معجون أسنان "ماكس شاين" Colgate MaxWhite
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ماركة: Colgate
السلسلة: max white
نوع المنتج: معجون الأسنان
خصائص المنتج: تبييض, تنظيف, ضد التسوس
الحجم: 75 ml
المكونات: الجلسرين
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: الولايات المتحدة الامريكية
صنع في: الصين, بولندا
أضف إشراقة لابتسامتك مع معجون الأسنان كولجيت ماكس وايت. يتميز هذا المنتج بتركيبة تحتوي على بلورات دقيقة تذوب أثناء التفريش، مما يعيد لأسنانك بياضها الطبيعي. يحتوي على الكمية المناسبة من الفلورايد لتعزيز مينا الأسنان بفعالية، مما يساعد على الوقاية من التسوس وتراكم الجير.
مميزات معجون الأسنان كولجيت ماكس وايت المبيض بالبلورات:
- يتمتع بنكهة النعناع المنعشة؛
- يزيل الأوساخ المتراكمة واللويحات البكتيرية؛
- يزيل البقع وتغير اللون من سطح الأسنان بفعالية؛
- يوفر تلميعاً ناعماً؛
- يضمن تبييضاً لطيفاً دون الإضرار بالمينا؛
- يساعد في منع رائحة الفم الكريهة؛
- لا يسبب تهيجاً للثة؛
- يترك شعوراً بالنظافة والانتعاش.-
تنظيف أسنانك بالفرشاة يساعد في إزالة البلاك والبكتيريا التي تتكون باستمرار على أسنانك وحول لثتك. إذا لم يتم إزالتها بانتظام، يمكن أن يؤدي البلاك إلى تسوس الأسنان وحتى أمراض اللثة. يمكن لتقنية التفريش الصحيحة أن تحمي أسنانك من التسوس والأمراض. اتبع هذه الخطوات:
الخطوة 1: ابدأ بتنظيف السطوح الخارجية لأسنانك. خذ وقتك! قم بتنظيف الأسنان العلوية بلطف أولاً، ثم الأسنان السفلية. بعد ذلك، انتقل إلى السطوح الداخلية لأسنانك.
احرص على أن تكون زاوية فرشاة الأسنان 45 درجة. نظف على طول خط اللثة لإزالة أي بلاك أو بقايا طعام. ولا تنسَ تنظيف السطوح الطاحنة لأسنانك أيضًا.
الخطوة 2: قم بتنظيف لسانك للحفاظ على نفس منعش وإزالة البكتيريا المسببة للرائحة.
الخطوة 3: استخدم غسول الفم لتقليل تكوّن البكتيريا والحفاظ على نفس منعش لأطول فترة ممكنة.
الخطوة 4: ينصح أطباء الأسنان باستخدام خيط الأسنان في كل مرة تقوم فيها بالتفريش لإزالة بقايا الطعام من المناطق التي يصعب الوصول إليها.
الخطوة 5: تذكر استبدال فرشاة أسنانك كل ثلاثة أشهر لضمان فعالية النظافة الفموية.
Colgate MaxWhite - معجون أسنان "ماكس شاين"
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I really liked the toothpaste. I have tried whitening toothpastes before, both the ones that cost 300 and 500, from professional lines in Italy and Spain, but this toothpaste doesn't cause any sensitivity (which was unexpected for me) and it actually whitens my teeth. With all the other toothpastes, I would experience sensitivity after 2-3 brushings, which would last for days even during the night.
I have been using this toothpaste for many years. It effectively whitens and cleans my teeth. It truly removes coffee stains, for example. It has a pleasant scent and a very small amount goes a long way, so it lasts for a long time.
I consistently purchase this toothpaste. It truly whitens, effectively removes plaque, and leaves a long-lasting feeling of freshness. The consumption is minimal, one tube lasts for six months. Additionally, there is no increased sensitivity or enamel "porosity" as experienced with other whitening toothpastes. I can comfortably drink coffee without worrying about the color of my teeth.
We are not taking it for the first time, everything is satisfactory.
Favorite toothpaste! Highly recommend!
I buy it constantly! Satisfaction to the fullest! I highly recommend it!
Decent toothpaste for its price.
The toothpaste that my family and I have been using for years. It whitens, foams nicely, has a thick consistency, and a pleasant minty flavor.
The quality of the products and customer service is top-notch. As always, they are doing a great job.
The formula has changed. The taste has also changed (if produced in Poland). If you were accustomed to the previous version, you might be disappointed (I personally did not like it).
I am satisfied with the product.
I am satisfied with the product! It is soft and gentle on the gums.
This is a decent toothpaste that I am satisfied with. Thank you.
A decent toothpaste.
This toothpaste is really great, I will definitely order more!
The toothpaste is good and suitable for me. Thank you for the fast delivery, I will order again.
I really like it.
Very pleasant taste of mint. Cleans well.
This toothpaste is excellent. It cleans well and leaves a long-lasting feeling of freshness.
I didn't like it.
It cleans poorly and leaves residue.
The taste and smell are pleasant.
The pasta is excellent, I highly recommend buying it)))
After starting to use this toothpaste, my tooth sensitivity has increased. The taste is pleasant.
