زيت محب للماء "الخزامى" Saloos
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ماركة: Saloos
السلسلة: face care
نوع المنتج: الزيت الهيدروفيليك, زيت للوجه, منتجات لإزالة المكياج
خصائص المنتج: إزالة المكياج, ترطيب, تغذية, تنظيف, علاج
الحجم: 50 ml, 200 ml
المكونات: السمسم, بذور عباد الشمس, فيتامينات, لوز
خاصية المكياج: لم يتم اختباره على الحيوانات
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: طبيعي
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: التشيكية
صنع في: التشيكية
تعمل زيوت سالوس الهيدروفيلية على تنظيف البشرة بعمق، والقضاء على التهيجات والعمليات الالتهابية، كما تقوم بتهدئة وتوحيد سطح البشرة. إن اتباع روتين تنظيف شامل للبشرة أمر ضروري لإزالة الزيوت الزائدة والسموم والميكروبات وبقايا مستحضرات التجميل من أنسجة البشرة.
يتميز الزيت الهيدروفيلي "لافندر" برائحة رائعة، مما يجعل روتين العناية بالبشرة أكثر متعة واسترخاء. تتغلغل المكونات النشطة للزيت في الطبقات العميقة للبشرة، وتزيل المواد الضارة المتراكمة من استخدام مستحضرات التجميل. يعمل الزيت على تنظيم توازن الدهون والرطوبة في أنسجة البشرة، ويخفف من الشعور بالشد والجفاف. بعد استخدام هذا الزيت، ستستمتع بإحساس رائع بالنظافة والانتعاش والراحة. ستصبح بشرتك ناعمة ورقيقة، مع لون موحد وتألق طبيعي جميل.
بدون تنظيف شامل ومكثف، قد تواجه علامات الشيخوخة المبكرة وظهور البثور وغيرها من المشاكل الجلدية. اعتنِ بنفسك وجمالك باستخدام منتجات طبيعية من علامة سالوس، وستحافظ على جمالك لفترة طويلة.
بللي قطعة من القطن بالماء أو الماء الزهري واضغطي لإزالة الفائض. ضعي بضع قطرات من زيت التنظيف على قطعة القطن. سيتكون مزيج خفيف من الماء والزيت. امسحي وجهك بقطعة القطن حتى تتم إزالة جميع المكياج. إذا كنت بحاجة لإزالة الماسكارا المقاومة للماء، ضعي قطعة القطن على عينك المغلقة لبضع ثوانٍ، ثم امسحي المكياج بلطف من الزوايا الخارجية نحو الزوايا الداخلية. بعد ذلك، اشطفي وجهك بالماء، ثم استخدمي منظف رغوي أو جل لإزالة أي زيت متبقي.
Saloos - زيت محب للماء "الخزامى"
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Bad oil. It is very thick, sticky, and excessively greasy. The scent is overwhelming. I bought it a long time ago, but it only recently ran out - I had to force it, using it to remove stubborn matte lipsticks. I cannot recommend purchasing it.
This oil is simply awesome. I have bought it for the third time. It effectively removes everything and rinses off easily. It has a gentle and unobtrusive scent.
I do not recommend it. The makeup is not very long-lasting, it washes off easily, but removing the oil is very difficult. It leaves a film on the face and clogs pores.
I tried hydrophilic oil for the first and last time in my life. It is difficult to wash off. It only smudges mascara instead of removing it. After using it, I had to use a cleansing gel multiple times to remove the oil residue. I didn't like the smell. I didn't notice any anti-aging or acne-fighting effects.
I really liked it; it washes off easily and smells great. I will definitely buy it again.
I tried it for the first time. The scent is barely noticeable, and I mostly smell the oil rather than lavender. Using it with a cotton pad is inconvenient for me, so I just wet my face with warm water and apply the oil directly with my fingers, using it as a foaming cleanser. It slightly lathers up, then I wash it off with my usual sulfate-free face wash, and the oil easily rinses off in one go. I like the effect, my skin looks clean and radiant. As for moisturizing... well, I'm not sure, since you still wash it off with a face wash. It removes mascara without any residue or rubbing. For now, I am quite satisfied with it.
It is too thick and difficult to rinse off. I did not like it.
I liked this oil because it provides extra moisturization for my skin. However, I have decided not to stick with it and I am trying other options.
My first experience using hydrophilic oil was a success. It effectively fulfills its purpose, leaving a pleasant feeling after washing and nourishing the skin without making it greasy.
After two weeks of use, I have no complaints. It removes makeup well and moisturizes the skin perfectly, leaving it soft and nourished. I used it together with the -Mix hydrolat (hydration and nourishment) and the results were amazing. I applied the hydrolat on a cotton pad, added a couple of drops of oil, and my skin felt as smooth as a baby's.
European hydrophilic oils are much greasier than Korean ones and they are harder to wash off, but for some reason, I still prefer them. Perhaps it's because they remove makeup more effectively, or at least that's how it seemed to me.
I really liked this oil. It has a pleasant scent and effectively accomplishes the tasks it is meant for. It is gentle, yet it efficiently dissolves and removes foundation, especially products with SPF filters that require thorough cleansing. I highly recommend it!
Great product, practically perfect for me. Sometimes it's not available or for financial reasons, I choose something else, and everything else is just "not the same", the difference is annoyingly noticeable in all aspects. A 50ml bottle lasts me about 5 weeks, but I pour a little more than what is recommended here onto the disc.
Good oil. I would prefer a more pleasant aroma, but otherwise everything is good.
The oil is pleasant to use with a gentle lavender scent, and it washes off the face easily. However, it gets used up very quickly. I only had 50 ml, and it lasted for about three weeks.
It cleanses effectively, leaving the skin feeling soft and gentle after use. The scent is wonderfully rich.
This oil is really good. I used to always buy Korean ones, but this one is just as good - it foams well and leaves a thin film on the face. It's a great find for dry skin! The smell is like lavender essential oil.
A pleasant makeup remover that effectively cleanses.
A pleasant product with the scent of beloved lavender. It effectively removes makeup from the face and eyes while also moisturizing and cleansing the skin. However, it does get used up quickly (perhaps I am using it incorrectly, but it takes not just 2-3 drops for the entire process as stated here, but 6-7 drops).
Great oil with a pleasant aroma.