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ماركة: Inebrya
السلسلة: color
نوع المنتج: صبغة للشعر
خصائص المنتج: صبغة الشعر
الحجم: 100 ml
المكونات: coconut, shea butter (karite), بذور الكتان, شمع النحل
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: ايطاليا
صنع في: ايطاليا
بلوند لامع للمغامرات الجريئة، شوكولاتة غنية لإطلالة أنيقة، أو ياقوتي براق لمن يحب أن يكون محور الانتباه—هل يمكنك أن تشعر بالفعل بإثارة التحول؟ أي ظل مرغوب سيكون نابضًا بالحياة بشكل استثنائي عندما تختار من لوحة ألوان كريم الشعر من إنيبريا. صيغة إنيبريا كلر تحمل سرًا: فهي لا تصبغ شعرك فحسب، بل تعتني به أيضًا. بفضل احتوائها على شمع العسل، وزيت جوز الهند، وزبدة الشيا، وبذور الكتان، والألوفيرا، لن تعاني بعد الآن من الجفاف أو المظهر "المتعب"! شعرك سيشع بريقًا، ويشعر بالنعومة عند اللمس، وستكون الألوان عميقة ومتعددة الأبعاد لدرجة أنك لن تستطيع التوقف عن النظر. والأهم من ذلك، أن النتيجة تدوم طويلًا. يمكنك الاستمتاع برؤية انعكاسك في المرآة يومًا بعد يوم، وأنت مطمئن أن لونك الجديد سيتحمل كل شيء—جداولك المزدحمة، والإجازات المشمسة، وحتى التصفيف اليومي.
مميزات كريم شعر إنيبريا كلر:
- يغطي الشعر الرمادي بفاعلية ويخفيه تمامًا؛
- يوفر لونًا غنيًا وعميقًا يحافظ على بريقه لفترة طويلة؛
- صيغة طويلة الأمد لا تزول أو تتلاشى مع مرور الوقت؛
- الميكروبيجمنتات تخترق بنية الشعر بشكل متساوٍ، مما يعطي نتائج مثالية بدون ثغرات؛
- مناسب للاستخدام في الصالونات الاحترافية وكذلك لصبغ الشعر في المنزل؛
- قوام كريمي سميك يسهل تطبيقه بدون تقطير؛
- تركيبة لطيفة مع زيوت مغذية تترك الشعر لامعًا وناعمًا؛
- منتج نباتي، لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات.-
في وعاء غير معدني، يتم خلط 50 مل من كريم الصبغة مع 75 مل من مستحلب الأكسدة بتركيز 10-20-30-40 (بنسبة 1:1.5) حتى يتم الحصول على قوام ناعم ومتجانس. للتلوين الأولي: يتم وضع جزء من الخليط على الشعر الجاف، بحيث يغطي الشعر من الجذور إلى الأطراف، ويترك لمدة حوالي 20 دقيقة. بعد ذلك، يتم وضع باقي الخليط على الجذور ويترك لمدة إضافية تتراوح بين 20 إلى 25 دقيقة.
Inebrya Color - صبغة شعر كريمية
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Good morning. Please advise on the proportions to use if I want to achieve a color that is 2 tones lighter than my current one. My hair is 35% gray. I used Loreal dye by myself, and here is the result. Thank you.
I really liked this paint! I purchased the colors 7.00 and 7.11. It doesn't have any green or reddish undertones.
Two stars for the color, but whether it's ammonia-based or ammonia-free, it won't last a month. The color washes out at a cosmic speed. It's very interesting that it doesn't take to the roots when the dye is washed out (approximately 2-3 hair washes). The color of my roots remained the same as before coloring, with some fading, while the length turned reddish (covering up the faded color). In short, it's as if I didn't dye my hair at all.
I received a paint whose expiration date had passed in September.
Listen, I am pleasantly impressed with the hair dye! Special thanks to the consultant for helping me choose the color. The color turned out to be slightly darker than expected, but still looks great. My hair looks amazing after dyeing, it shines beautifully. It also did a good job covering some gray hairs. Overall, I highly recommend it!
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day, I dyed my hair with color 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one dries out my hair too much. However, the color turned out like in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
But I want the color to be like in the second photo. Can you please suggest a formula? Is it possible to tone it down?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I colored my hair with shade 7.00 because I have gray hair, and I used a 4.5% developer because a stronger one tends to dry out my hair too much. The color turned out as shown in the first photo. My natural hair color is level 7.
However, I would like to achieve the color shown in the second photo. Can you please advise me on the formula? Is it possible to achieve it by toning?
Good day! I would like to seek advice from an expert. I am considering switching to home hair coloring, so could you recommend which dye to choose and provide a detailed formula?
The paint is superb, the delivery from Makeup is always top-notch. Thank you.
