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ماركة: Mustela
السلسلة: bebe
نوع المنتج: عصا للوجه, كريم للشفاه, كريم للوجه
خصائص المنتج: العناية الشتوية
المكونات: أفوكادو, الزيوت, الكيراميدات, جوز الهند, سيراميدات, شمع النحل, فيتامين e, كريم البرودة
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للأطفال
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
نوع البشرة: جاف
بلد: فرنسا
صنع في: فرنسا
تقدم شركة موستيلا مجموعة واسعة من منتجات العناية بالبشرة عالية الجودة للبشرة الحساسة والهشة للأطفال والنساء الحوامل. لأكثر من 50 عامًا، تقوم الشركة بتصنيع منتجات تسهم في جعل حياتهم اليومية أسهل وأكثر راحة وأمانًا. والجدير بالذكر أن منتجاتها تُصنع بنسبة 95% من مكونات طبيعية، وهو أمر يستحق التقدير.
سيعمل "القلم المغذي مع كريم بارد" على حماية بشرة الطفل الحساسة بشكل مثالي من البرودة الشديدة ودرجات الحرارة المنخفضة. تم تركيبه لتوفير أفضل عناية للبشرة وراحة قصوى. مليء بالفوائد الصحية، سيصبح بسرعة وسهولة أحد العناصر الأساسية في مجموعة مكياج طفلك.
فوائد قلم موستيلا المرطب مع كريم بارد:
- مناسب للبشرة شديدة الحساسية؛
- مُركب بزيوت أساسية ومكونات طبيعية؛
- يرطب ويغذي البشرة بشكل مثالي؛
- يحمي من العوامل البيئية الضارة؛
- يحتوي على تركيبة ناعمة وسريعة الجفاف؛
- يتميز بملمس يسهل تطبيقه بشكل مريح؛
- لا يترك أي بقايا؛
- مصرح للاستخدام من قبل البالغين.-
يُوضع على الأنف، الشفاه، الجبهة، الخدين، والذقن. يمكن استخدامه مباشرة قبل الخروج للتنزه، حيث إنه لا يحتوي على الماء.
Mustela Hydra-Stick With Cold Cream - عصا مرطبة للشفاه
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I use it on my skin in general. During winter, my skin gets very dry and flaky on my calves and thighs, even with warm clothing. This stick is just amazing. It quickly restores and soothes my skin. I was genuinely surprised.
A wonderful helper for the cold season! I use it not only for kids but also for myself as a lip balm. Its only downside is the small size, so it runs out quite quickly.
From autumn to spring, I suffer from severe dryness of the lips. They crack and get windburned. I have tried many products. This one is a bomb! It saved me. I always apply it before going outside and reapply throughout the day. I highly recommend it!
This product is not suitable for cold weather. It is better to choose more nourishing creams that should be applied 20 minutes before leaving the house. However, it works well in warmer, slightly windy weather. It doesn't leave any traces, is easy to apply, and has no overpowering smell. My child likes it when I apply it on their cheeks, nose, and lips.
The best diaper cream ever. It worked perfectly for my little one. Superb!
I'm really disappointed, but my child got rashes from this product. I tried it on myself as well - it applies easily, nourishes and protects decently. However, the scent is extremely annoying (not old), it really bothers me. I don't recommend blindly purchasing it. Such products should be tested. Now it's just sitting unused.
We really like it! It's great that it doesn't leave any traces, and you can use it on both your lips and cheeks.
I apply this product to my child before going outside. It has a pleasant scent and is easy to apply, but the effect is inconsistent. It is not suitable for frosty weather as my child's cheeks still turn red.
I liked it! I was looking for a product that could be applied even before going outside since we always forget in advance. The stick is convenient, I apply it on my face and lips, and it smells like vanilla ice cream. I think the usage is just right for winter, as before, I always had leftover creams that had to be thrown away.
On April 4, 2020, I bought the Mustela products without hesitation at a discount price of 149 UAH. These products have saved both my baby's skin and mine from dryness.
Essentially, it is a petroleum jelly that resembles a lip balm. It has a light scent, similar to Nivea lip balm.
I apply it to my baby's cheeks and nose before going outside.
I placed an order yesterday. The expiration date is until 2022, but it smells like old lipstick, and I really don't understand how it can be used for a child with such a scent.
I really liked it! The scent, texture, and ease of use are great. During pregnancy, dry lips were a constant problem, and other balms didn't help. But this one helps within the first few minutes! I also like that it doesn't feel greasy on the lips like oil, and it's not sticky either.
Adding to the review. The scent is pleasant. It is easy to apply. One movement is enough.
The child applied it on their lips, and everything was fine. I tried it on myself, but I probably wouldn't apply it on my face. It is perfect for the lips - it nourishes and has a softening effect.