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ماركة: Weleda
السلسلة: العناية بالفم
نوع المنتج: مضمضة الفم
خصائص المنتج: تنظيف
المكونات: الكستناء الحصانية
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: سويسرا
صنع في: سويسرا
تنشأ العديد من الأمراض الفموية نتيجة لممارسات نظافة الفم غير السليمة. يمكن لاستخدام غسول الفم أن يساعد في تقليل العديد من المخاطر، خاصةً للأشخاص الذين يدخنون أو يشربون الكثير من القهوة أو يستهلكون أطعمة غير صحية.
مع إكسير الأسنان السويسري "راتانيا"، يمكنك استعادة أنسجة الفم وتقليل التهاب اللثة. قام خبراء في شركة Weleda بتطوير هذا المنتج المتميز باستخدام مكونات طبيعية مفيدة للجسم. يعمل مركب من الأعشاب الطبية على العناية بالفم برفق والحفاظ على اللثة بصحة جيدة. تعمل الزيوت الأساسية على إنعاش النفس بفعالية. تستعيد مستخلصات جذور الراتانيا والنباتات الأخرى بنية أنسجة الفم، وتعزز من قوتها، وتحسن تدفق الدم في اللثة، وتقلل من النزيف بعد كل استخدام لإكسير "راتانيا".-
أضف بضع قطرات إلى نصف كوب من الماء الدافئ؛ ثم قم بشطف الفم والحلق جيداً. لعلاج الالتهابات، يمكنك استخدام إكسير الأسنان "راتانيا" غير المخفف مباشرة على المناطق الملتهبة أو على طول خط اللثة باستخدام إصبعك أو قطعة قطن مبللة، مع تدليكها بلطف. في معظم الحالات، ستشعر بالتأثير المهدئ فوراً.
Weleda Ratanhia-Mundwasser - إكسير الأسنان راتانيا
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Good elixir, effective. I will order more. Fast delivery from the EU.
Honestly, I can't say that this is some kind of magical remedy. Among the positive effects, it seems to me that my gums have become slightly less inflamed. And there's definitely 100% less plaque forming on my teeth. However, the product is pleasant and economical, so I will continue to purchase it for oral hygiene.
Effective product!
I agree with all the positive reviews; this is a great product. It effectively stopped gum bleeding. It is pleasant to use and economical. I alternate between using this and Glister, and my dentist approves.
Wonderful product. It fully lives up to its description.
Instant-action product! A powerful assistant for gums! Eliminates inflammation and bleeding! Grab it without hesitation!
This product is excellent for refreshing breath and strengthening gums. It is helpful for addressing issues of bleeding gums. For me, it has become one of my favorite products.
The elixir effectively cleanses and refreshes the oral cavity. I use it daily, and it is quite economical as it is concentrated and needs to be diluted with water.
This is a great product review for a good and gentle elixir with a wonderful fragrance. It effectively soothes gums and prevents bleeding.
Favorite mouthwash! Even though the bottle is small, you only need a few drops for a glass of water. It cleans and protects the oral cavity well. I definitely recommend it!
Pleasant taste. It relieves inflammation and does not darken the enamel. I will definitely buy it again!
I use it after brushing my teeth or simply after eating. I am satisfied!
I am in awe! I don't have serious gum problems, but I do experience occasional localized inflammation. This is the only product that, when applied, I can be sure that the inflammation will disappear within 30 minutes! Sometimes I use it as a mouthwash. The composition is super cool, I'm already on my second bottle ♥️.
I didn't notice any effect. It obviously doesn't cope with periodontitis. But even with mechanical damage to the gums, no healing effect was found.
I didn't notice any advantages. As for the downsides, it darkens tooth enamel and requires effort to clean the rinse cup, as it is white and the mouthwash heavily stains it, even though I strictly followed the instructions.
Great and cost-effective product, works practically from the second time.
I really liked the elixir. After using it, I noticed that the feeling of clean teeth lasts longer, and inflammations and wounds heal faster. It has a specific taste and aroma of medicinal herbs.
I did not like the taste after rinsing (medicinal herbs, very subjective), but! The inflamed area of my gums, which I unsuccessfully treated with an antifungal drug and a blue solution, was effectively healed in just a couple of days! I understood that this is a good medicinal remedy (not just a basic hygiene product). I will definitely purchase it again.
I expected more for this price. It has a pleasant scent and is economical, but it didn't help with stomatitis or periodontitis. I didn't feel any positive impact on my gums. I won't buy it again.
This is an amazing remedy for stomatitis and periodontitis. It's not my first bottle. One is enough for two people for half a year. Guys from the store, you're doing a great job, the delivery is top-notch, and the service is excellent. If only everyone worked like this. All purchase conditions are met. After placing the order, the package arrived at my doorstep the next day by 12 pm. The driver arrived just 10 minutes after calling. Simply outstanding.