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ماركة: Dabur
السلسلة: vatika
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تقوية, تنظيف, للإشراق
المكونات: بانثينول, حمض الأمينو, حمض اللبن, لوز
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: ميدل ماركت
نوع الشعر: جاف, مجعد
بلد: الهند
صنع في: الهند
ترطيب الشعر لا يقل أهمية عن تنظيفه بشكل صحيح. هذا الشامبو من فاتيكا ناتشورالز هو بالضبط ما تحتاجينه للحفاظ على التوازن المثالي للرطوبة في شعرك وفروة رأسك. إذا كان لديك شعر جاف أو مجعد أو صعب التصفيف، فإن هذا المنتج سيعيد له الحيوية. تركيبة الشامبو غنية بمستخلصات طبيعية من اللوز والزبادي والحناء والعسل. هذه المكونات معروفة بقدرتها على التغلغل بعمق في بنية الشعر، مما يوفر الترطيب والنعومة والانسيابية.
ينصح باستخدام هذا الشامبو إذا كنت تقومين بتصفيف شعرك بشكل متكرر أو بعد تلوين أو تمويج الشعر. فهو يعالج الجفاف بسرعة ويعيد الحيوية لشعرك. مستخلص اللوز يقوي الشعر، يعزز نموه، ويزيد من لمعانه. مستخلص الزبادي ينعّم الشعر، مما يجعله أسهل في التصفيف. العسل غني بالعناصر الغذائية التي تنعم الشعر وتمنحه ملمسًا حريريًا.
ضعي المنتج على فروة الرأس والشعر المبلل، ودلكيه بحركات تدليك حتى تتكون رغوة، ثم اشطفيه جيدًا. كرري العملية إذا لزم الأمر.
Dabur Vatika Sweet Almond Shampoo - شامبو باللوز الحلو
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It produces a nice foam and leaves the hair silky smooth. However, after regular use (3 months), both my husband and son developed dandruff.
Terrible odor!
The shampoo is excellent, thick, and foams up nicely.
Great shampoo, it leaves my hair silky and shiny. I have bought it before, and I really like it.
It worked for me, not wow, but decent. However, it didn't work for my children or husband - after 2-3 washes, they had a lot of lice all over their heads. So, it's very individual. I won't buy it again, it's better to go for Comex or Korean ones, at least they don't have lice and the effect is the same.
This shampoo is amazing! I have been using it for many years and it never dries out my hair. It has a pleasant scent and a little goes a long way because it is thick. After using it, my hair feels incredibly soft. I always buy it in Egypt. I highly recommend it!
This shampoo is really good and is perfectly suitable for my hair, especially since it is dyed.
I regret buying this product. When washing, it smells like household soap and is difficult to rinse off properly. It made my hair greasy very quickly. However, the black cumin from this series worked perfectly.
It worked for me, moisturizing my porous hair.
I used to buy this series constantly in Egypt. I really like it, it's great that it's available in makeup as well.
Thank you!
"This shampoo produces little lather and unfortunately, it tends to make my hair greasier quickly. It seems like it might be overly moisturizing or simply not effectively cleaning the hair."
I had been struggling to find the right shampoo for myself. When someone asked me to bring one from Egypt, I decided to try it for myself. I was very satisfied, especially considering the price. It doesn't dry out my hair, makes it more lively and shiny, and the feeling of cleanliness lasts for a long time. The only downside is that the color fades quickly after dyeing.
I absolutely love this manufacturer's shampoos! They make my hair look fabulous and don't cause any dandruff.
I accidentally purchased this shampoo with conditioner and was pleasantly impressed! The results are amazing for such a price! My hair is fluffy, curly, and stiff, but after using Vatika products, it becomes soft, shiny, and smooth. The curls don't straighten out completely, but at least they are not fluffy anymore.
I am disappointed with this product as it excessively dries out the scalp.
Surprisingly, this shampoo is awesome! It is suitable for oily hair.
I ordered the shampoo on the evening of January 11th, 2021, and received my package on January 13th, 2021. Thank you for the fast delivery.
I have used this shampoo before, but only purchased it in Egypt.
After washing my hair, it becomes smooth and easy to comb. With other shampoos, my hair would become terribly frizzy, but this one is simply a lifesaver for me.
This shampoo is excellent, I have been familiar with it for several years now. I have naturally curly and dry hair. This product helps to make my hair softer and prevents tangling. When used in combination with other procedures and products, it helps to prevent hair loss.
I discovered this series in Egypt! I immediately fell in love with it, both in terms of quality and fragrance. When I arrived in Ukraine, I found them on this website. I have been purchasing the shampoo and conditioner and I am satisfied. This is not my first time buying them.