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ماركة: جولدن فارم
السلسلة: الخط العلاجي الوقائي
نوع المنتج: صابون
خصائص المنتج: الصدفية, تنظيف
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
نوع الصابون: صابون الفحم النباتي
شكل الكونسيلر: سائلة
المكونات: الزيوت, القار, بيتاين, حكيم, حمض الستريك, زهرة الأقحوان, زيت الذرة, مستخلصات نباتية
منطقة التطبيق: للجسم, لليدين
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
نحن جميعاً نعرف المقولة التي تقول إن ملعقة واحدة من القطران يمكن أن تفسد برميلاً كاملاً من العسل. ولكن هل تعلم أن هذا القطران، الذي يمتص جميع خصائص الشفاء من لحاء شجرة البتولا، يمكنه علاج العديد من الأمراض؟ بسبب خصائصه الفريدة، يُعتبر ذا قيمة خاصة في علاج مشاكل البشرة.
يتم استخراج القطران من الطبقة الخارجية الرقيقة من لحاء شجرة البتولا. وتساعد خصائصه المضادة للميكروبات والمضادة للالتهابات والمسكنة للألم في مكافحة الاحمرار والطفح الجلدي وتهيج البشرة بفعالية.يُعتبر صابون القطران السائل فعالاً بشكل خاص كعلاج لالتهاب الجلد، والصدفية، وحب الشباب، وأكثر من ذلك. تساعد المكونات الفعالة في الصابون على منع التقشر، وشفاء الجروح، وتقليل الالتهابات عند علاج البشرة المتهيجة. استخدم المنتج حتى تختفي الحالة تماماً، وستلاحظ النتائج الأولى بعد بضعة أيام فقط من الاستخدام المنتظم.
ضع المنتج على البشرة الرطبة، ثم اعمل على تكوين رغوة، واشطف جيدًا بالماء. كرر العملية إذا لزم الأمر.
Water, Sodium Laureth sulfate, Cocamido propyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Parfum, Pix liquida Betulae, Citric Acid, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Propylene Glycol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylpara- ben, Propylparaben, Hypericum perforatum (St.-John's wort) Extract, Valeriana Officinalis Extract, Salvia offici- nalis Leaf Extract, Zea mays Leaf Extract, Citrus Auranti- folia (Lime) Essential Oil.
Golden Pharm - القطران الصابون السائل
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Great alternative to the solid soap in this series. It is of high quality, not watery like others.
Great quality!
I absolutely love this product! The cost and quality from this particular manufacturer are excellent. I use it for various needs.
This soap is excellent, with good quality and a nice composition. It is probably one of the best. The smell is present but tolerable. After a couple of hours, it becomes completely unnoticeable. The dispenser is convenient. I also like the salicylic soap from this manufacturer.
I really like it; this soap is incredibly versatile. I use it as hand soap and sometimes as a face wash or body wash. The scent is hardly noticeable on my skin.
Reliable and affordable.
The soap has a plastic scent, and it doesn't smell even remotely like tar. I won't be getting it again for sure.
It cleanses well and reduces skin issues after using this soap.
I used to use this soap in solid form, but I decided to switch to the liquid version because of the smell. The soap itself is good, it cleanses the skin well and effectively removes pimples.
Great soap. It does its job well.
My husband is the only one who uses it, other brands didn't work for him.
Excellent soap. It has a pleasant scent and lathers well. It has a low consumption rate. It effectively relieves irritation.
I have read that it has a smell! But it smells like gasoline. However! Leather becomes soft, and it reduces the appearance of blemishes. So, for those with oily skin, I recommend it.
I found this soap suitable for me, as I have oily skin. It lathers well and effectively cleanses the skin. I will definitely be buying it again!
Great soap and convenient that it's in a bottle.
This soap is better than Nevskaya Kosmetika's tar soap, it is more effective. Additionally, it comes with a dispenser instead of being in chunks, so there is no smell in the bathroom. Moreover, you quickly get used to the scent. I have oily skin prone to breakouts, so I always take it with me for the summer.
Thank you for the fast delivery. This soap serves its purpose for prevention, soothing irritations and inflammations. It is convenient with the dispenser and doesn't dry out as much as regular soap.
Pleasant, but it excessively and intensely dries out. It even over-dried oily skin.
I don't know about its effectiveness on acne and other issues, but, in my humble opinion, this is currently the best option available on the market at an affordable price. I don't understand why everyone praises Nevskaya Cosmetics so much, but in my opinion, their tar soap isn't anything special, whereas this product is very good, and their solid version is better than Nevskaya Cosmetics, although it is, of course, more expensive.
This is an amazing item. Unfortunately, we don't have anything like this. We buy it in Ukraine.
I regularly purchase this soap. It effectively dries out inflammations, making it highly recommended for problematic skin. However, it is necessary to moisturize the face with cream afterwards.
This is an excellent soap for problematic oily skin with acne and so on. It cleanses well. If it dries out your skin, you can use it once a day, only at night, along with moisturizer. There is no lingering scent on the face/body after washing.
"For anyone with problematic skin, this is a must-have! There's no need to invent or spend money on expensive remedies. I simply combine it with my regular cleanser to avoid drying out my skin. It works excellently for its claimed purposes! I highly recommend it!"
The soap is very good for problematic skin. When I had big skin problems in my teenage years, only tar soap helped (though I used it in solid form). Now that I no longer have these problems, I use the liquid soap occasionally for prevention. This brand of soap doesn't have the strong smell that the solid one has, but it still does a great job. I recommend it!
Excellent facial soap, those with problematic skin should appreciate it.
I really like the scent! I use it for my face as well. It cleanses deeply, but doesn't leave my skin feeling dry.
The soap is excellent! I use it for my body every day (in hot weather) and several times a week for my face, without any breakouts! The scent doesn't linger at all!
I use this soap for my face and it works wonders for problem skin and shine. This soap has an antibacterial effect and leaves no irritation or flakiness on the skin afterwards. No other soap cleanses the skin as well and as gently as this one does. I highly recommend it, despite its specific scent (which does not linger on the skin and quickly dissipates).