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ماركة: Weleda
السلسلة: سلسلة للأمهات المستقبليات
نوع المنتج: زيت للجسم
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, للتدليك, للحوامل
المكونات: تركيبة
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: سويسرا
صنع في: سويسرا
يُعتبر ولادة الطفل تجربة رائعة، ولكن أثناء الولادة، تواجه النساء عادةً العديد من المخاطر غير المتوقعة. لحماية نفسك بشكل كامل من التمزقات، قومي بتدليك المنطقة الحساسة باستخدام زيت من شركة ويلدا السويسرية.
هذا المنتج يغني خلايا الجلد بفيتامين E، بالإضافة إلى مستخلصات طبيعية وزيوت أساسية، ما يساهم في استرخاء تدريجي للأنسجة الضامة وتعزيز مرونة الجلد. إنه يقوي الجلد، مما يجعله أكثر مرونة ومقاومة للضغوط الشديدة. يحتوي المنتج على زيت جنين القمح، الذي يغذي ويرطب البشرة بعمق، إلى جانب زيوت المريمية والورد الأساسية، التي تحتوي على مكونات فعالة خاصة تعزز من فعالية المكونات الرئيسية.
نصيحة الطبيب: يُفضل بدء التدليك قبل الولادة بحوالي 6 أسابيع. ينبغي القيام بالتدليك بانتظام، على الأقل 3-4 مرات في الأسبوع، لمدة تتراوح بين 5-10 دقائق.
نوصي باستشارة طبيبك قبل البدء في الاستخدام!
قم بتدليك الجلد بعد الاستحمام، حيث تكون بشرتك أكثر نعومة ومرونة.
اعتبارًا من الأسبوع الرابع والثلاثين من الحمل، قم بالتدليك باستخدام الزيت لمدة 5-10 دقائق، من 3 إلى 4 مرات في الأسبوع. قبل التدليك، تأكد من إتمام جميع إجراءات النظافة واغسل يديك وأظافرك جيدًا. اختر الوضعية التي تمكنك من الوصول بسهولة إلى العجان بيدك: سواء كنت مستلقية، شبه جالسة، أو بوضع قدم واحدة على كرسي.
أثناء التدليك، تنفس بهدوء وحاول إرخاء عضلاتك.
تدليك الاسترخاء: قم بتدفئة كمية صغيرة من الزيت في راحة يديك، ثم ضعها بأطراف أصابعك على الشفرين الخارجيين والمنطقة بين المهبل والشرج. أدخل إبهامك المدهون بالزيت بشكل سطحي (حوالي 2-3 سم) في المهبل، بينما تقوم بتدليك منطقة العجان بإصبع السبابة والوسطى في حركة دائرية من الساعة 3 إلى 9: أولاً بحركات دائرية، ثم بحركة بندولية، وزد الضغط تدريجيًا لمدة دقيقة واحدة.
تدليك التمدد: أدخل إبهامك بالكامل في المهبل، وأثناء الزفير، قم بلطف بتمديد الأنسجة باتجاه الشرج.
كرر هذه الحركة إلى الجوانب. ثم مدد الأنسجة إلى الأسفل والخارج. ستشعر ببدء تمدد الأنسجة. لا ينبغي أن تسبب هذه التمارين أي ألم!
Almond oil, wheat germ oil, a mixture of natural essential oils (clary sage, rose).
Weleda Damm-Massageol - زيت لمنع التمزقات أثناء الولادة
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I didn't buy it on the website, although I buy many Weleda products here. I am very satisfied. I used it for massage for 2 weeks before giving birth. No tears or cracks. I recommend pregnant girls to use it. It definitely won't do any harm. And it can help)))
I do not recommend.
I have never used this oil for massages, but I decided to try it during labor. I'm not sure if the oil itself played a part, but I managed to give birth without any tears or complications. It has a strong and pleasant scent. I highly recommend having this oil in your collection!
I used it during childbirth and it really works. The oil is excellent, I highly recommend it. Although it is a large liter, there was still plenty left afterwards.
Can you please clarify if it is necessary to remove oil after a massage?
This is a great oil, I recommend buying and trying it. Make sure to take it with you to the hospital, as some progressive midwives know how to use it. I personally had no tearing.
