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ماركة: Lacalut
السلسلة: aktiv
نوع المنتج: مضمضة الفم
لون المنتج: وردي
خصائص المنتج: التهاب اللثة, تنظيف
الحجم: 300 ml
المكونات: زنك
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: ماس ماركت
بلد: المانيا
صنع في: المانيا
كل مشكلة تحتاج إلى معالجة شاملة. وعندما يتعلق الأمر بنزيف اللثة، يتطلب الأمر اهتمامًا خاصًا. إذا قررت معالجة هذه المشكلة بجدية، فمن الطبيعي أن ترغب في التخلص منها في أسرع وقت ممكن.
غسول الفم لاكالوت أكتيف مع الكلورهيكسيدين سيصبح لا غنى عنه بالنسبة لك، خاصة إذا كنت تستخدم معجون الأسنان من نفس السلسلة. فهو يعزز تأثير معجون الأسنان ويطيل فوائده العلاجية بفضل مكوناته. لاكالوت أكتيف هو غسول للفم يحتوي على لاكتات الألومنيوم وفلوريد ومكونات مضادة للبكتيريا. يقوم لاكتات الألومنيوم بإحداث تأثير قابض، يقوي اللثة ويقلل النزيف. تعزز أيونات الفلوريد مينا الأسنان وتمنع التسوس. كما أن المكونات المضادة للبكتيريا في غسول الفم تتمتع بخصائص مضادة للالتهابات، والتي تعتبر مهمة بشكل خاص لالتهاب اللثة، التهاب دواعم الأسنان، والتهاب الفم.
ميزة أخرى مهمة لهذا المنتج هي إزالة اللويحات البكتيرية، ومن خلال منع تكون الجير، يدعم النظافة الفموية اليومية. تذكر دائمًا أن معجون الأسنان وغسول الفم لاكالوت أكتيف يكملان بعضهما البعض، واستخدامهما معًا سيساعدك على نسيان مشكلة نزيف اللثة. استخدامهما المتتابع سيمكنك من الشعور الكامل بتأثير لاكالوت - حيث سيساعد التأثير القابض للاكتات الألومنيوم في شفاء جروح اللثة فور الاستخدام.
اشطف فمك بكمية صغيرة من السائل—10 ملليلترات—لمدة 30 ثانية. يتضمن غسول الفم كوب قياس سهل الاستخدام للحصول على الجرعة الدقيقة. لا تبتلع السائل، ولكن إذا تم ابتلاعه عن طريق الخطأ فهو غير ضار تمامًا. للحصول على أفضل النتائج، استخدمه في الصباح والمساء بعد تنظيف أسنانك بالفرشاة. يمكنك أيضًا استخدامه خلال اليوم عندما لا يتوفر معجون الأسنان وفرشاة الأسنان.
Lacalut Aktiv - "غسول الفم "نشط
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I really liked this mouthwash. It was my first time purchasing this brand as I have previously used a different one. When comparing the two, this one has a softer effect and doesn't cause any discomfort or burning sensation. After using it, I feel refreshed and cleansed.
This rinse is very effective and fulfills its purpose completely. If you have any issues with your gums, I highly recommend it.
Very good mouthwash! I accidentally injured my gums while brushing between my teeth, but after rinsing, the bleeding stopped. It also leaves a nice fresh feeling.
Great toothpaste strip! I bought four tubes. It's not cheap for me, but with my problematic gums, it's hard to find a better one. It's amazing! I recommend it!
I'm buying it for the second time and I'm satisfied with the purchase. Thanks to the courier for the delivery!
This is a good conditioner that does its job effectively.
I bought it elsewhere, and also experienced redness, pain, and swelling under the tongue. I will continue using Listerine, but I do not recommend Lacalut for sensitive individuals.
Favorite conditioner. Highly recommend!
Favorite tried and tested product. It performs its function well, without any harsh taste or smell (which is quite rare), and has an interesting positive effect of "tightness".
I liked it, it stopped my nosebleed completely.
I really liked the mouthwash, it has a pleasant taste. I highly recommend it!
Excellent conditioner, alcohol-free.
Favorite conditioner ❤️
Thank you makeup for the quick delivery.
Tasty mouthwash, but in my opinion, it foams too much. It was delivered very quickly, thank you. I have been using it recently, but I haven't figured out yet if it helps with bleeding.
This rinse is excellent, pleasant, and gentle. It is not harsh. Additionally, it provides a refreshing sensation and has resolved my issues with bleeding and swollen gums.
"Fantastic rinse, non-irritating."
Note: The given text is already in Ukrainian, so no translation is required. The provided translation is a coherent and error-free version in English.
This mouthwash is really great! It worked well for me. For those who have issues with gums, especially periodontitis and bleeding gums, it quickly solves the problem without irritating the gums. I highly recommend it!
The best mouthwash ever. Listerine makes my oral mucosa peel off. This one, however, is gentle and pleasant-tasting. It doesn't make my eyes pop out of my head like nuclear mint does sometimes.
Not a bad mouthwash, but Listerine is better for me. After using this one, the bitterness lingers in the mouth for a long time.
I have been using it for a while now and I really like it. Thank you to the manufacturer and Maycapu.
I have ordered from Makeup twice and I am pleased with both the product and the fast delivery! Thank you so much!
Excellent mouthwash! Truly protects teeth and gums! Throughout the day, dental plaque does not form, it's just a miracle! I highly recommend it! It doesn't burn the mouth, pleasant taste! It has a convenient dispenser cap! I'm thrilled!! Thank you Makeup team for the service and fast delivery! Keep it up!
We have tried several different mouthwashes, and this one stands out among all others. The effect is truly remarkable, especially when used in combination with the corresponding toothpaste. Thank you very much.
Excellent mouthwash, from the first days of use, my gums stopped bleeding. Thank you to the manufacturer and the courier for the fast delivery.
During both pregnancies, this product was the only one that saved me from bleeding gums. The results were noticeable after just a couple of uses.
Definitely a 5-star rating.
This rinse is excellent and performs its task perfectly. It completely solves the problem of gum bleeding and the only downside is that it seems to slightly darken the color of teeth after use.
I tried this brand's mouthwash for the first time and initially didn't notice any effects (my gums used to bleed frequently while brushing), but over time, the bleeding stopped and that's pleasing. I recommend it.
The best mouthwash ever! It truly helps with tooth and gum sensitivity, effectively refreshes and removes plaque! It's not overpowering, but has a pleasant taste.
One of the best mouthwashes available.