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ماركة: Ahava
السلسلة: time to clear
نوع المنتج: قناع للوجه
خصائص المنتج: تغذية, تنظيف
نوع قناع الوجه: طين
المكونات: الجوجوبا, الطين, المعادن, حموضة الفواكه, مستخلصات نباتية
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع البشرة: دهني, عادي
بلد: اسرائيل
صنع في: اسرائيل
لقد تم التعرف على الخصائص المفيدة للطين العلاجي، المعروف بقدرته العجيبة على تحسين وتجديد البشرة، منذ زمن طويل. يقدم خبراء التجميل الإسرائيليون قناع وجه يعتمد على الطين الحيوي من البحر الميت.
عند التطبيق، يغني القناع البشرة بالمعادن الأساسية، وينظف المسام، ويزيل السموم، وينعش البشرة. قوامه الناعم ينزلق بلطف على الوجه، مما يوفر تجربة مريحة. يعمل قناع الطين بفعالية على تنعيم التجاعيد، ومحو علامات التعب، وشد البشرة.
قل وداعًا للجفاف والشعور بالشد؛ حيث يُغمر وجهك بالعناصر الغذائية الأساسية ويُرطب بكفاءة. يخفف القناع أي التهابات أو تهيجات، ويستعيد الوظائف الوقائية للبشرة. استمتع بجمال طبيعي، وشباب دائم، ومظهر نضر ومريح. اعتني ببشرة وجهك، وستكافئك بلون متجانس ونعومة حريرية.
يُستخدم 1-2 مرة في الأسبوع. قومي بتوزيع القناع بالتساوي على بشرة الوجه والرقبة بعد تنظيفها، مع تجنب المناطق المحيطة بالعينين والفم. اتركيه لمدة 5-7 دقائق مع الحفاظ على القناع رطبًا. اشطفيه بالماء الدافئ، ثم استخدمي تونر على وجهك ورقبتك. اتبعي ذلك باستخدام كريم مغذي ومرطب. للحصول على تأثير أعمق، اتركي القناع لمدة 5-10 دقائق.
Ahava Time To Clear Purifying Mud Mask - قناع لتنقية الوجه
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One of the best masks I have ever used! It's a great addition to any basic skincare routine, especially for oily skin with breakouts and blackheads. The price is worth the quality.
This is a luxurious face mask for skin that is prone to blackheads. I have bought it several times, and it always works perfectly and provides long-lasting results. It's a pity that it's currently out of stock.
I tried a sample from Israel and I really liked the product. It's a shame that it's not available at the makeup store for a long time. For my combination skin prone to minor breakouts, this turned out to be a lifesaver. This mask is a savior for young, oily, and breakout-prone skin. Don't hesitate to get it, you won't regret it.
This is a great mask, but I also have a peel, a cleanser, and creams from Ahava.
Excellent, effective mask!!! It worked perfectly for me - my combination skin is not greasy. My skin appears brighter, clearer, and has a matte finish. Everyone is extremely satisfied )))
I first bought a sample, and then the full version. I keep it on for about 10 minutes, a little longer than what the manufacturer recommends. After using this mask, my skin feels clean and incredibly soft, noticeably rejuvenated.
The mask is amazing, I bought it once in Israel. I'm surprised that it's also available for makeup. I have combination skin that tends to break out in the T-zone.
Ladies, I highly recommend purchasing some clay and mixing it with olive oil (for normal and dry skin) or any other non-comedogenic oil along with a splash of lemon juice. The results are just as effective!
I can confidently say that this is one of the best mud masks I have ever tried in my life. I am 33 years old and have combination skin with occasional breakouts. But this mask is simply incomparable. I have no complaints about the smell either. I usually leave it on my face for 25-30 minutes. I have already bought 4-5 tubes, I can't remember exactly. It lasts a long time, and I always apply it in a thin layer, no more is needed. It easily washes off with a cleansing sponge. My skin is matte and fresh after using it. I really like it!
I really liked the mask. I apply it with a thin layer, just for about five minutes, and that's enough for when I take a breath and feel the amazing sensation of clean skin. Afterwards, all the toning and moisturizing products have a deeper effect.
The scent is not very pleasant and it stings quite strongly if it comes into contact with scratches or cuts. I didn't find it effective in thoroughly cleaning pores.
The mask is just average. It didn't smooth out my wrinkles or reduce fatigue, and it didn't even out my skin tone. It has a natural scent. I bought a 20ml size, but I won't be buying more.
"For oily skin, this mud mask is the best."
Good product, as part of a comprehensive care routine. It doesn't work miracles on its own, without special effects. The smell is typical of mud, and the consistency is the same. Over time, the liquid may slightly separate, which is normal for such products if they don't prioritize emulsifiers. It rinses off easily and slightly tightens the skin, resulting in some reduction in pore size. It's best to apply it on steamed skin, otherwise, due to quick drying, you won't see any effect at all. I might buy it again, but only if it's discounted. The Lac Sante mud with a dispenser impressed me more with its effects. I bought everything here.
This mask is amazing, I use it after a gentle exfoliation. I highly recommend it even for sensitive and rosacea-prone skin like mine. However, Makeup, please correct the description of the ingredients. It clearly belongs to a different product.
The mask is good. It cleanses well and leaves the face smooth. However, it is not economical. I will definitely buy it again.
The mask is really good! It cleanses wonderfully, gently refreshes, and doesn't dry out the skin! I highly recommend it!
Miracle mask! There is nothing better than it for me! I highly recommend it!
The mask is excellent. It is recommended to leave it on for 2 minutes. The skin becomes radiant, even, and well-groomed. The mask prepares the skin perfectly for further care. It is cost-effective and easy to distribute. I highly recommend it.
The mask is simply excellent! In just 2 minutes, your face will become clean, matte, and your skin will feel velvety. I highly recommend it to everyone.