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ماركة: Odaban
السلسلة: مضاد للتعرق
نوع المنتج: مزيل العرق
خصائص المنتج: حماية من التعرق, لإزالة الرائحة, للمراهقين
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 30 ml
شكل مزيل العرق: رذاذ
منطقة التطبيق: للجسم
وقت التطبيق: ليلي
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية
بلد: بريطانية العظمى
صنع في: المانيا, بريطانيا
بخاخ مضاد التعرق الشامل من علامة أودابان يستهدف بشكل خاص وظيفة الغدد الدهنية وتجديد البشرة والعمليات الأيضية. هذا المنتج يزيل الروائح الكريهة مع مجموعة من العيوب ويمنع تكرارها طوال اليوم. تركيبته اللطيفة لا تسد المسام ولا تسبب تهيجًا أو احمرارًا. على العكس، فإنه يخفف من الالتهابات والانزعاج الناجم عن هذه المشكلات.
ميزات بخاخ أودابان:
- ينظم الإفراز لمنع التعرق المفرط؛
- يزيل مجموعة متنوعة من الروائح الكريهة؛
- يوفر شعورًا دائمًا بالنظافة والانتعاش والبرودة؛
- يتميز بمتانة عالية، دون الحاجة لإعادة الاستخدام حتى 24 ساعة؛
- مناسب للاستخدام على الإبطين، القدمين، الكفين، الظهر، والرقبة؛
- يأتي في زجاجة مدمجة تدوم من 6 إلى 12 شهرًا؛
- تم اختباره تحت إشراف أطباء الجلدية؛
- مناسب للرجال والنساء؛
- يمتلك خصائص مضادة للالتهابات وملطفة؛
- يمنع الاحتكاك والتهيج والاحمرار؛
- قوامه الخفيف ينتشر بالتساوي ويمتص بسرعة؛
- لا يترك لزوجة على البشرة أو بقايا على الملابس؛
- يحيد التأثير السلبي للعوامل الخارجية؛
- يجعل البشرة أكثر نعومة ومتانة؛
- يسرع عمليات الأيض وتجديد البشرة.-
1. قبل الاستخدام، اقرأ التعليمات التفصيلية داخل العبوة بعناية.
2. تأكد أن بشرتك جافة تمامًا قبل التطبيق. إذا لزم الأمر، استخدم القليل من بودرة التلك أو مجفف الشعر. انتظر على الأقل ساعة واحدة بعد الاستحمام قبل التطبيق.
3. ضع كمية صغيرة من المنتج على المناطق التي تعاني من المشكلة في المساء قبل النوم، عندما تكون في حالة استرخاء، على بشرة نظيفة وجافة.
4. في الصباح التالي، اغسل المنتج وجفف المناطق المعالجة.
5. ينصح باستخدام المنتج لمدة 7 أيام. عادةً ما يقل التعرق بعد بضعة أيام من الاستخدام، ولكن قد يستغرق تحقيق النتائج الكاملة عدة أسابيع. استمر في استخدام ODABAN® حتى يتوقف التعرق أو يقل بشكل كبير. بعد ذلك، يمكنك استخدام ODABAN® مرة إلى مرتين في الأسبوع للصيانة أو حسب الحاجة. مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة.
6. لا تستخدم مطهر ODABAN® أثناء النهار؛ دائمًا اغسله في الصباح.
7. أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لتهيج البشرة من مضاد التعرق هو الاستخدام المفرط. يوفر الفوهة المقياسية الدقيقة الكمية المناسبة على البشرة، مما يمنع التطبيق الزائد. ومع ذلك، إذا تم استخدام كمية كبيرة دفعة واحدة، فقد يسبب تهيج البشرة. في هذه الحالة، توقف عن الاستخدام لبضعة أيام وهدئ البشرة باستخدام كريم الهيدروكورتيزون.
