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ماركة: Yankee Candle
السلسلة: candles
نوع المنتج: الشمعة العطرية
خصائص المنتج: تعطير
الحجم: 623 g
مادة الفرش: شمع البارافين
نوع الشمعة: شموغ في جرة زجاجية
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
شمعة يانكي كاندل وورم – شمعة عطرية ساحرة تحول منزلك إلى ملاذ دافئ ومريح يمتلئ بالحب والانسجام. تحت الضوء الساحر للهب المتراقص، يمكنك الاستمتاع بلحظات من الاسترخاء، ومشاهدة فيلمك المفضل وأنت متلفع ببطانية ناعمة.
تتألق نغمات الشمعة العطرية بنكهات البرتقال الناضج والمنعش الذي لامسته أشعة الشمس. تدريجياً، ستكتشف مزيجاً دافئاً وساحراً من طبقات العنبر الغامضة، ونغمات الكشمير الخشبية الدقيقة، ولمسات من الليمون والأوكالبتوس مع الهيل، التي تتدفق إلى باقة أنيقة من خشب الصندل الحلو البلسمي، معززة بجاذبية الفانيليا الفرنسية الكريمية وصدى المسك الناعم والمخملي.-
لمنع تشكل النفق في الشمعة، قم بتقصير الفتيل قبل إشعالها. الطول المثالي للفتيل هو حوالي 3 مم فوق سطح الشمع. لا تقم بحرق الشمعة لأكثر من 5 ساعات في كل مرة. ضع غطاءً عليها بعد كل استخدام.
I ordered 3 different candles from the Yankee Candle brand, including this one based on the reviews.
Yes, scents are a very individual matter. HOWEVER.
Specifically, I didn't even bother lighting this one, I just smelled it and decided that it's not my scent. To my taste, it's quite chemical and paraffin-like, definitely not waxy or natural.
The second candle, in the same format, in a jar, smelled subtly and delicately after opening. But when lit, I couldn't even detect the aroma of the essential composition, again, just paraffin.
And the third candle, from the same manufacturer but in a different form - in a square glass with a metal lid and three wicks - is a completely different product. Its aromatic composition is noticeable even when the candle is closed with the lid. When lit, it fills the entire apartment and all the rooms with its scent. And there is too much of this aroma, so I have to ventilate.
If you decide to purchase candles from this brand, the most important thing you need to know is:
1. Candles in glass jars with metal lids are indeed made in America.
2. Candles in round jars are made in the Czech Republic.
3. They are made from different components, which is evident from the candles themselves, but both the American and Czech ones are far from being natural.
4. Refrain from purchasing if you have allergies.
The MAKE.UP website gets a big fat minus for providing inaccurate information about the product!
The scent is barely noticeable, especially in a large room.
The scent is very pleasant, but unfortunately, it can only be noticed up close. I can't say that it fills the room well. After an hour, the candle burned and the scent became barely noticeable.
The fragrance is very pleasant, it has a homely and cozy feel, and most importantly, it is light! It doesn't overwhelm, weigh down, and you won't feel the need to blow out the candle.
To say that Yankee Candle is the best scented candle would be an understatement! I have been using it for many years already. All the scents are great, you just need to choose what you like. The burning time, or rather, over the years, is a whole different story. This time I ordered it as a gift, so I chose the most neutral scent. And I was not mistaken. That's why I recommend Cashmere to those who are afraid of making a wrong scent choice. It's just sad that the price became 38 UAH less during the delivery time.
A very warm and delicate scent. It has many different notes.. no matter how many times I smell it, it always opens up differently every time.