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ماركة: Sebamed
السلسلة: hair care
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: تقوية, تنظيف, لعلاج تساقط الشعر
المكونات: الكافيين
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: المانيا
يُعالج الشامبو الخاص من سيباميد مشكلة تساقط الشعر بفعالية بينما يقوي شعرك. تركيبته الفعّالة غنية بالكافيين ومستخلص الجنكو بيلوبا والنياسين—مكونات مختارة بعناية لتغذية فروة الرأس وتقوية جذور الشعر وتحفيز النمو. يوفر هذا الشامبو عناية لطيفة وفعّالة لشعرك، مما يعزز حالته والمظهر العام لتسريحتك.
ميزات شامبو سيباميد للعناية بالشعر ومكافحة تساقط الشعر:
- يحتوي على تركيبة تنظيف لطيفة تحافظ على درجة الحموضة الطبيعية لشعرك وفروة رأسك؛
- يمد الخلايا بالعناصر الغذائية المفيدة؛
- ينشط العمليات الأيضية في البشرة؛
- يوقظ بصيلات الشعر؛
- يطيل مرحلة النمو النشط لشعرك؛
- يوفر تأثيراً منشطاً؛
- يقوي بنية الشعر الضعيفة، مما يجعله مرناً ولامعاً.-
ضع كمية صغيرة في راحة اليدين، ثم قم بتدليك الرغوة على فروة الرأس لمدة دقيقتين. اغسلها بالماء. استخدم المنتج 2-3 مرات في الأسبوع.
I bought this product in Germany. It really helps with hair loss. The shampoo foams well, but I always wash my hair twice. After washing, there is a slight unpleasant smell, but if you use conditioner or a mask, the smell washes out. I am very satisfied with the shampoo, it looks great after washing (I have non-dyed hair, I dry it with a hairdryer).
I didn't buy it here. The purchased shampoo was fresh according to the manufacturing date, but what was inside was horrifying. And it's not just my subjective feeling - everyone I gave it to sniff and rub a drop in their hands said "chemical attack, hide". Well, I thought, maybe it's some component that smells really bad but helps the hair a lot... During washing, when the shampoo combines with warm water and creates a smelly (sorry) foam, it's better to remember the breath-holding training from childhood in the pool and tightly close your eyes.... After washing, there is redness on the face and the area of the skin that borders the hair, which is initially scary but quickly goes away without consequences. After using it, the hair looks as if it hasn't been washed for a week in just 10-12 hours. As for its effectiveness in the direction of its main purpose "against hair loss", it's strange, but either laziness ended or the shampoo really helped (medicine is always bitter, almost never sweet). So, if we assume that the end of the hair loss season is related to the use of the shampoo, then 5 stars, but the horror you experience with each use, those 5 stars are not so bright anymore, and half of them fade away...
I didn't buy it here, but at the pharmacy, but I'll leave a review... I liked the shampoo, it lathers moderately and that's enough, it washes the hair nicely, doesn't irritate the skin (mine is very sensitive and any slight itch or dandruff appears immediately). The smell is pleasant, it even adds some decent volume and shine to the hair, it tangles slightly, but my spray conditioner easily solves that. It's too early to talk about stopping hair loss after the first use, but there is noticeably less hair on the comb. I recommend giving it a try! P.S: By the way, there is a slight warming effect, like with pepper.
This product helped with hair loss, has a gentle composition, smells nice, and lathers well.
I have only used it twice. The foam is not bad, but it makes my hair a little stiff. However, when I use the conditioner, it's fine. The problem with hair loss is not solved yet, but I think I need more time.