8. لا ترش مباشرة على الوجه! ضع على الوجه باستخدام قطعة قطن أو مسحة.تحذير:
لا تستخدم مطهر ODABAN® أثناء النهار؛ دائمًا اغسله في الصباح.
أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لتهيج البشرة من مضاد التعرق هو الاستخدام المفرط. يوفر الفوهة المقياسية الدقيقة الكمية المناسبة على البشرة، مما يمنع التطبيق الزائد. ومع ذلك، إذا تم استخدام كمية كبيرة دفعة واحدة، فقد يسبب تهيج البشرة. في هذه الحالة، توقف عن الاستخدام لبضعة أيام وهدئ البشرة باستخدام كريم الهيدروكورتيزون.
لا ترش مباشرة على الوجه! ضع على الوجه باستخدام قطعة قطن أو مسحة.
Odaban Spray - رذاذ مضاد للتعرق عالمي
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I don't know if there is anything better than this product. It is best to use only for severe hyperhidrosis, as this product excessively dries out the skin and can even cause burns. However, it is super effective in fulfilling its purpose. Even if you sweat, there is no odor at all.
An effective solution that really works! I want to say that I highly recommend it to anyone who has significant unresolved issues with hyperhidrosis. Life changes with this product, especially the emotional state. Those who have this problem will understand me - it's like becoming free after a long period of emotional oppression. This is amazing!
I used to order the blue bottle before, everything was fine. This time I had to order the green one because it was the only one available. The new one cannot be used overnight. It lasts for a maximum of 2-3 hours, and then I have to wash it off because the burning sensation is very strong. It even starts to slightly tingle after about 10 minutes of application. It's impossible to endure until morning. I noticed that irritation and dryness of the skin appear not long after using it, and it also itches. I never experienced this with the blue bottle.
I was looking for a replacement for Dry Dry. This product completely fulfills its purpose. It doesn't have any smell for 5 days. Dry sometimes caused inflammation, itching, and burning, but with this one, there are no problems at all. I am satisfied. The price is high, but it's worth it.
I tried this product for the first time. I don't like that it needs to be washed off and it stings when you apply it, but it's not a big issue. Overall, it's good and has no scent.
I didn't like it. I bought it as a replacement for my previous product, but I didn't notice any difference. Another thing that I didn't like is that you have to wash it off in the morning.
I purchased it in the blue packaging here. I am extremely disappointed, to say the least. First of all, the bottle does not contain the advertised amount in milliliters; there is less than even half of it. Secondly, it does not have the promised effects as advertised. It simply smells like a regular air freshener, although there is a slight effect similar to that of an air freshener.
This product is great and a worthy alternative to Dry-dry. I only need to use it once a week and I don't have to worry about odor or stains on my clothes. However, the spray bottle is not very convenient as the dispenser gets stuck after about six months, making it difficult to distribute the product evenly.
For me, this product is truly a must-have. I can't live without it anymore. I use it about every 5 days. It completely blocks any odor by 100%. If you sweat a lot, there might still be some humidity present, but it is significantly reduced. I have adapted to using it, and the key is to use it correctly. If you do, you will never smell bad again. Thank you, Makeup - you're the best! ♥️
I recommend it to everyone who has hyperhidrosis! You need to use it consistently for 7-10 days, and there will be results. After that, I use it once a week for maintenance. It's a lifesaver in the summer when you want to wear a t-shirt and don't want sweaty circles.
The effect is very weak. I applied it for three consecutive days, but any increased activity results in sweaty armpits, although there is almost no odor of sweat. Overall, I expected more for this price.
The product is not functioning.
I ordered a spray as an alternative to Dry Dry. I was surprised that it actually works just like Dry Dry. I would like to express my gratitude for the quick response and prompt delivery.
I bought the Odaban spray from the European Union and it feels like they just watered it down. There is no effect at all. I do not recommend buying it, it's a waste of money.
