رغوة حمام الكوكتيل "Cherry Delight" أسرار لذيذة Energy of Vitamins
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ماركة: Energy of Vitamins
السلسلة: العناية بالجسم
نوع المنتج: رغوة الحمام
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, تنشيط
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
الحجم: 800 ml
المكونات: الألوة فيرا, اللانتوين, حمض الستريك, زيت الخروع, زيت الزيتون, طحالب بحرية
وقت التطبيق: نهاري
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
استرخِ وانقل نفسك إلى بستان كرز مشمس في فصل الصيف. استنشق العطر الحلو والغني واترك أحلامك تحلق مع رغوة "Cherry Delight" للاستحمام. يتحول هذا المنتج العطري إلى رغوة ناعمة تدوم طويلاً، تشارك بشرتك التركيبة الغنية بالمعادن والفيتامينات الموجودة في الكرز، مما يوفر ترطيبًا مكثفًا، وتأثيرات منعشة، وتحسينًا في ملمس البشرة.
بفضل الأحماض العضوية الموجودة في الكرز، تساعد الرغوة في تنظيم توازن الزيوت وتذويب الزهم الزائد، مما يساهم في تقليل ظهور البثور. معزز بمستخلصات الألوفيرا، وعشب البحر، وفيتامين E، وزيت الزيتون، والألانتوين، يوفر المنتج ترطيبًا إضافيًا وتغذية وتجديد للبشرة، مما يساعد في الحفاظ على الرطوبة لفترة أطول ومكافحة الجفاف والتقشر والشيخوخة المبكرة. يمنحك الاستحمام برغوة "Cherry Delight" بشرة شابة، مرطبة، ناعمة، مرنة ومشدودة، بينما يرفع من حالتك المزاجية ويزيد من استمتاعك بملذات الحياة.-
قم بإذابة كمية صغيرة من الرغوة تحت الماء الجاري.
أسرار لذيذة Energy of Vitamins - رغوة حمام الكوكتيل "Cherry Delight"
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It foams well and has a pleasant scent.
The foam has a really nice cherry scent. It foams up nicely. A great product for its price.
It foams well, but there is no scent.
The quality varies poorly, and the scent does not last long.
It does not foam very well and is very wasteful. The scent is nice, but not strong enough and disappears in the bathtub. Overall, it is suitable for relaxation in the bath.
When using the product, the foam quickly disappears and the scent is not long-lasting.
The scent is pleasant, but it only smells when in the jar and doesn't produce much foam.
It doesn't foam very well, but it's decent for its price. The packaging is completely different, but that's not a problem! However, it only smells when it's in the jar.
It quickly disappears, but the scent is superb.
The jar smells great, but the scent dissipates in the bathroom. The product has an average consumption rate. However, it arrived in a different design, which differs from the one shown on the website.
I really liked the smell! You only need a small amount of liquid for the foam, so the consumption is low.
Great foam, amazing smell, foams up really well.
The smell is fantastic.
The scent is pleasant, it foams quite well, but mainly only at the beginning when the stream hits the gel in the water.
I received this makeup foam as a gift. It has a delightful scent and foams up very well. I highly recommend giving it a try!
Very delicious in smell. Thank you!
The fragrance is pleasantly sweet, just like jam.
The scent is incredible and there is a lot of foam.
The scent is absolutely amazing, and it creates a lot of foam. I highly recommend it. The makeup application is top-notch, as always, and the courier in our city is simply wonderful.
The scent of cherry in this product is truly authentic, with a pleasantly strong and tangy aroma. As someone who absolutely loves this fragrance, I give it a 5-star rating. However, considering that the foam of this product is not very strong, somewhere between a 2 and a 3, I would give it an overall rating of 4 with a slight drawback. It can be used for washing hands, feet, and so on. The scent only becomes noticeable during the process, which adds to the experience.
Great foam! And this cherry scent is simply unimaginable! The foam is strong and doesn't disappear too quickly, unlike many other foams.
I really liked the scent, and the foam lasts a long time.
This is a very high-quality bath foam, and I highly recommend it. Taking a bath with this product is an absolute pleasure!
The quality is excellent, the service is top-notch, and the delivery is at its highest level. I wish you success!
You should definitely get it. You won't regret it!
Based on the reviews from this series, I chose the cherry gel. The price is fantastic and it comes in a large volume. It foams very well! And the scent... It's incredibly delicious, not artificial at all, reminiscent of "Roshen" cherry candies.
The foam is long-lasting and has a pleasant scent. Rating - 5.