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ماركة: Crazy Colour
السلسلة: hair color
نوع المنتج: صبغة للشعر
خصائص المنتج: صبغة الشعر
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات, نباتية
نوع: دائمة, شبه دائمة
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: بريطانية العظمى
صنع في: بريطانيا
إذا كنت تشعر بأنك جاهز لتجربة لون يمكن أن يلفت الأنظار حرفيًا، اختر Crazy Colour®. تقدم لك مجموعة مذهلة من 40 لونًا للاختيار من بينها: الأزرق الكهربائي القوي، الأسود الغرابي، الأخضر النعناعي، الأرجواني الساخن، اللافندر البارد... فرص التعبير عن نفسك لا حدود لها، لذا دع خيالك يسرح وامضِ قدمًا. هذه العلاجات اللونية شبه الدائمة لا تحتوي على الأمونيا، ولذلك فهي بدائل لطيفة لصبغات الشعر الدائمة. تذكر فقط: كلما كان شعرك أفتح، طالت مدة بقاء اللون.
فوائد Renbow Crazy Colour:
- يرطب ويغذي الشعر بفاعلية من الداخل إلى الخارج؛
- لا يجفف الشعر ولا يسبب له الضرر؛
- يجعل الشعر ناعمًا ولامعًا؛
- يدوم من 10 إلى 12 غسلة؛
- لا يتطلب استخدام مُظهر اللون؛
- خالٍ من الأمونيا والبيروكسيد؛
- يمكن استخدامه بشكل متكرر؛
- نباتي وخالٍ من القسوة على الحيوانات؛
- مناسب للاستخدام المنزلي.-
اغسل شعرك باستخدام شامبو ذو درجة حموضة منخفضة. استخدم مشطًا لتقسيم الشعر إلى أربعة أقسام. سيساعد تقسيم الشعر في توزيع الصبغة بشكل متساوٍ. ابدأ بتطبيق الصبغة على كل قسم على حدة، على بُعد حوالي 0.5 سم من الجذور لتجنب تلطخ فروة الرأس بالصبغة. اترك الصبغة لمدة 15 دقيقة بعد التطبيق قبل شطفها. إذا استخدمت مصدر حرارة خارجي لتسريع عملية صبغ الشعر، يجب أن يكون وقت التعرض 5 دقائق. بعد ذلك، اغسل شعرك بالماء فقط دون استخدام الشامبو.
Crazy Color Hair Color - شطف
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My favorite. Number 44 out of all the blue ones I've tried, it lasts the longest. I will definitely buy more.
This paint is good, it holds up well. I have tried many shades, some wash out quickly, while others last longer. When using a white or any neutral color, there are no issues with the base, it lightens evenly to a good base.
The shade violette leaves a blue pigment behind, making it impossible to return to blonde.
The awful tint dye for light hair color in marshmallow totally didn't work. We left it on for 30 minutes and got absolutely no result! What a waste of money!
I read reviews stating that the pigment is weak, so I decided that it would result in a light toning. I took the care foam from Milc Shake, mixed it with a mask, and added two drops each of shades 66 and 50. Then I applied it to dry hair and left it on for 20 minutes. The result is shown in the photo.
The Rose Gold color did not adhere well to my highlighted hair. It was a waste of money. The smell of alcohol is concerning.
The Platinum shade - gave absolutely nothing to perfectly lightened hair, complete disappointment.
Platinum tone (one of the most expensive ones) is a waste of money. It didn't do anything significant to my already well-maintained base (a few discolorations). When I first received the product and opened the bottle, I saw a white cream with a slight pinkish hue and immediately realized it was a waste of money. It doesn't even neutralize yellowness.
I used the shade Pine Green. Prior to dyeing, I lightened a section of my hair with green. It holds up quite well. It lasts for about 8-10 washes. I am satisfied with the result.
I have been searching for a bright orange dye for a long time, so I was very happy when I remembered about crazy color, especially for only 200 hryvnias. I ordered it, prepared my hair, lightened the roots, and dyed it. I really liked the result, it was exactly the color I wanted. However, after just 2 hair washes, the dye almost completely washed out. There was no trace of it after the 3rd or 4th wash. I am very disappointed, I didn't expect this dye to be one-time use. I don't know about the other shades, but I don't recommend the 60 shade.
The color is cool, I chose blue, but the pigment gets stuck in the hair and cannot be washed out. So, if you have level 11 lighting, pure white, and you don't want to risk having an un-washable minty color, buy something else. For example, tinting masks. I do not recommend it for experiments unless you want to wear the same color all the time.
I did not purchase through this website. I am very satisfied with the result! So far, I have only washed my hair three times and the color is still holding, I don't know how it will be in the future (they said it lasts up to 10 washes and the color fades to zero). The colors are very vibrant, but of course, to achieve this, you need to bleach your hair. The only downside is that it also stains towels ;)
I didn't buy it here, but the price-quality ratio deserves much more than one star. The shade Toxic UV is really cool. Unlike Pulp Riot Area 51, it is much more pigmented and cheaper by 2-3 times. I haven't figured out yet if it washes off to the base, but nonetheless, it's worth it.
I dyed the ends of my child's hair to match their natural brown color. We left it on for 30 minutes, but unfortunately, there was no noticeable result. It feels like a waste of money and my child is very disappointed.