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ماركة: Signal
السلسلة: معاجين الأسنان
نوع المنتج: معجون الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: تبييض, تنظيف
المكونات: الجلسرين
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: هولندا
صنع في: فرنسا
معجون الأسنان سيجنال وايت ناو هو معجون تبييض مصمم لأولئك الذين يحلمون بابتسامة مشرقة. يجمع هذا المنتج بين تقنيات العناية الفموية المتقدمة والتبييض الفعال، مما يسمح لك بتحقيق نتائج واضحة بعد استخدام واحد فقط. بالإضافة إلى التبييض، يحمي المعجون الأسنان من التسوس، وينظف البلاك من سطح المينا بدقة، ويضمن انتعاشًا طويل الأمد للنفس. إنه الخيار المثالي لأولئك الذين يسعون ليس فقط لابتسامة جميلة، بل أيضًا لصحة فموية جيدة.
مزايا معجون الأسنان سيجنال وايت ناو:
- الجليسرين يرطب اللثة ويحميها من التهيج؛
- الكالسيوم يقوي مينا الأسنان ويمنع تآكلها؛
- التركيبة الحيوية تقلل اصفرار الأسنان، وتعيد لونها الأبيض الطبيعي؛
- يعزز لون الأسنان دون استخدام البيروكسيدات، مما يجعل العملية آمنة؛
- مناسب للاستخدام المنتظم بفضل تركيبته اللطيفة؛
- يتميز المنتج بطعم لطيف يترك شعورًا بالانتعاش طويل الأمد؛
- العبوة مصنوعة من مواد قابلة لإعادة التدوير، مما يدعم المعايير البيئية.-
ضع كمية صغيرة من معجون الأسنان على فرشاة الأسنان. قم بتفريش أسنانك بحركات دائرية مع تدليك لثتك بلطف. اشطف فمك بكمية قليلة من الماء، واحتفظ بها لمدة 20-30 ثانية قبل بصقها.
Signal White Now Toothpaste - معجون تبييض الأسنان
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This is a great toothpaste, it truly whitens your teeth thanks to its blue color. You don't have to wait for a "wow" effect after just one or two uses. The results are definitely noticeable after a month.
This toothpaste is excellent and truly whitens teeth.
I highly recommend this toothpaste. My teeth are in excellent condition! I agree with all the positive reviews!
This is simply love! It cleans well, whitens, and provides a refreshing feeling all day long.
I have used this toothpaste before, and I decided to buy it again. However, to my disappointment, the tube was only half full with air and about half of the paste. It cleans well, but I suspect they are deceiving with the quantity. To put it mildly.
I really like it, thank you. My husband has been using it exclusively for 2 years now.
I really liked this toothpaste. It gives a pleasant feeling in the mouth and leaves my teeth white after using it. As for the miraculous whitening that some people expect from toothpaste, I can say one thing: it depends a lot on the tooth enamel and proper dental care under the dentist's supervision)))
This toothpaste cleans teeth effectively and prevents plaque buildup.
I did not like it. There is no vibrating effect, although it should be immediate. Yes, it's blue. Yes, it cleans something. But there is no freshness, plaque appears quickly. Unpleasant toothpaste.
The toothpaste is excellent, and I am very satisfied. It does not cause sensitivity, whitens quickly, and throughout the day you don't feel any plaque buildup on your teeth. Before this, I used Colgate red, and I thought my teeth were deteriorating on their own, Colgate really messed up.
I really liked it.
When I received it as a gift for the first time, I was very satisfied. The toothpaste really whitened and cleaned well.
I ordered 2 more tubes and then threw them away!!! The bottom of the tube was empty! They hardly add any more blue whitening pigment..
They did the advertising and that was it... then they started cutting corners to save money.
Blue teeth, blue mouth, blue hands, blue shell))) I didn't notice any whitening effect, not even the feeling of well-cleaned teeth. I didn't like it.
I noticed the effect after a month - it really whitened my teeth noticeably. Sensitivity did not change. I will buy it again.
This toothpaste is excellent. I have already bought a second one.
This pasta is good, I like it.
I regret not paying enough attention to the negative reviews...there aren't many, but I am among them...I have been using it for a few months - there is absolutely no whitening effect, no freshness either...just one blue dye...simply a waste of money...
I really liked it, it whitens nicely, as they say, "the result is evident."
I am absolutely thrilled.
Cleanses effectively, leaves a pleasant scent. Let's see how it performs in terms of whitening after a month.
Not worth it.. My teeth didn't become any brighter. It's just a continuous dye.
"The most ordinary toothpaste. Splat is much better!"
Excellent toothpaste! It provides a refreshing feel, although its bright color may be a bit intimidating. Thank you, Makeup Up, for the fast delivery!
This pasta has a great gel-like texture and lathers up excellently! It effectively lightens the hair by exactly one shade, just as stated on the packaging.
The toothpaste actually whitens.
I tried it and immediately bought another one. I love everything about this toothpaste: the taste, the color, and the consistency. And the most important thing is that my teeth stay smooth until evening.
This toothpaste is great. It has a soft consistency and a pleasant taste. After using it for 2 months, I didn't notice any significant changes in teeth whitening. However, it is important to note that after using it, my teeth feel protected for almost the entire day. Even with heavy consumption of nicotine and coffee, my teeth still remain smooth and clean. I liked it.
The 50/50 blue and white toothpaste gave immediate results. It didn't produce much foam, which was pleasantly surprising. It doesn't cause any burning sensation, but it doesn't leave a minty taste in the mouth either. Overall, this toothpaste is excellent considering its price and quality.
This toothpaste is really great, it truly whitens. I highly recommend it!
Favorite toothpaste! I saw the advertisement on TV and was delighted that now it can be bought in Ukraine. Before, we always bought it in Europe! The pigment with sapphire blue particles unbelievably whitens, but even if this effect was not there, I would still choose only this one! Very pleasant taste, freshness, and the feeling of cleanliness last really long!