كريم مغذي مكثف للوجه Pharmaceris N Nutri-Capilaril Intensive Nourishing Cream
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ماركة: Pharmaceris
السلسلة: pharmaceris n
نوع المنتج: كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: تغذية
المكونات: الكولاجين, اللانولين, زبدة الشيا, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
تحتاج البشرة الحساسة ذات الأوعية الدموية المتوسعة والمتشققة إلى عناية دقيقة ولطيفة. هنا يأتي دور خبراء التجميل من الشركة البولندية Pharmaceris للمساعدة. لقد طوروا سلسلة فريدة مخصصة للعناية بالبشرة العادية والجافة التي تميل إلى الاحمرار والتهيج والالتهاب. تحتوي التركيبة المذهلة لكريم Nutri-Capilaril المكثف المغذي على مكونات نشطة مغذية ومجددة وواقية توفر أقصى درجات العناية والحماية اللطيفة.
يعمل مستخلص زيت الفول السوداني على تغذية البشرة بعمق وحمايتها من الجفاف والتهيج والتقشر. يساهم الروتين مع فيتامين C في تقليل الاحمرار ومنع التهيج وظهور البثور. كما أن الكريم مثالي لاستعادة الحيوية للبشرة المتعبة والجافة في الشتاء والصيف. يساهم مستخلص الأرنيكا والآلانتوين في تهدئة البشرة وتخفيف الالتهاب.
قبل استخدام الكريم المغذي، يُنصح بتنظيف البشرة باستخدام حليب أو جل من سلسلة Pharmaceris N. ضع طبقة رقيقة من الكريم على الوجه والرقبة. يتم امتصاص تركيبة الكريم الخفيفة فوراً دون ترك لمعان زيتي. استخدم الكريم صباحاً ومساءً للحفاظ على نتيجة رائعة.
حضري بشرتك لتطبيق الكريم عن طريق تنظيفها بحليب Pharmaceris N أو الجل المهدئ. ضعي طبقة رقيقة من الكريم على وجهك ورقبتك. وزعي الكريم بالتساوي باستخدام حركات تدليك لطيفة. استخدميه في الصباح والمساء.
I have been using the cream in combination with the tonic of the same series. I have normal skin that tends to be dry, and in winter, my pores are enlarged and prone to couperose. I have used a cream that was prescribed by a cosmetologist and sometimes I would choose something myself based on recommendations and reviews, but my skin condition was never satisfactory. Even with all the matte and dryness, one area (between the eyebrows) would shine with oily shine. After the very first use of these products, I noticed a huge difference. The pores became smaller and the color of my face seemed more even (I have been using it for about a month now), and I hope it also serves as a prevention for couperose. The cream is indeed quite oily and seems to create an invisible film on the face, but it is very pleasant and doesn't make the skin feel tight. It looks matte on the outside. It also works great as a makeup base (better than the Elizabeth Arden primer, by the way). Maybe it's because of the tightened pores, but the foundation goes on evenly and perfectly. Finally, I have found a worthy product for myself. Thanks to Makeup for the delivery and the gifts in the form of Mixa samples.
The cream does not absorb well, leaving a greasy film on the face.
The cream performed exceptionally well in fulfilling its purpose! There is no tightness, and it absorbs quickly (just one press is enough). The price is excellent! The result is better than many expensive creams!
Great cream! I bought it again because I haven't found anything better yet. My skin is dry and sensitive. The pump is not really well thought out. After using it for about a month and a half, I had to fix it, but I consider it a minor issue that can be easily solved. Pharmaceris is just wonderful cosmetics. I use it together with the face wash gel and toner from the same N series. Overall, I have been using Pharmaceris for over three years now.
The cream is not bad. However, it doesn't completely fulfill the claimed tasks. It's neither bad nor good. I used it with the day cream from the same series. The smell is pleasant, it doesn't make the skin oily, and it's easy to apply. However, there is a huge downside - the pump. When the cream suspiciously ran out quickly, I had to open it. There was still a quarter of the bottle inside!
Oh, I'm very satisfied with the cream. It absorbs well and my rosacea has become less noticeable. There's no stickiness, and it hasn't caused any irritation.
This cream is really good! I always order good things on this website. The service is excellent too! Thank you!
I bought a cream for cold weather. I started using it at night. The cream is very thick, but it applies quite well and is very economical. I try to apply it on damp skin for better distribution. After applying, the skin does not shine, it becomes matte almost immediately. I have skin close to normal, but I don't feel that the cream is heavy for it. In the mornings, my skin looks very good. I will definitely buy it again. I recommend it!