This toothpaste is great! It's not spicy and has a pleasant scent.
The pasta is awful, it leaves a strange taste in my mouth, not mint or menthol, but something I can't even identify. It feels heavy like shampoo, yuck! I will never buy it again.
Good pasta. I highly recommend it!
The pasta is just like any other pasta. Inside, there are fun sparkles.
Good value for money, this pasta is enjoyable and refreshing. I highly recommend it!
My favorite toothpaste from the Colgate series! I highly recommend it for purchase.
Our favorite toothpaste. It has a moderate minty flavor that leaves a refreshing feeling after use. It effectively cleans and provides a sense of cleanliness. It is also very economical to use. The packaging is beautiful and the convenient flip-top cap makes it easy to open. The toothpaste itself is visually appealing with fun square patterns. Whenever possible, we order several tubes at once.
The pasta is good and pleasant, with a slight minty flavor. I bought it based on my dentist's recommendation. I have no complaints and I always buy it in bulk for backup. It has cool square particles in it. It's a pleasure to use and the bright packaging adds to the enjoyment.
This pasta with the delicate meat flavor is excellent.
I have been using this toothpaste for over two years now. It does a great job of cleaning and has a very pleasant taste, similar to chewing gum. The only thing that concerns me is the composition. That's why I try to switch to more natural products.
This toothpaste is pretty good. It has a pleasant taste and cleans well. As for whitening, I can't say anything yet because I just started using it.
I really enjoyed the pasta.
The packaging is slightly different from what we have in our stores. I ordered it because there is nothing better for whitening and freshness for me. A big plus is the cap.
This toothpaste is excellent, my son uses it. Everything is suitable. It does not have an aggressive whitening effect, but it maintains oral hygiene. It has a nice smell.
A decent toothpaste. I didn't experience any wow effect of whitening, but I wasn't expecting it either. It has a pleasant refreshing taste and foams up quite strongly, although this may result in using it up more quickly. As an option for variety, you could purchase it.
It fits perfectly, thank you! Highly recommended!
No toothpaste whitens my teeth like this one. I have tried various toothpastes, but my teeth always remain yellow, so I always come back to this one.
This is an awesome toothpaste.
The toothpaste foams nicely and has a pleasant mint flavor. Of course, a toothpaste that costs 26 UAH won't whiten your teeth, but it does clean them well. I alternate it with Lacalut.
I really liked this toothpaste. It is excellent for its price.
This is an ordinary toothpaste with a refreshing mint taste. It is reasonably priced.
I absolutely love this toothpaste, and I have been using it for many years.
The pasta is wonderful, thank you for the little gift in the form of a fridge magnet notepad with the Colgate logo.
I love your brand. The taste is pleasant, the teeth whitening is good, and the price is reasonable. A big and very pleasant surprise for me was the magnet as a gift from your campaign. Thank you.
And the makeup is really great. The courier delivered everything quickly, and the website is excellent. Thank you for the high-quality work.
Does not whiten. Cleans like regular toothpaste.
Good quality affordable toothpaste. Gives a refreshing feeling of clean teeth all day long. Colgate is the best!
Taste-wise, it is pleasant and it cleans well, but it doesn't really do a great job at whitening. I used it regularly for a month, but I didn't notice any whitening effect. Nonetheless, the toothpaste is gentle. It doesn't burn and is even suitable for sensitive gums.
Excellent toothpaste for the price. It has a pleasant mint flavor that refreshes for a long time and is also economical to use. I highly recommend it.
I really like this pasta. I have tried different ones, but I always come back to this one. It is pleasantly not overly sweet, and it cleanses and refreshes well. I will definitely purchase it again.
This pasta is an affordable option, but it exceeds expectations in terms of quality. It has a very pleasant scent that lasts throughout the day. I highly recommend it!
Great value for the price! I highly recommend it.
Great toothpaste. It foams well, very economical, has a sweet mint taste and smell, not overpowering. It doesn't harm my sensitive teeth, cleans and refreshes well. I bought it not for whitening purposes, but to maintain the natural whiteness of my teeth and because it contains less fluoride than similar toothpastes. It fulfills its purpose. I previously bought a natural toothpaste here for 80 UAH, but for some reason it significantly damaged my teeth. I don't know what didn't work, maybe my teeth prefer chemicals more than natural products)))) This toothpaste restored everything and maintains it at the proper level. Perfect for me. Happy shopping)))
I love this toothpaste, it provides a pleasant freshness.
This toothpaste is amazing! It cleanses really well, and I absolutely love the feeling of freshness it gives me. I will definitely continue to purchase it in the future.
I always purchase this product, and I really like it.
Excellent toothpaste, especially considering the low price for 100ml. It foams well and is economical (you only need a pea-sized amount for use!), with a pleasant scent. Thank you to MakeUp for the birthday money bonus, such gifts are very pleasant)) And as always, gratitude to the courier. Everything is impeccable!
Excellent toothpaste! It's perfect for my sensitive teeth! Special thanks to the Make Up company couriers for the prompt delivery, everything is always at the highest level!