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ماركة: Ziaja
السلسلة: body care
نوع المنتج: مقشر للجسم
خصائص المنتج: تقشير, تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 200 ml
المكونات: المكاديميا, سكري
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: بولندا
صنع في: بولندا
مقشر الجسم بالسكر من Ziaja، المخصب بمزيج من زيوت الكوبواسو والشيا والمكاديميا والجوز، هو تجربة رائعة لبشرتك، حيث يمنح جسمك مظهراً نحيفاً ومعتنى به جيداً. لن يمنحك المقشر السكر لبشرتك بريقاً صحياً ونعومة فحسب، بل سيساعد أيضاً في تشكيل الجسم.
مع الاستخدام المنتظم، يقلل المنتج من السيلوليت وعلامات التمدد والشعر الناشب. يوفر Tensin تأثيراً لشد البشرة، بينما يحفز حمض الجليكوليك إنتاج الكولاجين لجعل جسمك مرناً. يقوم مقشر Ziaja بلطف بإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة دون الشعور بالجفاف أو الشد. وسوف يعتني مزيج الزيوت المغذية بملمس البشرة، مما يوفر تجديداً خلوياً.
ضع المنتج على البشرة المبللة. قم بالتدليك بحركات دائرية ثم اشطفه بالماء. يمكن استخدامه يوميًا.
Ziaja Sugar Body Scrub - مقشر الجسم بالسكر
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A life-saver for dry, cold skin. It lingers on the body for a little while, but only for about 10 minutes.
I didn't buy it here, but I will order another one for my makeup. This scrub is amazing! It smells great and the sensations after using it are very pleasant. Usually, my skin flakes after shaving my legs, but after using this scrub... it's fantastic, to put it simply.
I really liked the scrub, I will order it again. The sensations are incredible! I recommend it!
This scrub is really good and does its job perfectly. It has a very pleasant smell, BUT! After using it, it leaves some kind of film on the skin, like grease or something, which is extremely unpleasant. That's why I won't buy it again.
The scrub is perfect! It seems to be the best one I have ever used. My body feels soft and smooth after using it, and it has a pleasant coffee scent. I highly recommend everyone to give it a try!
Personally, the scrub is too greasy for me. No matter how long you stand in the shower and try to wash it off completely, there will still be an unpleasant feeling of film left. The smell is really good, especially for coffee lovers. The texture is also fine. Personally, I won't buy it again, but maybe for those lucky ones with dry skin, it will seem like a salvation.
But I really didn't like it at all. It leaves an oily paraffin film on the skin and has an excessively sweet burnt sugar smell.
The scrub is simply amazing! The skin feels hydrated and velvety. I did not expect such an effect from a budget product. I really liked it, although I didn't buy it here. I will continue to order it in the future.
I highly recommend trying this product!!!! It's magical!!!!! I really liked it:)))) It's the best shower product I've ever used. Give it a try!!!!!
Simply writing that the product is good is not enough! It is magical. The skin becomes tender after using it, giving the impression of applying oil before the procedure. The skin is nourished and not overly dry. This is the best budget product I have tried.
This product is simply divine in every aspect, and the scent is so delicious that you just want to devour it! I will continue to purchase it in the future.