I highly recommend this deodorant as an alternative to Dry Dry. It is extremely effective. I use it twice a week and it lasts me a long time.
The product did its job just like most others, but it didn't have a nice scent or leave my underarms feeling super dry, so that was a bit disappointing. I couldn't really assess its effectiveness because I had to wash it off after just half an hour of application. My favorite remains drydry since it is both effective and comfortable to use.
I'm not sure if it works or not, but when I sprayed it for the first time, it started to burn and sting. I followed the instructions exactly, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. It's hard to endure this discomfort.
Works perfectly! I am very satisfied with it. However, it is important to use it carefully according to the instructions. Special thanks to the career for their attentiveness and politeness.
This product is really cool, and I am very satisfied with it. I haven't used anything better than this before! The most important thing is to follow the instructions carefully.
This product is amazing. I have been using it for over 5 years. It is advisable not to shave your underarms 4 days prior to using the product. Before applying it, make sure to thoroughly wash your underarms and dry them completely. This way, the application process is painless and the effect lasts for up to 10 days.
A fantastic product. I have excessive sweating, and my underarms are constantly wet in both winter and summer. I always tried to wear dark, baggy clothes to hide sweat stains. I tried all sorts of remedies: Dry-dry, Vichy, zinc ointment, and many others. But all these remedies either didn't help at all, or provided temporary relief and caused dependence, leaving white marks on clothes that couldn't be washed out. When I ordered Odaban, I wasn't really hopeful that it would help me. But OH MY GOODNESS, it did help. After the first application, my underarms were dry the next day. I was afraid that this product would cause dependence and stop working, like with Vichy, but no, I've been using this product for 3 years now and I no longer feel self-conscious about sweat stains under my arms. Now, even in 40°C heat, my underarms stay dry. In winter, I use Odaban once every two weeks, and in summer, once a week. And by the way, I no longer need to buy deodorants because no sweat means no odor. The key is to apply it wisely - in the evening on dry, clean, UNSHAVED underarms for a MINIMUM of 3 DAYS (this is important, otherwise you won't be able to sleep due to itching and burning), and everything works perfectly.
I am extremely satisfied with the product, and the delivery was top-notch! Bravo! Thank you! I highly recommend everyone to use the makeup.com.ua app or website.
This is an excellent product for people who sweat a lot. Especially in the summer, this spray comes in handy very often. It eliminates unpleasant odor, so you can walk around knowing that everything is fine.
I have been using this antiperspirant for several years now. It performs exceptionally well, even in the hottest weather. The delivery from the store is super fast.
It's a pity that I still have to give one star. I wouldn't give any at all.
This product is awful. It didn't help at all. The skin between my fingers on my hands wrinkled, started peeling, and itched horribly. I wake up at night from intense itching. In some areas, the skin started peeling severely, to the point of open wounds and bleeding.
I bought this product at the beginning of this month and received it with a manufacturing date of 04/19, so it has been more than half past its expiration date, but that's okay, I noticed that from the start and decided to take it when the courier delivered it. I applied it according to the instructions and for 1.5 days, my armpits itched and irritated horribly. After that, I experienced the effect of dry armpits for 3 days. I have used many antiperspirants of this kind before, but they all caused itching and changed the smell of sweat for the worse. This product did not live up to my expectations.
The only product that helped with wet stains. I have already used three packages. It is advisable to apply the first application every day or every other day for a week. Then, it is enough to use it once a week to maintain the effect. Under no circumstances should it be applied to freshly shaved areas, as it will cause a strong burning sensation.
The product was delivered quickly. I ordered an underarm spray. I have been using it for a week, but every other day. The first two times it stung a little, but then it stopped. I don't know how it will be in the future, but I find it hard to believe that my underarms are dry. Whether it's summer or winter, my clothes under my arms were always wet. I just can't believe that the spray helped. If it continues like this, it's a super spray.
