بلسم بخاخ غير قابل GKhair Leave-in Conditioning Spray
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ماركة: GKhair
السلسلة: styling
نوع المنتج: بخاخ الشعر, مكيف الشعر
خصائص المنتج: تنعيم
الحجم: 120 ml
المكونات: الجوجوبا, الكولاجين, الكيراتين, بانثينول, فيتامين e, كبريت, يوريا
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر, عادي, عنيد, مجعد
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
تواصل شركة جلوبال كيراتين، الرائدة في قطاع العناية بالشعر، إبهار الجميع بإصدار منتجات جديدة وفريدة من نوعها. قدمت العلامة التجارية الأمريكية منتجاً استثنائياً للعناية بالشعر وهو بخاخ التكييف الفوري الذي لا يتطلب شطفاً.
تطبيق بخاخ التكييف الفوري من جلوبال كيراتين بسيط للغاية: يُستخدم على الشعر المغسول والرطب، ثم يُجفف أو يُصفف حسب الرغبة. بفضل تركيبته الفعالة، يعمل البخاخ على استعادة قوة الشعر وتعزيزها، مما يجعله أكثر سهولة في التصفيف ونعومة. كما يمكن تطبيق المنتج على الشعر الجاف - مما يمنحه لمعاناً رائعاً وبريقاً فاخراً. سيبدو شعرك مُعتنى به، صحياً ومليئاً بالحيوية.
تتضمن تركيبة بخاخ التكييف الفوري من جلوبال كيراتين مزيجاً فريداً من البروتينات والبيبتيدات يُدعى جوفيكسين، والذي يُستخدم لأول مرة في مستحضرات التجميل. إلى جانب مركب الكيراتين، الكولاجين، الزيوت العضوية والمكونات النباتية، يُثري البخاخ كل خصلة من الشعر بمواد مفيدة من الداخل.
بخاخ التكييف الفوري من جلوبال كيراتين هو طريقة سريعة وفعّالة للحفاظ على شعرك في حالة ممتازة، وحمايته من التأثيرات الضارة للبيئة.
ضعي المنتج على شعر نظيف ورطب ثم جففيه. يمكنك أيضًا استخدامه على الشعر الجاف لإضفاء لمعان استثنائي. قومي بتصفيف شعرك كالمعتاد ولا تقومي بشطف المنتج.
GKhair Leave-in Conditioning Spray - بلسم بخاخ غير قابل
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I expected more from this product. The hair looks and feels the same as it does without using this product.
The spray is of very high quality. I liked everything, from the packaging to the effect.
This is a very good product, worth its price. I have curly hair, and when I want to have straight hair, it helps me with that.
I have already purchased my third jar of this conditioner, ONE LOVE❤️.
This product didn't work for me at all. It dries out my hair and makes it tangled afterwards.
The shampoo and conditioner (rinse-off) are really good, but this particular product is just strange.
The conditioner provides an incredible shine! Hair becomes smooth, less frizzy, and looks well-groomed and healthy.
I feel like this spray tangles and only makes my hair drier! I bought it following the conditioner from the same brand. The conditioner is very good, it really leaves my hair soft (when used with the Kerastase cream). But after using this spray, my hair becomes unmanageable, frizzy, and impossible to style properly! I am extremely disappointed and feel like I wasted my money!
Lightweight, tested in every possible way to withstand high temperatures without causing any damage to the hair. But most importantly, it doesn't leave the hair smelling like it for the next millennium.
I am extremely happy with my purchase! My hair has been bleached with a high oxidizer, and I have been using only professional products, but my hair still remained fluffy and became dry and dull on the second day. After using this spray, I finally saw the desired results - smooth and vibrant hair. I would like to add something for extra shine, but overall, the spray is very good! I will now try other products from this brand.
This hair care product is amazing. I recommend everyone to give it a try! It's perfect for me during the summer. I don't use a hairdryer at all in the summer. I love that I can spray the product on my hair and feel free. It nourishes and moisturizes my hair perfectly!
Absolutely no results for my curly hair. Just a waste of money. I do not recommend it((
This spray is perfect for styling curly hair. It effortlessly lifts the hair and adds volume. The curls look incredibly beautiful, are evenly formed, and don't frizz up. The hair doesn't become stiff or clumped together like with hairspray, and it's easy to comb through. I'm simply delighted, I haven't found a simpler way to tame my wild curls.
I will definitely buy it again. I use it on dry hair and they become smooth and manageable. It also smells amazing.
It definitely fulfills its purpose and is worth the money.
This is a good product that works wonders when applied to dry hair. They truly transform. However, when applied to wet hair, it is practically ineffective. It has a high consumption rate and is not worth the money.
I was expecting more, but it tends to make my hair a bit "dirty". The only positive thing about it is the scent. After using half of the bottle, I gave it to my mom. Now I'm currently testing Global liquid silk.
I really liked the spray conditioner. It quickly moisturizes and gives shine and smoothness to the hair. It smells very pleasant. I will continue to use it.
This product is excellent for my fine hair. It provides protection, care, and easy combing, and the best part is that it doesn't weigh down the hair.
I bought this product based on a consultant's recommendation and I am not disappointed. My thin hair has gained shine and softness, and it no longer tangles when I blow dry it. The best part is that it doesn't weigh my hair down. I will continue using this spray. Thank you.
This spray is very lightweight and does not weigh down the hair. It has a pleasant scent. I highly recommend it.