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ماركة: فيتوبيوتيكنولوجي
السلسلة: stop demodex
نوع المنتج: صابون
خصائص المنتج: علاج
نوع البشرة: مشكلة
شكل الكونسيلر: سائلة
المكونات: بيتاين, زيت الخروع, شجرة الشاي, يوريا
منطقة التطبيق: للجسم
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للجنسين
التصنيف: صيدلية
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
داء الدويدية هو حالة جلدية يمكن أن تحدث في أي عمر، وغالباً ما تظهر خلال فترة المراهقة أو الحمل أو بعد التعرض للتوتر العاطفي. تؤثر بشكل رئيسي على بشرة الوجه، ونادرًا ما تصيب الجفون، وأحيانًا الصدر، ونادرًا ما تصيب الظهر. يقوم العث الجلدي المعروف باسم ديموديكس بتهيج الجلد، ويقلل من مناعته، ويؤدي إلى التهابات. تشمل نتائج نشاط ديموديكس ظهور البثور وحب الشباب والرؤوس السوداء. يساهم العلاج الفوري والمناسب لداء الدويدية في استعادة الجلد لحالته الصحية والتخلص من المرض. تم تحقيق نتائج ممتازة في العلاج الجلدي والعيني لداء الدويدية باستخدام الصابون السائل المضاد للبكتيريا "ستوب ديموديكس".
تستهدف المكونات الفعالة في صابون "ستوب ديموديكس" العث الجلدي تحت الجلد، مما يمنع إعادة الإصابة وتطور الداء. يساعد الصابون في إزالة الزهم والشوائب من أعماق الجلد، ويقلل من إنتاج الزهم، ويخفف من التهيج، ويقلل من حجم المسام. عند استخدام صابون "ستوب ديموديكس" في علاج داء الدويدية، يحدث تقشير لطيف للطبقة العليا من البشرة بفعل المكونات الفعالة اللطيفة للصابون. تعمل مضادات الأكسدة الطبيعية على تعزيز الخصائص الوقائية للبشرة.
يعتبر صابون "ستوب ديموديكس" علاجًا فعالًا للوقاية من داء الدويدية وعلاجه، بفضل مستوى الحموضة المحايد. يضمن شعورًا بالنظافة والانتعاش والراحة.-
ضعه على البشرة المبللة، ثم افركه لتكوين رغوة، واشطفه بالماء. كرر العملية إذا لزم الأمر. يمكن استخدامه كجل استحمام.
تقنيات فيتوبيولوجية - Stop Demodex - صابون
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I have rosacea. My skin is very sensitive and prone to redness. During flare-ups, it also becomes very dry and prone to flaking. Dermatologists have prescribed this soap to me multiple times. It really helps me. I do feel a slight scent after washing, but it's not significant.
I found this product to be excellent and highly recommend it. My dermatologist also spoke highly of it. Since using it, I have relied solely on this product for my skincare needs. It has proven to be incredibly helpful in addressing any skin issues I may have.
Good face cleanser, in my opinion. I don't have any specific skin problems, but I decided to try it. It doesn't dry out the skin, and the feeling after washing is pleasant. I know that many dermatologists or bloggers recommend it to those who have skin breakouts.
Invocative reviews have no relation to the quality of the product. If people have normal healthy skin, then any soap will suit them. However, for people with enlarged pores and oily skin, the composition of the product is important. In this particular product, besides tea tree oil, there is nothing for problematic skin, and even tea tree oil doesn't help everyone and is not a super active component. Moreover, it contains harmful parabens and synthetic urea, which can cause irritation. In short, it doesn't have anything therapeutic in it.
The benefits of good natural ingredients are completely nullified by the presence of parabens in this product. As it is known, parabens can contribute to oncological diseases as well as autoimmune disorders. My question for the manufacturer is: was it really necessary to include parabens?
After using this soap and lotion, I experienced a massive breakout of pimples!
The soap is really good! We use it together with our teenager. It helps to get rid of redness, acne, and irritation on the face for both me and my child. We are very satisfied!
This facial cleanser is gentle and does not dry out the skin. It effectively cleanses the skin. As for whether it helps with breakouts, it depends on the cause of the breakouts. Personally, I like it and would recommend it.
I have oily skin and breakouts all over my face. I have been struggling with this for 4 years and nothing has helped. I have tried both expensive and cheap products. I decided to buy this soap, thinking that it couldn't get any worse, and after 3 days of using it, I already noticed results. My skin stopped getting so oily and the breakouts started to fade. After two weeks, the breakouts on my face disappeared and, most importantly, new ones didn't appear. I wash my face in the morning and evening. It doesn't leave my skin feeling tight. After that, I apply a baby cream with panthenol and aloe to moisturize my face.
