رغوة جل للاستحمام والحمام ''جوز الهند الكاريبي'' Body Resort Caribbean Coconut Bath & Shower Gel Coconut Extract
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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: Body Resort
السلسلة: caribbean coconut
نوع المنتج: جل الاستحمام
خصائص المنتج: ترطيب, تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
المكونات: جوز الهند
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
بلد: هولندا
صنع في: هولندا
حوّل حمّامك اليومي إلى تجربة علاجية فاخرة مع هذا المنتج الرائع من "ميدز كوزماتيكس"! يجمع بين فوائد جل الاستحمام ورغوة الحمام، ويضفي عليك عبيرًا رائعًا من جوز الهند، ليمنحك تنظيفًا لطيفًا واسترخاءً عميقًا. النتيجة؟ بشرة نظيفة تمامًا ومزاج مرتفع!
يتميز هذا المنتج المتعدد الاستخدامات بملمسه الكريمي ودرجة حموضة متوازنة، وهو غني بالمكونات النشطة المغذية. يقوم بإزالة الشوائب بكل سهولة دون أن يسبب تهيجًا أو جفافًا أو شدًا، بينما يحيط بشرتك بالعناية اللطيفة. يحتوي على مستخلصات جوز الهند والجوافة والكمثرى والمانجو والتين، مما يضفي على جل الاستحمام "بودي ريزورت كاريبيان" قدرة فائقة على ترطيب بشرتك وتنشيطها، لتشعر بالراحة والانتعاش.
مع الاستخدام المنتظم، يعزز هذا المنتج دفاعات بشرتك الطبيعية، مما يزيد من مقاومتها للعوامل الخارجية الضارة.
جل الاستحمام:
ضع كمية صغيرة من جل الرغوة على إسفنجة أو مباشرة على البشرة المبللة، ووزعها بالتساوي على جسمك. الحركات التدليكية اللطيفة ستعزز من تأثير التنظيف لجل الاستحمام. اشطفه بالماء الدافئ.رغوة الحمام:
صب كمية صغيرة من جل الرغوة في حوض الاستحمام تحت تيار من الماء الدافئ. انغمس في الحمام واسترخي. أنهِ العملية بتدليك خفيف للجسم. اشطف بالماء الدافئ.
Body Resort Caribbean Coconut Bath & Shower Gel Coconut Extract - رغوة جل للاستحمام والحمام ''جوز الهند الكاريبي''
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+ Pleasant rich coconut scent
+ Convenient to take on a trip
+ Skin feels smoother, doesn't dry out
- Still, gel is not foam, and that says it all
- Jar without a dispenser
- Small volume and price
The quality of the gel is good, but I will not repurchase it.
I am amazed, I have never seen such a gentle foam with any shower gel before. The skin feels moisturized, and this shower gel is perfect after a day at the beach. I enjoy using it as a bubble bath. The scent is summery, subtle, and pleasant. For the autumn, I bought a gel from the same series with a fig fragrance.
I agree with the girl's comment that the gel is decent, but I don't see any difference from a regular Fa product, so there's no point in overpaying. The fragrance is nice, not artificial.
The smell is bad, like spoiled coconut. In terms of its properties, it is no better than regular mass-market products.
The gel lathers well on a sponge. The skin doesn't feel tight after use. There is a light scent left on the body. The fragrance doesn't become annoying because it is close to natural, not intense, and subtle.
The price of 100 UAH for 250 ml is a bit confusing when you can buy a similar product for four times cheaper. The properties of the gels are the same, and both brands have decent scents, so I don't see the point in paying extra for bottles made in the Netherlands.
This product has a pleasant smell and does not dry out the skin.
Great quality gel, it foams well and washes off perfectly too! The scent is pleasant, subtle, and very close to natural. I am satisfied with my purchase. The composition is also pleasing! I adore the smell of coconut.
I really liked all the scents except for the Coconut Gel, it has a terrible smell, unfortunately. It moisturizes and cleanses excellently, but the smell ruins the whole experience.
The quality is decent, but there is absolutely no coconut scent. It won't be suitable for sensitive skin. I'll continue using it until I get tired of the lack of fragrance.
I had a great experience with this gel. We also tried using it as a bath foam, and it was also good. Both me and my children liked it, and the coconut scent lingers on the body and in the bathroom for a long time after use. The fact that it doesn't contain parabens and sulfates is a huge plus. I will definitely try other scents from the Body Resort series.
I love coconut and cosmetics with a coconut scent. And I also love this gel for its quality - it's gentle, pure as a tear, and rinses off smoothly like oil. I am very satisfied.
The gel is beyond praise, both thick and fragrant. It has the strongest coconut scent out of all coconut products. And it's true. What's more, I really like how my skin feels after using it, genuinely moisturized.
I bought the gel based on the reviews and received it from MakeUp on the same day. I also really liked both the gel and the service. This is a new brand for me. I will be trying other products as well.
The gel is pure pleasure, the scent is very vibrant and juicy, and it lingers on the skin for a long time. It cleanses the skin very gently. There's simply no need for lotion after using this gel, it's that soft and gentle.
"This shower and bath foam is amazing. I used to buy the raspberry shake from this brand before, but this foam is also very good."