I have been using this product for about 5 years now. I have tried many different ones, but this is the only one that I really like. I highly recommend it, and would rate it 20 out of 10.
I have been using the Odaban antiperspirant since 2011 and I really like it.
I follow the instructions and use it before bedtime. On the second day after applying it, I experience a slight itchiness. I have checked it three times, but it still itches. In terms of effectiveness, it lasts for two days before the effect wears off.
I didn't buy the first two bottles here. I bought the next two here. I've been using it for 5 years with breaks for the birth of my child (although there are no contraindications, but I decided not to take risks). Believe it or not, but each time the break between uses increases by a week for me! Last time, it lasted for 3 months of the product's effectiveness! Then I had to take a break. Just use it correctly, or else there will be burns.
This is really awesome!! I am very satisfied. I spray it once a week and that's it.
The money was wasted - it didn't help.
I have been using Odaban for 2 years and it is the best product for sweaty armpits! My whole family uses it. It even helps me during the summer! I have simply forgotten about the existence of regular deodorants!
Yes, at first there was a slight itch, but it is temporary and quite tolerable, it did not cause any discomfort for me. Especially when the result appears! The main thing is to use it correctly - not at night, but after a shower on dry armpits. Now I use it no more than once a week.
I can't believe I lived without this antiperspirant before! This is my first product and I made the right choice. It works 100%, personally I have had 7 days of complete comfort today. When applied correctly and following all instructions, there is no discomfort whatsoever.
An important point, for hyperhidrosis, examine your body: the thyroid gland, hormones, general blood test; the cause may be related to this. In my case, everything is fine, the cause of hyperhidrosis is nerves and VSD.
Never! Listen, NEVER apply it to freshly shaved armpits! It is unbearable to endure! I had to get up in the middle of the night and wash it off! I couldn't forget and fall asleep! Otherwise, it is an excellent product! I recommend it!
It didn't help me at all. My skin itches terribly because of it, even though I followed all the instructions.
I have been using it every summer for about 7 years. It's my lifesaver. I remember how I used to order it from Amazon. It's great that now it's available on Make up.
This is the best product that helps with excessive sweating. I couldn't find any alternatives. Crystals or any standard antiperspirants didn't help, my underarms stayed wet. But this product exceeded all expectations. It's dry and odorless.
Yes, it burns a lot, really brings tears to your eyes, so apply it only late in the evening before bed, at least 1 hour after showering, and every two to three days. Otherwise, you'll have red underarms and severe irritation. But if you follow the recommendations, you'll stay dry for 4 days!
I have been using this antiperspirant for about 7 years now, using it once or twice a week. One bottle lasts my mom and me for 2 years. Sometimes, there is a slight itchiness and burning sensation, but it goes away by lunchtime.
Hello. I've just started using this product. Based on my initial impressions, it seems to be helpful. However, after 4 days of use, I started experiencing constant itching and burning. Can anyone advise if there is something I can do about this, or is it an unavoidable side effect?
I bought this antiperspirant and unfortunately, I am completely disappointed. I hesitated to make the purchase due to the relatively high price, but then I decided to give it a try. Last year, I had Etiaxil, but I couldn't use it because it caused a strong burning sensation and itching. With this antiperspirant, I also experience these unpleasant sensations, especially itching. Even though I follow all the instructions. Additionally, it only keeps the effect for a couple of days.
It does not last more than 4 days.
This is a great thing! Just one use and forget about the standard deodorant. Before, I used a dry one, which was good, of course, but Odaban is much better and worth its money. A separate THANK YOU and a thousand kisses to the store! Everything is as always top-notch!!! Love you, darlings!!!!
This is the best product for sweat control. I have also tried Dry Dry, which is half the price but much worse than Odaban. After using it 3-4 times, I don't sweat at all and there is no odor.
I just received my package. The product itself is excellent, and I have been using it for many years already. However, I am disappointed because the aerosol spray in the photo is of a new type, but the courier brought me the old one, which gets clogged and doesn't allow me to fully utilize the product - that's why they replaced them (((
The expiration date is indicated until December 2018.
