• صبغة شعر - Brelil Colorianne Prestige
    AED 41.05 AED 54.74
Farmavita Suprema Color

لون كريمي دائم مع نسبة منخفضة من الأمونيا Farmavita Suprema Color Professional Hair Colouring Cream

لون كريمي دائم مع نسبة منخفضة من الأمونيا Farmavita Suprema Color Professional Hair Colouring Cream
لون كريمي دائم مع نسبة منخفضة من الأمونيا Farmavita Suprema Color Professional Hair Colouring Cream
غير متوفر
معرف المنتج: 191277
  • تفاصيل المنتج
  • العمر: 18+
    ماركة: Farmavita
    السلسلة: suprema color
    نوع المنتج: صبغة للشعر
    خصائص المنتج: صبغة الشعر, للإشراق
    المكونات: أفوكادو, المكاديميا, زيت الأرجان, فيتامين c
    خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
    نوع: دائمة
    شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
    وقت التطبيق: شامل
    الجنس: للنساء
    التصنيف: احترافية
    نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر, شيب
    بلد: ايطاليا
    صنع في: ايطاليا
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استخدم الصندوق التالي لترك مراجعة للمنتج أو طرح سؤال

سيتم حذف جميع التقييمات غير المتعلقة بالمنتج!

سيتم عرض التعليق فقط بعد التحقق المسبق من قبل موظفينا

*أدخل بريدك الإلكتروني، وسنرسل لك إشعارًا فورًا بعد أن يجيب الخبير على سؤالك

  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    I have been using this hair dye for 8 years now and I am completely satisfied with it. I usually choose the shades 5.1 or 5.7, which result in a cool dark or medium chestnut color. For the length of my hair, I typically go for a shade that is one tone lighter, like 6.1 or 6.0. The colors are vibrant, my hair shines, and the dye does not damage or overheat my hair. It effectively covers gray hair (with a 6% oxidant). With this amount, I have enough dye to color the roots of my thick hair once.

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  • المراجعة المترجمة

    I really like this paint! The only downside is the size/volume.

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    This is a great hair dye that applies smoothly on thin hair.

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  • المراجعة المترجمة

    Sivini* is an exceptional product that truly stands out. Its unique qualities make it a must-have for anyone seeking the best. This product exceeds all expectations and delivers unrivaled performance.

    From the moment you lay eyes on Sivini*, you can immediately sense its remarkable craftsmanship. The attention to detail and meticulous design are evident in every aspect. Its sleek and modern appearance effortlessly blends into any setting, adding a touch of elegance to your space.

    The functionality of Sivini* is unparalleled. Its intuitive interface allows for effortless navigation and operation. The user-friendly features make it accessible to individuals of all skill levels. Whether you are a tech-savvy expert or a novice, Sivini* seamlessly adapts to your needs.

    Performance-wise, Sivini* exceeds all benchmarks. Its powerful capabilities and cutting-edge technology ensure a seamless and efficient user experience. With its lightning-fast speed and impressive storage capacity, you can effortlessly handle even the most demanding tasks.

    Furthermore, Sivini*

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    I have been using this hair dye for 7 years now, as recommended by my hairdresser. It does not dry out the scalp and does not cause any allergies (unfortunately, I am quite familiar with them). It provides a rich shade. I use the 5.1 or 5.7 shade with the matching 6% developer, which effectively covers my gray hair (which I have around 30% of). The 3% developer doesn't cover as well, probably better suited for those with fewer blood vessels and thinner hair. Overall, I love Pharmavit. I also use their shampoo and conditioner, and I have no complaints.

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  • المراجعة المترجمة

    I have been using it for many years, and it has a fantastic color.

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    The 9.22 shade from the other brand (Inebrya) did not color my hair at all. I was trying to do some toning. I recommend using the original developer and avoiding my mistakes.

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    I have been using this product for several years now and I really like the paint. It effectively covers up gray hair. I always go for shade 5.1.

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    Great paint, I bought 2 colors and developer. The color is natural, the smell is not strong, and my hairdresser also liked the coloring result. I bought 8.0 and 9.12 (I think it's not available here yet, with a pink tint), the pink washes out after washing, once or twice. The color is very beautiful. I dyed my lightened hair, roots, I used to be a brunette, but I became a blonde because of gray hair. It covers gray hair perfectly with a 6% developer. I wash my hair with the same brand's natural shampoo, my hair became very beautiful, shiny, straight, no split ends, shoulder-length. I couldn't grow my hair even to shoulder length for the past 10 years. Try it, read the instructions, listen to the specialists you trust, and healthy hair is guaranteed to you)))

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  • تم تأكيد الشراء
    المراجعة المترجمة

    Oh, this is something, a disaster for my hair. I've been dyeing my own hair for about 10 years now. I've tried many brands and settled on LONDA. But lately, they've been having issues with their colors. I waited a long time, but I had to dye my hair, so I decided to try an experiment. I bought this dye, shade 12/61. Since it contains ammonia, I also bought fillers, oils, and sprays for my hair beforehand. I anticipated that my hair would be in bad condition. However, I looked at the reviews and had high hopes for good results, plus the price was very appealing.

    So, the day came. I applied the dye, without gloves because it's more convenient for me. The first thing I noticed was how my fingers started burning. It burned my skin a lot. And where the dye touched my skin on my forehead, I ended up with a small burn. I decided not to keep it on for long. In the end, I rinsed it off after about 25-30 minutes. The first thing that caught my eye was the quality of my hair. I can't say they're glowing with health, but they're not a mop either, but now they've become like that. Even the masks and oil I applied didn't make much of a difference. I need to trim the ends. Where my hair was thinner, a pink tint appeared. But I think it will wash out quickly. Oh, and some strands of hair just broke off, now they're sticking out. It's both funny and sad.

    The result is disappointing. I won't use this dye again. And I can't recommend using it either.

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