رذاذ الجسم الواقي من الشمس Eucerin Sun Spray Transparent SPF 50
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بدون قيود
ماركة: Eucerin
السلسلة: sun protection
نوع المنتج: بخاخ الجسم
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تغذية, حماية من الشمس
الحجم: 200 ml
مستوى الحماية: spf 50
المكونات: حمض الساليسيليك, حمض الهيالورونيك, زبدة الشيا, فيتامين e
وقت التطبيق: نهاري
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية, مستحضرات التجميل الدرمي
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: بولندا
بخاخ الشمس الشفاف SPF 50 غني بعوامل الحماية الفعّالة من الأشعة UVA/UVB التي تحمي خلايا البشرة بعمق، مما يقي من الشيخوخة الضوئية وتلف الأنسجة الجلدية.
يوفر الجلسرين وظائف حماية استثنائية من خلال تشكيل طبقة حماية غير مرئية على سطح البشرة. يمنع الأشعة فوق البنفسجية الضارة التي تسبب الجفاف والتقشر والتهيج. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمنع البخاخ ظهور التجاعيد والبقع الصبغية. يحمي من الحروق والاحمرار. يساعد البخاخ في الحفاظ على لون بشرة جميل ودائم، مشجعًا على اكتساب لون برونزي متساوي. مكونات الترطيب في البخاخ تمنع جفاف خلايا البشرة وتجفافها، مما ينظم توازن الرطوبة في أنسجة البشرة.
المكونات المغذية والملطفة تجعل البشرة متينة ومرنة وناعمة كالحرير. مجموعة الفيتامينات تحيد تأثيرات الجذور الحرة التي تسبب الشيخوخة المبكرة وذبول البشرة.
ضع المنتج على بشرة نظيفة وجافة قبل التعرض للشمس بـ 15-20 دقيقة.
Eucerin Sun Spray Transparent SPF 50 - رذاذ الجسم الواقي من الشمس
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Good day, I didn't order it here, I bought it elsewhere. The disappointment was in this: the spray has a smell that is very overpowering for me (my partner also made a comment about it). It smells like old perfume to me. I highly recommend smelling it in person before purchasing!
I liked that this oil is water-based. It doesn't feel sticky and absorbs quickly.
Our favorite spray, very pleasant.
Excellent and high-level protection for the entire body. Our whole family uses it every vacation!))
This spray is a great find for our family! Especially my husband is thrilled with its ultra-light texture. The scent is very pleasant, and the protection is superb.
I first discovered this amazing product a couple of years ago, and since then I have been buying only this. It is the perfect sunscreen, lightweight, quickly absorbed (non-greasy), moisturizing, and most importantly, it can be used on the face.
I bought this product from a pharmacy before my trip to Africa. Maximum sun protection was of utmost importance to me, considering it was Africa. This cream exceeded my expectations. I didn't get sunburned at all, in fact, I didn't even get a tan (which was my intention). I applied it regularly. It doesn't leave any orange color on the skin - that claim is nonsense because the cream itself is transparent, only the bottle is orange.
I bought this sun protection spray once again. The bottles lasted for a week at the beach for a family of 4 - 2 adults and 2 children, with regular application. Nobody got sunburned. The children and my husband applied it on their face and body, while I only used it on my body. Our friends also used this product, but they applied it more frequently and generously - their skin remained very pale, while we got a slight tan. So, depending on the density and frequency of application, you can vary the degree of tanning. I am satisfied and will buy it again for our next vacation.
The texture matches the description, but it dyes clothes in an orange color.
Super 100% justifies its protection. We were on vacation in the Dominican Republic where the sun was scorching. I even applied it on my face and my child's face! It is an oil spray, but not greasy at all. It nourishes excellently and leaves no white residue like other creams with similar protection. The smell is pleasant, not overpowering. I highly recommend it as the price and quality are in line!
The product provides good protection from the sun, you just need to remember to spray it on. It doesn't leave a strong greasy feeling and absorbs quickly. However, it is inconvenient to hold the bottle with oily hands. Sometimes the pump gets stuck.
I'm not sure where to begin. This product provides good protection from the sun, so no issues there. However, there are several downsides. The main one is that it caused all of my white clothes to turn orange! Additionally, it is quite greasy and the pump doesn't work very well.
The product performed excellently in fulfilling its intended purpose. However, there is a strong alcohol scent present in the fragrance, which may not be appealing to everyone. Additionally, it was not very convenient to press the pump.