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ماركة: Lumene
السلسلة: cleansers, comfort
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تنظيف
المكونات: مستخلصات نباتية
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
نوع البشرة: جاف, جميع الانواع
بلد: فنلندا
صنع في: فنلندا
كريم التنظيف المرطب Hellä من العلامة الفنلندية لومين مصمم لتنظيف البشرة بلطف واستعادة حيويتها. تركيبته الأصلية، المخصبة بمياه الينابيع القطبية، ترطب حتى أشد أنواع البشرة جفافًا وتجعلها ممتلئة بالقوة والتألق الصحي.
هذا المنتج يزيل برفق المكياج والزيوت والأتربة والشوائب الأخرى، ليترك وراءه شعورًا ممتعًا بالنظافة والانتعاش والراحة. زيت بذور التوت البري، الغني بحمض البنزويك والفيتامينات، يرطب البشرة ويعمل كمضاد للالتهابات، ويمنع التجاعيد المبكرة وترهل الجلد. زيت عباد الشمس يغذي بنشاط، يعيد بناء هيكل البشرة، يعزز خصائصها الوقائية الطبيعية، يشد المسام، يحسن مظهر الوجه، ويقضي على جفاف وتقشر الجلد.
قم بتطبيق المنتج على البشرة الرطبة باستخدام حركات دائرية، ثم اشطفه بالماء الدافئ.
The cream arrived without proper sealing, which could have allowed for any addition.
The skin feels pleasant and moisturized after washing, but it doesn't cleanse effectively.
After using it, the skin feels velvety smooth. It lasts for a long time, but I cannot say that it effectively removes makeup residues.
Cons: It does not clean well. One feels the need to wash again several times after using it.
Pros: It does not dry out the skin, and has a neutral scent.
The cream has a pleasant scent. However, when washing my face, I don't feel like my face is clean, only after I have dried it, but even then I still have some doubts. It doesn't remove makeup well, so it's only good to use when your face is makeup-free and you just want to wash it. I have started using it only in this last scenario now.
I am disappointed with this tonic. It has a slightly gel-like consistency that I don't like, and it doesn't give me the feeling of clean skin. It just sits there, unused. I miss the previous tonic from this brand.
I bought this facial cream without knowing anything about it since it's a new product and there were no reviews yet, and I have no regrets. The creamy consistency of the cream moisturizes the skin very well, leaving it velvety smooth like a peach. It has a pleasant scent. I use it together with the toner from the same series. I highly recommend it for the winter season and for those with dry skin. Thank you, Makeup, for the fast delivery.
A peculiar product. While washing, it gives an unpleasant sensation as if you are trying to remove a greasy cream from your face and hands. After wiping your face, the greasy feeling disappears. I didn't notice any particular moisturizing properties; sometimes it dries out certain areas of the combination skin. "Gently removes makeup" - it would be suitable as an additional product if you remove your makeup with something else.