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ماركة: لينيا HandMade
السلسلة: handmade
نوع المنتج: زيت للشعر
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, تغذية
الحجم: 5 ml
المكونات: أفوكادو, الكيراتين
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
شهادات خاصة: cruelty free
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع الشعر: جميع أنولع الشعر
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
الأفوكادو غني بالبروتينات والفيتامينات والدهون، مما يوفر تأثيرًا مذهلاً على البشرة والشعر. زيت الأفوكادو من فارما جروب هو منتج طبيعي عالي الجودة يتم الحصول عليه من مواد خام صديقة للبيئة. يُوصى بإضافته إلى الشامبو لتحقيق تأثيرات تجديد وتنشيط. يساعد المنتج في استعادة هيكل الشعر التالف، ويغذي خلايا الشعر والبشرة بفاعلية ويرطبها، ويقوي بصيلات الشعر. يجعل الزيت خصلات الشعر مرطبة ومرنة، مما يمنحها لمعانًا طبيعيًا فريدًا ونعومة، ويخلق حماية فعالة ضد الجفاف. كما أنه يسهل عملية تمشيط الشعر ويزيل الكهرباء الساكنة.
استخدم لإثراء الشامبو.
Very good oil. I add it to my shampoo and wash my hair - it leaves my hair soft, silky, and shiny. I am very satisfied. Thank you for your work.
I am trying the HandMade line for the first time and I have purchased a few oils. This oil is currently my favorite!
I use this product on my hair along with other oils, and the result is soft and shiny hair.
I really like this oil. I add it to balms with other components from this brand, and it makes my hair come alive, look more shiny, and easy to comb. I highly recommend it.
The oil is good, it nourishes and moisturizes the hair well, this is not the first time I've purchased it. However, I have a concern regarding the delivery. Out of the three oil jars, only one was intact and properly packaged. One was almost half spilled and seemed to have been used, while the other one had leaked. I couldn't thoroughly inspect them at the time, as both the courier and I were in a hurry. Unfortunately, the courier couldn't deliver the order at a convenient time for me (as specified during the checkout), so I had to catch him in a large residential area.
I did not buy it here, I purchased the entire series of oils, and it was a waste of money! They didn't help at all. Just regular water. It's just a marketing trick, nothing more. In our country, it's impossible to buy anything natural.
I also add a few drops to my shampoo, and my hair becomes soft and silky. It is easy to comb through, and it looks more lively, shiny, and well-groomed. It even seems like there are fewer split ends. Excellent!
The hair oil is amazing. I add it to my shampoo. It leaves my hair silky and smooth, as if I just came from a salon. I highly recommend it.