شامبو لجميع أنواع الشعر "نمو رائع" Natura Estonica Hair Growth Miracle Shampoo
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ماركة: Natura Estonica
السلسلة: hair care
نوع المنتج: شامبو
خصائص المنتج: لتعزيز نمو الشعر
الحجم: 400 ml
المكونات: الببتيدات, النياسيناميد, بيوتين, فيتامين a, فيتامينات الفئة b
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: استونيا
صنع في: استونيا
أطلقت Natura Estonica، الشركة المصنعة لمنتجات الجمال الطبيعية، شامبو شعر فريد من نوعه يحتوي على مكونات فعّالة تعمل بعمق. يتميز هذا الشامبو بقدرته الفائقة على إزالة الزيوت الزائدة والشوائب المتراكمة، بالإضافة إلى تقديم عناية فعّالة لشعرك وفروة رأسك.
يجمع شامبو "معجزة نمو الشعر" من Natura Estonica بلطف بين مستخلصات الأملا والزنجبيل مع مركب خاص من المكونات الفعالة التي تحفز نمو الشعر وتمنع تساقطه، بالإضافة إلى تقليل تكسره بشكل كبير. تضمن الأملا مظهراً صحياً ومشرقاً، بينما يعمل الزنجبيل على تقوية الشعر، وتزيد المكونات الفعالة الأخرى من مرونته وثباته.
ضع المنتج على الشعر المبلل، ثم قم بتدليكه حتى تتكون رغوة، وبعد ذلك اشطفه بالماء.
Natura Estonica Hair Growth Miracle Shampoo - شامبو لجميع أنواع الشعر "نمو رائع"
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The scent seemed quite strong to me (although this is subjective), it lathers well but doesn't really cleanse deeply, resulting in a high consumption. The dispenser is good and the composition is normal. It didn't work for me.
This shampoo is excellent. It has a pleasant scent.
I really like shampoos of this brand, I have been using them exclusively lately. They are gentle, with a pleasant scent, and leave my hair silky and smooth.
I don't feel inclined to use this shampoo. It leaves a sensation of unwashed hair. The consistency of the shampoo is too liquid, and it ends up being wasteful. Additionally, it has caused dandruff to appear. This product didn't work for me.
The shampoo is great. I prefer it over Natura Siberica.
The shampoo is great in every aspect! However, unfortunately, like the previous ladies, dandruff appeared towards the end of the bottle.
I can sell this shampoo and conditioner for a cheaper price than what I bought them for, if anyone is interested.
The shampoo is not bad. It is a bit watery with a light and unobtrusive scent that is not noticeable on the hair. However, I will not buy it again because it caused dandruff and hair loss, and my hair became frizzy. Before this, I used NaNiBeauty and had the opposite results compared to this shampoo. Additionally, the conditioner's dispenser is very inconvenient.
The hair is soft and beautiful, but dandruff has appeared.
I liked the shampoo, writing a review after six months, I decided to come back to it again. I remember that the smell didn't inspire me, but the impressions of the shampoo's quality were wonderful. And although it is customary to use conditioner after natural shampoos, it is not necessary for my hair after using this shampoo. I recommend it!
This shampoo is delightful, offering a great balance between price and quality.