I bought this product based on a recommendation and it helped me avoid tears. I followed the massage instructions as stated and didn't experience any allergies. The herbal scent was normal and didn't irritate me at all. I was worried about tearing, but this oil definitely helped. I highly recommend it because it's affordable and it's better to try it than not. It will also be useful for childbirth, especially if you breathe and push correctly. Everything will be fine.
Unfortunately, it didn't help me.
It didn't prevent tears, but it was helpful during childbirth.
I used it during my first pregnancy and my doula just poured it on me during labor - it helped a lot, there were no tears, and everything returned to its "normal" state afterwards! I highly recommend it to everyone, I'm currently pregnant again and will definitely buy it.
I didn't like the fragrance; it was very sharp and peculiar. In general, I won't be getting anything from Velada because the scent doesn't suit me at all.
When I used this oil as instructed, it started to burn intensely.
I'm not sure if the oil helped or if it was genetics. I followed the instructions from the 34th week and even asked the doctor to use it during childbirth. There were no tears, so if I have another child, I will definitely use it again. It won't hurt to have it on hand.
Terrible oil, it didn't work for me. I'm not prone to allergic reactions, but this oil made me itch. Very unpleasant. It's worth noting that I tried it twice, with a break in between, and after the second time, the same thing happened again. It clearly dries out the skin a lot.
I used the oil almost every day and followed the instructions for massages before childbirth. It moisturizes very well, but it didn't prevent tearing, so we had to make an incision.
The oil is practically odorless. I did massages from 35 weeks once a week, then from 37 weeks every 3-4 days, and by 40 weeks, I did them every day. I gave birth without any tears, and while I can't say for certain that it was because of the oil, I do know that I would have blamed myself if I hadn't done the massages and ended up with tears or an episiotomy. In short, just like with the stretch mark oil, you do it to calm your soul and know that you tried to protect yourself.
I found out about the oil at the pharmacy when I was buying another oil for construction purposes. I decided to give it a try. I am satisfied with the result.
I haven't given birth yet, but I can't use it at all! The smell is terrible, extremely concentrated! It burns down there and it doesn't provide any glide whatsoever. Saliva glides more than this, it's like oil. Just inserting a finger is already painful, it burns and feels uncomfortable, because it doesn't glide and it feels like it's rubbing. Nightmare.
My friends also recommended the oil for preparing for childbirth. I did a perineal massage with this oil a week before giving birth. I also took it to the delivery room. The delivery went safely. I am very satisfied. I will buy more.
I used it for 6 weeks before giving birth, diligently and every day. It's a shame that I couldn't prevent the tears.
I bought this product for my spouse and we started using it a few weeks before giving birth. We conducted massage sessions intensively, learning various massage techniques from the internet. Whether it was thanks to the oil or genetics, we don't know, but in the end, the delivery went smoothly without any tearing.
The product is great. I started using it from 36 weeks. During childbirth, I had an episiotomy because the baby was very big, and the first stage of labor was exhausting for me for 22 hours. But there were no tears. And that's a blessing. The doctor used this oil during childbirth.
It helped.
I am satisfied! Maybe it's physiology, or maybe the oil actually helped, or maybe it's a combination of both, but I managed to avoid any stretch marks. I started using it at 34 weeks. I think that regardless, applying the oil makes the skin more elastic.
Wonderful oil! I have been using it for 4 months, and everything is excellent!
This oil definitely helps - they used it on me during childbirth, and I didn't have a single tear, even though I'm not big, and the baby weighed 4 kg. I highly recommend it!)
I have used the oil about 5 times, and then I had an early birth with a breech presentation - I gave birth with tears, but without an episiotomy, even though the midwives were already preparing the scissors (but then they checked the elasticity of the tissues and decided not to cut). I think the oil helped.
I received prenatal massages from 28 weeks onwards, 3-4 times a week, and gave birth to a healthy, big baby boy weighing 4600 grams without any tears. It could be luck, or perhaps the massage oil played a role. Either way, this type of massage definitely won't harm you.
I gave birth to a baby girl for the first time, weighing 4200 kg, with absolutely no tearing! I am confident that the oil helped. I highly recommend it!
I started using this product about a month before giving birth, twice a week. There were no leaks, even though my first delivery was quite fast. I am satisfied, and the bottle is still almost full.
Everything is at a 5.