مقص أظافر مع جزء تقطيع 3 مم KM-00-3 Staleks
- تفاصيل المنتج
- الوصف
- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: Staleks Pro
السلسلة: smart
نوع المنتج: مقص
خصائص المنتج: للطبقة الظفرية
الحجم: 1 عنصر.
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: احترافية
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
تمثل أدوات العناية بالأظافر من الشركة الأوكرانية Stalex نهجًا شخصيًا في تصميم كل منتج. بفضل هذه الميزة، يمكنك الثقة في متانة وفعالية هذه المنتجات. قم بشراء مقصات الأظافر وستختبر بنفسك فوائد الأدوات التجميلية الاحترافية.
تعتبر المقصات ذات الحافة القاطعة بطول 3 مم الخيار الأكثر شيوعًا في أوروبا. فهي سهلة الاستخدام للغاية، مما يتيح لك قص الجلد حول الأظافر بسهولة دون التسبب في أي ضرر أو إصابة لأصابعك. الأداة مصنوعة من الفولاذ الطبي عالي الجودة، وهو نفس النوع المستخدم في تصنيع الأدوات الجراحية. يتم شحذ الحافة القاطعة بعجلة ماسية يدوية، مما يطيل بشكل كبير من عمرها الافتراضي.
بفضل المعدات المتقدمة والمواد الممتازة، تعتبر مقصات Stalex الخيار المفضل لأخصائيي العناية بالأظافر المحترفين.
الحجم: الطول - 10.5 سم، طول الحافة القاطعة - 3 ممالمواد: فولاذ مقاوم للصدأ
امسح الأداة وظفرك بمحلول مطهر. افتح المقصات وقم بقص الأظافر بعناية حسب الحاجة.
Staleks - مقص أظافر مع جزء تقطيع 3 مم KM-00-3
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Sharp and very convenient to use! I am satisfied!
I am satisfied with my purchase. These are my first nail clippers, as I have always used scissors before. I decided to try nail clippers for my at-home manicures. They are very sharp, but I need more practice using them because it is easy to accidentally injure myself.
The pliers are very convenient to use and fit well in the hand. The cutting blade is of the perfect shape and size for me. I am very satisfied with the purchase.
The clippers are very comfortable to hold, very sharp, and still have some grease left from production. I tried cutting with them, but I haven't done a manicure yet. I really liked them.
"The pliers were pleasing."
After using these clippers, all my fingers were bleeding. I do not recommend them.
I only used it once. They are very sharp and convenient for me. I liked them.
Thank you for the fast delivery. They cut well.
Unfortunately, they broke quickly, despite not being used very actively.
Excellent, comfortable, and sharp.
The clippers are excellent, with a 3mm blade perfect for at-home manicures. They are very convenient, and I managed to achieve well-groomed cuticles right from the first use. Thank you, Makeup, for the prompt delivery.
Good, sharp, and comfortable.
I bought the exact same ones but in 5 mm, and they were horrible. I wasted my money on them. Before that, I had two pairs of Stalex, but I won't be getting Stalex again, ever.
Very good! I highly recommend them!
These clippers are excellent! They cut well and are comfortable to hold in the hand.
These pliers are very good, sharp. I am satisfied.
Thank you, Make up, for your promptness! You are the best!
As for the cuticle trimmers, they are very convenient and sharp tools! I was choosing between these two: smart 10 (NS-10-3) and smart 50 (N5-10-03), based on their shape.
The cutting parts are the same, the only difference is in the handles. These ones have straighter handles and they fit more comfortably in a small hand.
I bought them to remove cuticles - and I am thrilled with the results!
These are absolutely fantastic!!!
These clippers are great! They are sharp and cut exactly what you need. Working with them is a pleasure, and the results are satisfying - nails look very neat.
I have been using them for almost a year! They are really cool! Thank you so much)