صابون كريم مغذي "البطيخ" أسرار لذيذة
- تفاصيل المنتج
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: فكوصنيي سيكريتي
السلسلة: العناية بالجسم
نوع المنتج: صابون
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, تنشيط
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 500 ml
نوع الصابون: صابون كريمي
شكل الكونسيلر: سائلة, كريم
المكونات: الزيوت, اللانتوين, بانثينول, بيتاين, جوز الهند, حمض الستريك, زيت الخروع, مستخلصات الفاكهة
منطقة التطبيق: لليدين
وقت التطبيق: نهاري
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
تم تصميم صابون الكريم "البطيخ" لتوفير حماية فعّالة ضد البكتيريا، وتغذية عميقة للبشرة، ومظهر مشذب لليدين. يتحوّل قوامه الغني إلى رغوة عطرية لطيفة تحت الماء الجاري، ويقدم خصائص مضادة للالتهابات، ومضادة للميكروبات، ومطهرة. ينظف بلطف الشوائب والزيوت الزائدة مع الحفاظ على توازن درجة الحموضة للبشرة دون تجفيفها بشكل مفرط.
يعتمد هذا الصابون على مستخلص البطيخ، حيث يغني البشرة بمزيج من الفيتامينات (A، C، B5، B9، PP) والمعادن، ويرطبها، ويدعم تجديد ألياف الكولاجين، ويكافح شيخوخة البشرة المبكرة، ويوفر حماية ضد أشعة الشمس فوق البنفسجية.
تُعزز خصائص الصابون المغذية والمرطبة بفضل الجلسرين، الألانتوين، ودي-بانثينول. تُكوّن هذه المكونات حاجزًا واقيًا على البشرة ضد التأثيرات البيئية الضارة، وتعزز تجديد البشرة، وتساعد في الاحتفاظ بالرطوبة في خلايا الجلد لفترة طويلة. يحافظ على نظافة اليدين باستخدام صابون الكريم "البطيخ"، ويُحمي بشكل فعّال ضد الميكروبات، ويمنح البشرة لونًا صحيًا وثباتًا ومرونة ولمسة حريرية.
طريقة الاستخدام: مناسب للنظافة اليومية.
المكونات الفعّالة: مستخلص البطيخ، الجلسرين، الألانتوين، دي-بانثينول
للاستخدام اليومي للنظافة.
أسرار لذيذة - صابون كريم مغذي "البطيخ"
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Decent Soap
I really liked the quality of this product. The scent, however, is not long-lasting and barely noticeable. I can detect a hint of melon. The dispenser is convenient. The consistency is good, not too watery or thick. It foams well. The bottle is attractive.
I was expecting a melon scent, but instead, I got some kind of cucumber scent. The soap is not liquid, but it's suitable for hand washing. However, the dispenser is weak, it started leaking after 2 days. I won't be ordering more. But the MAKEUP service is excellent. The courier is great.
I was expecting a more intense fragrance. Unfortunately, my expectations were not met. However, I would like to thank Makeup for their great service.
The soap is ordinary and not very liquid. However, it completely lacks the scent of melon.
I have tried this product with strawberries before, and in both cases, the dispenser was not good. However, the gel itself is decent and has an original appearance. Unfortunately, the overall impression is ruined due to the faulty dispenser.
This product is really great, and it has an amazing scent!
Excellent, I have been purchasing this product multiple times for almost a year now.
This jar is really nice. I love the cute design from this series. The scent is pleasant, although not very strong, and it doesn't foam too much. However, overall, it corresponds well to its price.
I bought this soap last year and really liked it. However, over the course of the year, the soap has gone bad (the fault of the manufacturer :( ). The color is not as vibrant and the scent is not as rich. I have no complaints about the makeup, though. The delivery was fast and everything was packaged very neatly.
The soap smells delicious and the scent lingers for a long time. When you wash your hands, the whole bathroom smells nice. However, it is not economical because when you press the dispenser, it pours out double the necessary amount of soap, even with a slight press.
Beautiful packaging, pleasant scent, does not dry out the skin on hands. I highly recommend it.
It smells like a watermelon! I will definitely buy more at this price. It foams really well.
I have ordered this product multiple times. It is genuinely nice and pleasant. It has a real watermelon scent. For its price, it is simply superb!
Good soap, it's simply excellent for the price. It has a pleasant delicate scent, and my daughter liked it as well.
This soap is awesome, it has an appetizing design, and it looks great as a decoration for the bathroom))
It's worth a try! Very unusual. I use it for my child as a bath foam, and it brings so much joy: the foam is long-lasting, and the scent fills the whole bathroom. The quality of washing can be criticized, but nonetheless, I have already bought it for the second time (the first purchase was a pomegranate soap, heavenly smell, and the bottle is also convenient).
The product has proven its worth. I diluted it with water, and even after that, it did not lose its properties.
The soap is just like any other soap, nothing special about it, and the scent is weak. Considering the price, I didn't expect much more from it in the first place.
I didn't like it, it's too liquid and doesn't foam well.