I didn't understand it. It felt like the product was fighting against my skin rather than treating demodicosis. It tightened my skin so much that I wanted to take it off. The demodicosis continued its tour, dancing the hopak. I approached the treatment comprehensively, consulting a dermatologist and following a diet, as well as taking care of my skin. But no matter what I tried, nothing worked. Everything disappeared after resolving the emotional state issue, who would have thought.
This soap is very suitable for me. I have oily skin prone to blackheads and acne. I bought it based on a dermatologist's prescription when I had severe acne caused by mites. The condition of my skin improved already on the second day of use, and within 10 days, these breakouts completely disappeared. Now I don't have any new breakouts. Although I no longer have problems with mites, I continue to use it because this product makes my skin much less oily.
I highly recommend this product.
I regularly purchase this product as it does not dry out my skin and reduces skin irritations.
Best milk) This product is amazing at removing makeup. After using it, my skin feels instantly soft and any redness (if present) is reduced. It does not irritate my eyes.
The entire product line is simply amazing! For nearly 2 weeks, I was without soap and lotion, and the difference is immediately noticeable. These products are my helpers all year round! Absolutely fantastic!
I have been using this series every spring. This time, I am a bit disappointed. The product is liquid, and in order to fully cleanse my face, I have to repeat the procedure several times.
I like it. It handles its functions well.
This is a great product for problem skin! I use it with the lotion and balm from the same series, and together they have given me excellent results in just a few days. The blemishes on my face have healed and the inflammation has disappeared. I highly recommend it.
Recently, I received this lovely product as a gift, and it is truly excellent for problematic and combination skin. It has greatly improved my skin condition, although my skin tends to get used to it, so I take breaks from using it. I have only used about three packages so far. I use it as a facial cleanser, body wash, and occasionally add it to my shampoo. However, it can be drying for the skin, so proper moisturization is necessary, and I am still searching for the right one. I highly recommend it; it doesn't have a strong scent, and other products from this series did not suit me well.
This product is effective only when used as part of a comprehensive treatment. If you have acne or breakouts, using just cleansers or creams won't solve the problem. I have been using this cleanser for about 2 years, and it is one of my favorites. It has helped in treating demodex.
I didn't see any special results, but the scent is normal.
I have never left reviews before, but this soap saved my back skin from breakouts! I ordered this and a few other brands to see if anything would help, as I have been suffering from back breakouts since I was 13. Occasionally, something would help, but not consistently.
I began using this soap and it seemed like my situation got even worse. The breakouts became painful and larger. After a few days, I stopped using it and went back to searching for a solution.
I stumbled upon this brand again and read reviews. I came across a comment saying that at first, their situation worsened with this soap but eventually got better. I decided to give it another try. And after the second attempt, within a week of use, everything disappeared and there are no new breakouts. I am in shock because nothing else has given me this effect! So far, I am satisfied (I only used the soap, but now I want to buy something else from this series).
The Magical
I've never left reviews for anything before.. but here, I've decided to:) Something happened to my skin when I was 19.. it was always problematic and oily, but I never had major breakouts. Whether it was an allergy to something or I don't know.. but I mostly blame the collagen foundation. The condition of my skin has been terrible for the past six months, and it always affects my mood and self-esteem. Those who suffer from this problem will understand. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed me pills and skincare products from La Roche.. so I treated my skin for 3 months, but everything only got worse. I was browsing makeup and came across this product.. I bought the soap and lotion from this line at the pharmacy. On the second day of using it, I noticed results, the redness was not as intense.. breakouts started drying up very quickly. I can say that almost only spots from pimples are left now... and this is just after a week of use! I will continue using it and I really hope the results will be even better..)) And the post-acne marks will also disappear over time.
This product severely dries out the skin and has caused a significant increase in acne. Before using this soap, it is essential to consult with a doctor.
It saved me from breakouts on my back. I didn't dare to use it on my face, after all, it's still soap (it dries out).
I have only used this soap for my body, but I did not see any effect at all. Whether I used it or not...
Great product, I used the whole set. In just two weeks, my skin became clear and free from breakouts.
Great soap. I have been using it on the recommendation of a cosmetologist for three years now. I can't imagine my life without this soap. I used to have very problematic oily skin. Now I don't have any inflammations, but I still continue using it. If there are any breakouts on my body, I use it locally. I apply the soap to the affected areas, wait a couple of minutes, and then rinse it off.
Great product! It effectively cleanses while leaving the skin feeling incredibly soft and pleasant to touch after use.
The lotion works well together. It does not dry out the skin and effectively eliminates problem and combination skin issues such as breakouts and oily shine. The noticeable effect can be seen after the first week of use.
This liquid soap is amazing, with a pleasant scent. It effectively cleanses the facial skin, removing any oily spots. And the best part is that it doesn't dry out the skin! Thank you!
Soothes and cleanses the facial skin without drying it out.
