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التصنيف: احترافية
بلد: سويسرا
صنع في: سويسرا
إذا كنت قد كبرت ولكن لم تتوقف عن قضم أظافرك، فمن المحتمل أن مانيكيرك يعاني غالبًا من مظهر غير مرتب وغير منسق. لمساعدتك في التغلب على هذه العادة غير الضرورية، تقدم لك العلامة التجارية السويسرية الشهيرة مافالا إكسيرًا سحريًا حقيقيًا.
الاسم المباشر والواضح للمنتج، ستوب، يشير فورًا إلى أنك ستضع حدًا للرغبة الجامحة في قضم أظافرك ووضع أصابعك في فمك. التركيبة الخاصة آمنة لصحتك، ولا تحتوي على مواد كيميائية ضارة، وهي مثالية لأولئك المستعدين للتخلص من هذه العادة. يجب تطبيق المنتج على الأظافر كل صباح ومساء. طعمه المر القوي، الشبيه بالطلاء، سيمنعك فورًا من وضع أصابعك في فمك. باستخدام ستوب يوميًا، ستطور قريبًا عادة التفكير مرتين قبل إتلاف أظافرك الجميلة.
قم بوضع طبقة واحدة من المنتج على كامل الظفر، حتى فوق طلاء الأظافر إذا رغبت، واتركها لتجف. كرر هذه العملية كل يومين. تذكر إزالة الطبقة السابقة باستخدام مزيل طلاء الأظافر قبل إعادة تطبيق المنتج. استمر في العلاج حتى يزول العادة غير المرغوب فيها تمامًا. لا تغسل يديك فورًا بعد تطبيق المنتج.
Mavala Stop - علاج لعادة قضم الأظافر
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The nail polish is amazing! After using it for two weeks, my child completely stopped biting their nails, even though they had been doing so for three years. I highly recommend this as the best nail polish for preventing nail biting.
This product may have helped someone, but it didn't help my child to get rid of this habit. It's a pity.
I bought this product for my 4-year-old son to help him stop sucking his thumb. None of the traditional methods were working, but with this solution, we were able to get rid of this painful habit within a couple of days. I highly recommend it!
The courier delivered everything very quickly. The nail polish is good, but strong-smelling. However, it doesn't stop the children from biting their nails.
The product has a very bitter taste, but it is effective.
Completely ineffective.
It claims to be applied every two days, but by the end of the day, it fades away.
And not at all bitter - whether it is or it isn't.
It's a pity to have wasted money in vain.
Although it is a bit pricey, this product really works! My daughter no longer bites her nails. When she does bite them, it may be a sign of other problems, but I recommend this nail polish as it does its job! It has a bitter taste and is difficult to remove.
The product works as a reminder. If you lack willpower, it won't help. I have been biting my nails my whole life (I'm 16). By setting myself up to tackle this issue with the help of this product, I managed to succeed.
We have been using it for 2 weeks. The product tastes bitter. So far, our child hasn't been biting it. We will continue to apply it.
We have been using this product for a month now. It has a bitter taste and lingers on the fingers for a long time. However, my 7-year-old child, who used to bite nails and skin, still bites them despite the bitterness of this product not being a deterrent for him.
We have tried many products, but nothing compares to this one in terms of bitterness.
My daughter is 4 years old. Thanks to this product, she no longer bites her nails. After the first application, I tried it a couple of times and that was it. I highly recommend it!
Very bitter!!!! I simply can't wipe my tongue when it gets on my fingers, but somehow the child adapted, bites off the rough edges, so I apply it to the skin.
I recently bought this product for my husband. He says that the taste is unbelievably bitter and it lingers for a very long time. He can wash his hands a hundred times a day, but the aftertaste still remains on his nails. He even thinks twice before biting his nails now. We used to use Stop N Grou before, but it didn't last as long, and we couldn't find it anywhere. Then, I accidentally saw this product on the website, read the reviews, and decided to buy it for him to try. I really hope that after using this product, my husband will finally stop biting his nails. So, I highly recommend it. Our rating is 5+!
This product is amazing! I bought it for my 1.8-year-old child. He constantly had his finger in his mouth, it was a real problem. But now, he doesn't put his fingers in his mouth anymore. It's not tasty for him anymore. :))))
I couldn't overcome this habit in my son! Now he doesn't bite, he says it tastes bitter)))
I never believed that it was possible to break a child's habit of nail-biting. But this actually works. It's quite cost-effective.