Hello! I would like to seek advice from an expert. I have been using this hair dye for over a year now (consistently using shade 7.7 with a 3% developer). Initially, I was satisfied with the color, but lately it has been darkening significantly along the length of my hair. It seems like I am achieving a level 6 or even 5 instead of level 7. Can you please guide me on how to lighten the color to achieve a level 7?
Good day! Following the expert's advice, I used the formula 6.0+6.7 and a 4.5% developer. The color turned out incredible, my hair is shiny and not dry, and the gray hair is dyed. Importantly, the color did not turn out darker. A big thank you to the expert from the brand. Makeupyak's delivery is always on point! I am attaching a photo of the result.
I always buy paint in color 4.0, a nice dark shade, and it always came in a black box. Last time, a week ago, I ordered paint 4.0 and it came in an orange packaging(( it's a completely different paint, the color is not as dark, it has a reddish-brown shade, it didn't cover the gray hair, and even the smell of the paint is not the same!!! To say that I'm saddened is an understatement( Dear store consultants, if you change the product from the supplier, at least inform your customers! Money and time wasted in vain!!!
Good day! I have been using Color Inebrya 9.1, 9.0, 9.17, 10.1 hair dye for over a year now, but I'm not satisfied with the current color and need to remove it. I kindly ask for an expert's advice. I want to try the shade 12.00 to "clean the base" and then apply 10.01 Inebrya Demipermanent Color. I don't have any gray hair, so I'm wondering if I should go for Inebrya Demipermanent Color or stick with Color Inebrya.
Also, what developer should I use for Demipermanent Color?
And one more question, I often see you mention using neuro 00 in your recommendations. What is this dye?
The hair dye is excellent as it does not damage the hair structure, provides shine, and completely covers gray hair. This is important to me because I have 90 percent gray hair, with the front being completely white.
I have been using this hair dye for about six months and I am quite satisfied with it. It does an excellent job of covering up gray hair.
Good day, Brand Expert. Please help me. I want to dye my natural roots so that they do not differ from the dyed length. I used to have blonde hair, which I dyed with color 6.00 and 3% İnebrya developer. Which shade should I choose? Or maybe a different percentage of developer? I am attaching a photo.
I really liked the hair dye. I used shade 3. Despite it turning out almost black, I am satisfied with the result. It has a cool and expensive look, and you could say it looks natural. It was important for me to get rid of the chestnut undertone, and after dyeing, it disappeared. The gray roots also took the color, and the overall hair color became more even. I will see how it washes out. But for now, it has a truly noble shade that I like both on its own and how it enhances my appearance. Contrary to the common belief that dark colors age you, this shade did not emphasize any signs of aging.
I am also happy with the overall quality of my hair, although I expected more from this dye. However, I believe that with regular use of this dye and proper hair care products, my hair will look lively and nourished.
In conclusion, I can say that this has been a positive experience. I would also really appreciate a more detailed response regarding shade 3.10 in the previous thread.
This is just awful! The platinum blonde (11.12) turned my blonde hair into a very dark blue, almost black! Besides that, the dye has a very specific odor, unlike any other dye I have ever encountered! I do not recommend it!
Thank you for the excellent service and fast delivery
I really liked this hair dye. The shade 8.11 is cool and it effectively covered the red undertone. It gave a nice shade of natural light brown. It didn't damage my hair, in fact, it made it more vibrant and shiny. I used it in a ratio of 1:1.5. However, it didn't cover the gray hair very well.
I need advice from the Brand Expert!
Your paint is awesome in terms of composition and affordable at the same time, which is very pleasing! I have been using paint 10.13 for several years now. Recently, I had to dye my hair with what I bought without considering the long selection process and the fact that the paint is professional and expensive. The color turned out completely faded, just a plain red. The root is growing in a dark auburn shade. Please advise on how to lighten the length and root to achieve a blonde result. I am attaching a photo of my hair, the color is even more red in reality.
Good day. I kindly request a color formula for dyeing. I visually like shade 8.42, which means I would like to even out the hair tone to a caramel light brown (preferably without any red). My natural root is at level 7. The lower third of my hair was lightened with dye a year ago, dyed 9 months ago, and toned half a year ago.
Thank you!
I really like this hair dye. I use shade 6.00 and have also tried 6.1. However, shade 6.00 appears to be more vibrant. It lasts longer than other dyes I have tried. It covers gray hair well. I use a 6% developer for the roots and a 1.5% developer for the length. I have experimented with other dyes, but have settled on this one for now.
Good day. I would really like to receive expert consultation, if possible.
My previous coloring was done with Inebrya 12.00 + 9% developer for a duration of 50 minutes. I only dyed the roots. There is a lot of yellow tone, and I would like a warmer and more natural shade without the yellow undertone.
I am attaching a photo of my hair and what I would like to achieve. Perhaps you can advise something to help me get as close as possible to this result. Thank you.
Good day, I want to buy paint, but I don't know how to achieve this color formula. Please help me with some advice. Currently, I have approximately 6 tones.
