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ماركة: جولدن فارم
السلسلة: الخط العلاجي الوقائي
نوع المنتج: الطين للجسم, الطين للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ترطيب, تغذية, تنظيف
الحجم: 60 g
نوع الطين: ازرق
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
الطين الأزرق التجميلي من "جولدن-فارم" هو منتج طبيعي مصمم للعناية بالبشرة والشعر. غني بالمعادن والعناصر النادرة القيمة، يقوم بتطهير البشرة بفعالية، ويعالج العيوب، ويعزز تجديد البشرة. يعمل هذا المنتج على تحسين ملامح الوجه، وتنعيم التجاعيد، وتحفيز الدورة الدموية والعمليات الأيضية في الخلايا. الاستخدام المنتظم يساعد في استعادة مرونة البشرة ويمنح الشعر مظهراً صحياً.
ميزات الطين الأزرق التجميلي من جولدن-فارم:
- يقوم بتنظيف البشرة وتطهيرها بفعالية، ويعمل على تنظيم وظيفة الغدد الدهنية؛
- يساعد في علاج حب الشباب، وإزالة التقشر والبقع الصبغية؛
- يحسن الدورة الدموية والأيض الخلوي، مما يساعد في تقليل خطوط التعبير؛
- مناسب للعناية بالشعر الدهني والضعيف؛
- يمتلك خصائص مضادة للتوتر، ومضادة للسيلوليت، ومعقمة، ومنشطة؛
- يقلل من تكسر الشعر وتساقطه؛
- يمكن إضافته إلى الحمامات التجميلية والأقنعة؛
- يترك البشرة نظيفة ومرنة ومنتعشة.
Golden Pharm - الطين التجميلي الأزرق
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I bought such a package at the pharmacy. Inside, there was ordinary talcum powder with possibly some blue clay particles. Terrible. Because clay is a healing mask, while talcum powder is harmful to the skin.
I have never seen blue clay of white color before. The effect is zero. The price matches the quality.
I absolutely love clay, especially the blue one. The results after using it are instantly visible. It's amazing! And this particular clay doesn't cause any allergic reactions on my face.
The powder is indeed white, not blue or green. But it is so great. It is very soft and gentle. It cleanses well, tightens pores, and seems to have a slight lifting effect. Before this, I tried yellow clay, but not from this manufacturer, and it caused irritation after rinsing.
I diluted this clay with thermal water and added one capsule of aevit. Just amazing! I want to try it as a treatment, I'm curious about the results it will bring.
I bought this product at a regular pharmacy, not here. However, it is not the blue clay as stated on the packaging. I used a different brand before and I know what color (greyish-greenish-blue), consistency, and behavior during drying the blue clay should have. This one is specifically a white-creamy powder, and when mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio (standard for a face mask), it becomes extremely liquid. When it dries, it flakes off horribly from the face, like chalk. The effect of the mask is insignificant.
I have purchased this product multiple times. It effectively cleanses the skin and helps to dry out any blemishes.
This is not blue clay! The composition includes kaolin (white clay) and laminaria, with no hint of blue clay. The color is white (probably forgot to add laminaria). The manufacturer is deceiving.
The clay is cream-colored, not blue, and does not match the description.
There is no effect.
The clay is not genuine!!!
First of all, it is white in color instead of the actual blue-gray it should be. Secondly, it does not solidify as clay should, even after standing in a prepared bowl for half an hour, it remains liquid. The only thing that is present is the smell of laminaria, but there is no promised effect.
This clay is really great. It's perfect for both body wraps and face masks. If I notice any breakouts, I immediately make a mask out of it, and the next day, the breakouts are much less noticeable. My skin feels so soft!
The clay is great! I use it as part of face masks and body wraps, and I really like it. It smooths the skin nicely, cleanses, and helps get rid of breakouts!
I really love this clay! I have tried many different types and brands, but only this one has impressed me. It leaves my skin smooth, without any tightness or discomfort. It has also been great for hormonal breakouts on my face during pregnancy.
I bought this product from a regular store for anti-cellulite wraps without paying attention to the ingredients. BE CAREFUL! It is just ordinary WHITE clay with additives, and NOT BLUE, so the results are not what I expected. Real blue clay has a grayish-blue color. The name does not match the contents.
I'm not sure why, but the color is not blue, it's more of a creamy shade. I don't know if it's supposed to be like this.
I really liked it! I apply it before taking a shower. It stays on for about 15 minutes. The effect is noticeable immediately. My skin is smooth and I look refreshed. In general, clays are just a magical find! They are affordable, yet the result is like after spa procedures!
I bought this clay at the pharmacy.
What can I say? It's not clay, it's just ordinary chalk. No effect at all. I recommend Valday blue clay. I have been using it for a long time. The effect is excellent. To enhance it, you can add a drop of grapefruit, lemon, tea tree oil + honey.
Terrible clay, it's yellow instead of blue. It crumbles a lot while drying. I regret not reading the comments before ordering 10 pieces :(
This clay is quite good. The whole series dissolves well and does not clump! I prefer using clay for masks as it doesn't cause irritation, and it is also very economical in terms of cost.
I bought this clay at the pharmacy. It was awful. It felt like someone crushed a stone and wrote on the package. It doesn't dissolve. It leaves particles that cause irritation. It has no effect.
The clay is excellent and has a good mattifying effect. However, it has a strong smell of laminaria. If someone doesn't like it, it's better to choose plain white clay instead.
Oksana from Kiev: Does it matter that the composition of the clays is different? The white clay contains only clay, while the blue clay contains white clay and laminaria.
The clay is actually white in color and properties. Why write that it is blue? I will continue to buy it at the pharmacy, just like I did before.
It's not worth the money spent. I bought them in different colors, but the clay is the same. And the quality is terrible. I returned to the one I bought at the pharmacy.
I purchased 7 different clays. The color of all turned out to be the same, even though there were supposed to be blue, green, and black... Previously, I bought from another manufacturer at the pharmacy, and the color matched the one stated on the packaging.
Furthermore, there is definitely some clay here, but it seems to have a lot more seaweed.
Overall, the quality is simply terrible and does not match the description!!!
I have been using this clay regularly in face masks. It significantly cleanses the skin, while also making it very soft and delicate. Thank you to all the website staff for their work and delivery.
I used this product for body wraps and I really liked it. The clay is of great quality.
The clay was finely ground into powder, so half of the package instantly scattered around the room (which was my clumsiness). However, the clay mixed with water was smooth, easy to apply on the skin, quickly dried, and overall did its job well: refreshed the complexion, tightened the pores, and eliminated minor irritations.
Not a bad clay, just like all the others in this series. Nothing extraordinary, but it effectively heals inflammations, slightly brightens the skin, and doesn't dry it out.
I didn't notice any special effect, nothing out of the ordinary. It doesn't really resemble clay...