo that tangles my hair and makes it stiff. Usually, I don't even use conditioners, but here I can't do without them. Nonsense.
Like any shampoo with natural ingredients, it should not lather very well, especially not from the first application, just like a shampoo with SLS. It always needs to be applied twice, just like any shampoo, because hair is not fully cleaned in one go. The shampoo is decent, it cleans long hair well. Although I agree that it is not very economical in terms of usage. The scent is herbal, in my opinion.
Does not wash away, makes hair stiff, for the first time in my life after using it, dandruff appeared, does not lather (I was prepared for that), has a specific smell (but I liked it, +). It didn't suit me, what a pity.
The shampoo makes my hair shiny and lightweight, it keeps my hair clean for a longer period of time. However, I have a remarkably high consumption rate - it only lasted for 2 weeks (my hair is below shoulder length). I definitely don't regret buying it - it's a 5-star shampoo, but I won't purchase it again due to the high consumption, hence one star less.
This product is amazing and it worked wonders for my bleached hair and oily scalp. The texture is similar to other organic shampoos, but unlike most, it foams up really well. It takes care of my hair, leaving it happy, and I am happy too.
The shampoo is fantastic! It doesn't lather much, just like most organic shampoos. After washing, it's very easy to comb through my hair, and they feel smooth and incredibly soft. The scalp feels moisturized. I highly recommend it!
The shampoo has a distinct smell and consistency, but it leaves the hair feeling soft. It is also suitable for sensitive skin. I will definitely order it again.