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ماركة: Lactacyd
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: جل النظافة الشخصية
خصائص المنتج: تهدئة, ضد الالتهابات, مضاد للفطريات
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
بلد: بلجيكا
صنع في: بلجيكا
تعتمد الحالة العامة للصحة على توازن الميكروفلورا في المناطق الحساسة، وهي بيئة غير مناسبة لحياة البكتيريا الضارة. ومع ذلك، فإن اضطراب العمليات الطبيعية فيها يؤدي إلى تكاثر الكائنات الممرضة. أحد الأسباب وراء ذلك هو عدم الاهتمام بالنظافة الشخصية بالشكل الصحيح. للحفاظ على العلاج والوقاية من الالتهابات الفطرية، أطلقت العلامة التجارية البلجيكية لمستحضرات التجميل الطبية Lactacyd منتجًا للنظافة الشخصية المضادة للفطريات.
تركيبته اللطيفة المعتمدة على مكونات مضادة للفطريات وطبيعية تؤثر بلطف على البشرة: تخفف من الحرقان والحكة والتهيج. المنتج مع خلاصة الآذريون يخلق تأثيرات مضادة للالتهابات ومهدئة، دون الإخلال بتوازن الميكروفلورا ويساعد في تطبيع مستوى الحموضة. يشارك منتج Lactacyd في تنظيم حموضة المنطقة الحساسة، مما يمنح شعورًا بالراحة والانتعاش.
قم بعصر كمية صغيرة على اليد أو الإسفنجة، وأضف كمية قليلة من الماء. ثم طبقها برفق على الغشاء المخاطي واشطف جيداً.
Lactacyd - منتج مضاد للفطريات للنظافة الحميمة بدون موزع
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Great product. The scent is neutral. Just a drop is enough, without exaggeration, to create a good lather. At this rate, it will last for a long time. I ordered it from Europe and it arrived within a week. My hygiene has improved thanks to this product, so I give it a big thumbs up. And for you, dear ladies, I want to say that you won't eliminate discomfort with just one product, only through comprehensive treatment.
It did not cause any allergies, and there is no irritation from it. It is understandable that the intimate gel will not cure but possibly prevent. It did not disrupt the flora (which is an important fact). The consumption is not high.
I developed an allergic reaction from this product, and I have been suffering for the past two days. It has caused swelling and discomfort.
The product no longer performs its stated function.
This is a great gel that soothes irritation and using it is pure pleasure. However, I will be looking for a replacement because the price has doubled, which is unreasonably expensive.
Well, first of all, this product is not intended for treating fungal infections but rather for use during the treatment of such infections. The pH of this product is 8, which is slightly alkaline, designed to prevent stinging on irritated skin during treatment. However, if used without treatment, it may disrupt the normal pH of the skin, which should be acidic at 3.6-4.5.
As for people with sensitive skin in the intimate area, it would be better to consider the gel from this brand specifically designed for sensitive skin.
The product doesn't really have any noticeable effect, as it is overly scented.
This product helped cure thrush. However, I used it as part of a comprehensive treatment along with other medications. But it definitely got rid of the unbearable itch.
The best product in the entire series for intimate areas, especially for those suffering from candida and frequent discomfort in delicate areas. It effectively reduces inflammation.
It's a pity that it can only be ordered abroad, while in our local pharmacies, if available, it comes with a dispenser, but in a different bottle shape and at a significantly higher price.
I take medications that are not compatible with antifungal drugs. This product is simply a find, it has been very helpful.
Good product. It worked perfectly and didn't cause any unpleasant sensations. Ladies, please note that this product has a high pH level of 8. So, if you don't have any specific issues, I recommend choosing something with a pH level no higher than 5. However, this product is suitable for treatment and prevention as part of a comprehensive approach.
I started experiencing discomfort in my intimate area after bathing in the river at the country house, and it was difficult to maintain hygiene perfectly in the village. That's why I decided to buy this product. So far, my feelings about the product are mixed. When I used it, I felt a slight burning sensation that remained after bathing. The itching has almost disappeared, but the discomfort from the burning has increased. Maybe these are just initial impressions, and it will get better later, but for now, it's debatable.
A great product that helped me with thrush.