I ordered hair dye, but the developer didn't come as a gift.
I used the hair dye 7.00+6.1 (50/50) with a 4.5% developer ratio of 1:1.5, leaving it on for 30 minutes. The color turned out beautiful, but it didn't cover the gray hair.
I have been coloring my hair for a long time. I like how my hair looks after using this dye, and it covers the gray hair perfectly. Previously, I followed an expert's advice and used the 6.7+7.1+3% formula (30g+20g). However, I wanted a slightly lighter shade, so again, based on the expert's recommendation, I recently colored my hair using the 7.1+7.13+4.5% formula (20g+30g). Unfortunately, I ended up with a copper tone at the roots. My natural hair color is a light brown, almost "mouse-like." Please advise if it is possible to add the 6.7 shade to the 7.1+7.13 formula to get rid of this copper tone at the roots. If so, what proportions should I mix them in? Thank you.
I chose shade 10/02 for toning blonde hair, expecting that 02 would be a natural tone with a hint of pearl and that I wouldn't end up with a blue-violet color. I mixed it with a 3% developer (also Inebrya). I intentionally chose not to use a 1% developer to avoid darkening. I mixed it in a ratio of 1:3 (again, to avoid darkening) and applied it to damp hair. And here's what happened after just 2 minutes. Thank goodness it was just a test strand! After rinsing, my hair turned out purple, so I'll have to do a color correction. I do not recommend using this dye for home use, as it behaves very unpredictably.
Good paint. Shade 8.0, 50g + 7.11, 25g. Covered the gray hairs. Liked the color.
The paint is really nice, soft, applies evenly, doesn't burn, and leaves the hair smooth and full. The only thing is that it might come out one shade darker than the palette.
Good day! I kindly request expert advice on choosing a hair dye formula. Currently, my hair is at level 5 / with 30-40% gray hair, and it also turns slightly red when exposed to the sun, which I don't really like. I want to achieve a brown color without any red tones at level 6. Maybe something between chocolate and ash. What can you recommend? Thank you!
Good day! I am using 9.00, 9.02, 9.17 hair dye with a 6% developer (silver shade makes up more than half). I am attaching photos of the current color and the desired one.
Good day. After bleaching the hair, there is a slight yellow tint. Which shade of hair dye should I use to cover the yellow and achieve an even cool blonde?
This is a great paint, I have been using it for the second year now.
Good day, I used to dye my hair with shade 5.00 (20) and 5.17 (10) with a 6% developer, as I had over 80% gray hair. However, since this shade was too dark and I hadn't dyed my hair in a while, I switched to a base 6, which has the same formula but a lighter tone. I left it on the roots for 45 minutes, but the gray hair still shines through, meaning it wasn't fully colored and has a reddish tint. What went wrong? Why didn't the gray hair completely dye? I have a question for the expert.
Awful hair dye! After dyeing, my hair turned into a mop. I have been dyeing my own hair for 7 years, and this is the first time this has happened. I bought it based on the recommendation of a saleswoman in the store. I knew that economy-class dye wouldn't be amazing, but they convinced me. Unfortunately, I don't understand where all the positive reviews are coming from.
Great paint. I have been buying it for not the first time.
The paint is of average quality. There are better alternatives for this price. The hair looks more or less fine right after dyeing, but not what I expected. I don't plan on buying it again.
The paint is simply amazing. I have been using it for about 2 years and I have no plans to change anything. The color is vibrant and after dyeing, my hair feels smooth and shiny. I consider the price to be affordable.
On October 25th, the Brand Expert helped me choose a tinting formula, and I followed their advice. I am very grateful because the color turned out exactly as I wanted - caramel-honey. Thank you very much!
The paint is the best for me. It doesn't damage the hair and has a pleasant smell. The shine lasts even after two weeks. Thank you, makeup.
Hello, I am writing this question for the third time. Following the advice of expert Inebria, I ordered paint 3.0 and 3.10 and purchased 2 developers, one with 3% and the other with 6% concentration, in order to achieve a 4.5% mixture. However, I did not receive an answer and decided to ask again: in what proportions should I mix everything? I will attach a photo below of what the expert advised, but there are no proportions specified.
I really like this paint for its quality, texture, duration, and smell. However, this is the second time I've bought Inebrya color, and there is a complete inconsistency between the color indicated in the palette on the website and the actual result on the hair. This time I ordered color 7 (brown-red in the photo), but what I received was a black-gray shade with a greenish tint of the 5th tone. How is this even possible?
I always buy an oxidizer as a gift. I like it.
I really liked this hair dye. It does a great job of covering gray hair. I chose the shade 6.7 with a 3% developer. I ended up with a slightly darker color than I expected, but it still looks good. The base color is 6.
Good day! I have a question for the brand expert.
After highlighting, I toned my hair with the Jnowa Siena 9.16+9.8 dye.
I would like to find a similar shade in Inebrya. Could you please advise me on the numbers? Thank you!