This is a good facial cleanser. The scent is familiar, like a pharmacy. It only works effectively when used as part of a skincare routine.
Not bad, it cleanses, but it doesn't deliver the promised results.
The results are visible. My skin was severely inflamed after using incompatible cosmetics, and I had pimples in every pore. This soap works well, as my skin became instantly cleaner, and the large pimples on my teenage face became much smaller. The scent is unique and it doesn't dry out the skin.
After using some products with not very good ingredients, I started experiencing breakouts. Someone recommended Stop Demodex to me. Honestly, I wasn't expecting any miracles, but I was impressed after just one use of the soap and lotion from the same brand. By the morning, my skin's condition and appearance had noticeably improved. I continue using these products and with each passing day, I see further improvements. Therefore, personally, I highly recommend Stop Demodex.
The facial cleanser is just like any other cleanser, it doesn't dry out the face, and for that, I'm grateful! The sensations after using it are pleasant, so I recommend it.
I absolutely love this product! I have been using it for a week now and I have noticed fewer breakouts. It doesn't dry out my skin and I really like the scent. The bottle is also quite big, but a little goes a long way, so I think it's a great value for the price. Overall, I am very satisfied with my purchase and will definitely be ordering more in the future.
This soap is wonderful. I have been using it for a long time. It works perfectly with my problems: it cleanses and dries oily areas, preventing the formation of deep blemishes. The store is always excellent.
I want to warn those who have asthma/bronchial asthma or are prone to it, or any other breathing problem, not to use this soap. As soon as I applied it to my face, I began to struggle for breath, unable to inhale or exhale properly. Only when I started rinsing it off did I feel some relief, and quickly took the necessary medication, otherwise the outcome would have been tragic.
This soap is amazing!
The effect is definitely there. It effectively tightens pores and gradually reduces acne. I use it in combination with a toner in the morning and evening.
I have ordered this product multiple times and I am very satisfied with it. The effectiveness of the product may vary depending on individual dermatological needs.
This soap is excellent for problematic and oily skin. It is very economical, easily rinses off, and effectively cleanses the skin. It has a neutral scent. It is recommended to use it in combination with the lotion from the same series for better results.
I bought this soap at a pharmacy, but I want to leave a review here to help others, like me)))) Ladies, I bought this soap at a pharmacy just because I was standing in line. I was pleasantly surprised: it cleanses the skin wonderfully!! After washing, I wipe my skin with lotion, and the cotton pad is completely clean. It cleanses 100%. It also dries out pimples very well and reduces redness. I didn't take any tests for demodex, I just bought this soap to try it out. It worked really well for my teenage child: they wash their face in the evening, and by morning, almost all the breakouts disappear. I recommend it, it's really great!!!
I washed my face before bedtime and woke up with 6 new pimples in the morning. Think for yourself whether to take it or not.
I bought this for my boyfriend's back - the result wasn't amazing, but the inflammation has decreased. I suspect that he rarely uses it (almost a full bottle).
My face wash gel ran out and I decided to try this one.
What can I say, unexpectedly amazing!!!
It practically eliminated small inflammations within two days. I can't believe that La Roche-Posay Toleriane has been treating for 3 months with varying success, while this one works so quickly...
Shock and delight.
Excellent product! My skin has improved significantly since using it. I have used it along with all the other products in this line.
I ordered it for the first time. I really liked it. The effect was noticeable the next day. Redness disappeared and the skin became smooth. I will definitely order again.
This product is suitable for problematic and oily skin. It does not cause any allergies, unlike other products from this series that caused breakouts. Eventually, I went back to using only this soap.
This product excessively dries out my skin, unfortunately.
In a milk-like form, it doesn't foam and cleanses very gently. It has a neutral pH, which is great for the skin. I even tried removing mascara with it, and it works well. I have been using it repeatedly and will continue to do so as it doesn't dry out the skin.
Great, soft cleanser, I have purchased multiple jars and highly recommend it!
This soap is not bad, I have bought it several times. After using it, I switched to another face cleanser and realized that this one actually dries out my skin.
I have been using it for a long time. It has a pleasant scent and effectively cleanses the skin. I really like it!
The gel, along with the balm and lotion (+nourishment), helped to heal the breakouts on my face that I had been struggling with for a long time. It is suitable for both problem and normal skin. I still use it and I am very satisfied. It cleanses well and lasts a long time. It doesn't dry out the skin. For its price, it is much better than expensive foam cleansers and gels. I highly recommend it!
This facial cleanser for demodex is really good. It doesn't dry out the skin and there is no feeling of tightness.
Four years ago, I had demodicosis. And now, my face has broken out again. I immediately ordered the entire Stop Demodex line, and my joy knows no bounds - after just 5 days, my face cleared up and the inflammation subsided! I definitely recommend it!!!))))) I also used the gel "Metrogyl".