P.S. I took a photo of what was sent to me, with the monitor screen displaying what is offered on the website. There is an "add image" function, but the photo is not being added....
For those who want to get rid of underarm sweat, this is the PERFECT product.
I have been using it for 4 years already. I spray it once every 10 days in winter and once a week in summer. No sweat, no odor - NOTHING.
It's a magical product - I can't live without it anymore)))
The main thing is not to use it on freshly shaved armpits - it will cause irritation and itching. There might also be a slight itch when you first start using it - but it goes away. I sincerely recommend it.
Everything is great, delivered quickly, and the product is amazing. I want to say to those who have a problem with excessive sweating, mine was so awful that wet marks would seep through my sweater onto my down jacket, and in the summer, I couldn't wear anything with sleeves, only open clothing. I've been using Odaban for 2 years now, and the problem is completely gone. It feels so wonderful to be dry and there is no odor of sweat at all. After just 3 uses, you almost completely stop sweating. It lasts for at least half a year, or even 8 months.
Excellent at combating excessive sweating and odor. The results exceeded expectations.
I highly recommend Odaban to everyone! It is simply a lifesaver! I have already ordered my second bottle, and the previous one lasted me for a year, and it could have lasted even longer, but the sprayer broke, resulting in more product being used because I applied it with cotton pads. However, the manufacturer started producing the product with a new sprayer, so I hope this time everything will be fine.
Odaban handles its task perfectly, I have already forgotten what it's like to have sweat stains on clothes and unpleasant odors. It also doesn't leave any marks on clothes, which helps them maintain a good appearance for a longer time.
The first time, I hesitated whether it was worth buying because it was expensive and uncertain if it would work, but now I am very happy that I still bought it. I wouldn't exchange it for anything else!
This is an amazing product for dealing with excessive sweating. I'm buying it for the second time. It doesn't cause any problems, only pleasant emotions :) and one bottle lasts for about a year :)
Great product. We bought it for my husband and he likes it. It really protects against sweat and odor. I recommend it.
I ordered it for my boyfriend, and he only uses this one! He has tried many antiperspirants and he says this one is the best! Thank you, Maycap, for providing such quality service! It's always a pleasure to deal with professionals!
I'm so glad I found this product! I forgot what it's like to have sweaty underarm stains. I apply it twice a week. At first, it caused some itching, but then I started spraying it once on each underarm, and the itching stopped. I haven't noticed any increased sweating in other areas, everything is fine :)
I still can't understand why I didn't buy this product before. I always suffered from excessive sweating. No antiperspirants could handle the horrible smell of sweat. But this miracle remedy saved me. The instructions say that the treatment course is 7 days, and I only applied this product once strictly according to the instructions at night, and it lasted me for 6 days! And during that time, I also visited the sauna and worked out at the gym. I am capable! And so is my clothing too)))
Amazing product! I have been using it for several years now. It is important to follow the schedule and application rules. Even though it keeps my body dry, it's still advisable to use a regular deodorant. I highly recommend it.
My husband and I have been using this product for many years. It is very helpful, and we noticed visible results from the first application. We were particularly pleased with the spray dispenser, as it has made applying the product much more convenient.
It really helped me, although according to the instructions, I was supposed to use it for 7 consecutive days, but I only lasted for 5 days. I had a terrible itch!!! I even woke up at night because of it! But it's worth it! I don't sweat at all! Now I use it once a week! (I still have to endure the itch...) But at least I don't worry about my clothes))) I can wear them multiple times! There is absolutely NO smell of sweat!!!! I recommend it to everyone!!!
Girls, I have been buying this product for summer for 2 years in a row - it's simply a lifesaver! It is perfect for those who have a more intense sweating problem during hot weather, and regular antiperspirants just don't provide enough protection. This product really helps!