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- كيفية الاستخدام
ماركة: جولدن فارم
السلسلة: الخط العلاجي الوقائي
نوع المنتج: الطين للجسم, الطين للوجه
خصائص المنتج: إعادة التأهيل, ترطيب, تغذية, تنظيف
الحجم: 60 g
نوع الطين: ابيض
وقت التطبيق: شامل
الجنس: للنساء
التصنيف: صيدلية
نوع البشرة: جميع الانواع
بلد: اوكراينا
صنع في: اوكرانيا
من بين جميع أنواع الطين التجميلي، يعد الطين الأبيض الأكثر لطفًا وتنوعًا، مما يجعله لا غنى عنه للعناية ببشرة الوجه والجسم. الكاولين (الاسم الآخر له) غني جدًا بالعناصر الدقيقة والأملاح المعدنية المتنوعة (البوتاسيوم، المغنيسيوم، الكالسيوم، النيتروجين، الزنك، المنغنيز) بحيث تجدينه في العديد من الأقنعة والمراهم المضادة للبكتيريا والالتهابات. حتى شعرك سيحظى بلمعان صحي إذا استخدمتِ له قناع الكاولين.
يعمل الطين الأبيض من علامة "المزرعة الذهبية" على تنظيف البشرة بلطف، مما يتركها ناعمة ومعتنى بها جيدًا. عند الاستخدام، يمتص الزيوت الزائدة وإفرازات الغدد العرقية، بينما يجفف ويشد المسام، مما يجعله ممتازًا لأنواع البشرة الدهنية والمختلطة. في العناية بالبشرة الجافة، يكون الكاولين مفيدًا أيضًا حيث يغذي البشرة ويزيل التقشر والاحمرار والتهيج. كما أنه لا غنى عنه إذا كنتِ بحاجة إلى تفتيح بشرتك قليلاً أو توحيد ملامح وجهك. مع استخدام أقنعة الطين الأبيض بانتظام على مدار شهر، ستصبح بشرتك مشرقة وناعمة.
لاستخدام المنتج، امزجه بكمية صغيرة من الماء العادي أو الماء المعدني، أو منقوع الأعشاب الطبية (مثل البابونج، القراص، أو الخيط)، أو الشاي الأخضر. يمكنك أيضًا إضافة 2-3 قطرات من الزيت إلى القناع. يُوصى بخلط القناع في وعاء زجاجي عادي، حيث يمكن لأيونات المعادن أن تتفاعل مع مكونات القناع، مما يؤدي إلى تغيير تركيبته وخصائصه.
بمجرد خلط المكونات للحصول على قوام ناعم، قم بتطبيق الخليط على بشرة الوجه النظيفة والرطبة قليلاً. للحصول على أفضل النتائج، يمكنك تبخير وجهك بمنشفة دافئة مسبقًا لفتح المسام.
يجب أن يظل القناع على وجهك لمدة لا تزيد عن 15 دقيقة. من المهم ملاحظة أن الطين لا يجب أن يُسمح له بالجفاف تمامًا على بشرتك، لأن ذلك قد يؤدي إلى الجفاف والتهيج.
Golden Pharm - الطين التجميلي الأبيض
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Thank you, everything is great.
I have never used any masks or creams before. I have VERY OILY skin, and on top of that, I have had problems with it since I was 15 years old (scars from vulgar pimples and occasional breakouts) (I am 41 years old now).
I just tried the clay mask and felt an amazing sensation of freshness and purification. The skin feels super delicate and non-greasy. Of course, I followed all the instructions. For mood purposes, I attached a photo. Ladies, it spreads easily, applies with a brush, and is very easy to rinse off.
It effectively cleanses pores, tones the skin, and does not cause irritation.
Great product, considering the price. It whitens, tones, and adds elasticity. I also add a couple of drops of vitamin E. The effect is superb!
I received this as a gift with my order and I really liked it. It truly gradually tightens pores and dries out breakouts, making them disappear faster. My skin feels smooth after using this clay. It doesn't cause any irritation.
I enjoy using this clay for making masks.
I have tried many brands of clay, but I keep coming back to this one. I mix it with water until it reaches a creamy consistency, apply it to my face, and wash it off when it dries. The clay gently dries out any inflammations and breakouts, making my skin smooth and pleasant. After using the clay, I apply a moisturizing cream and enjoy the results. I highly recommend it.
Did not like it. It flakes off the face when it dries. After removing it, there is no noticeable effect. I do not recommend it. The best clay is ELEN.
The clay is quite strange. Both its consistency and the effect on my face are strange. I had previously tried a blue clay from another brand, which was really great and left my face feeling amazing. Perhaps this white clay is of a different consistency on its own... In short, it didn't work for me.
I tried a clay mask for the scalp to get rid of dandruff. It worked from the first use, but I had to wrap my hair in something because the clay dries out and flakes off. I guess I'll continue using this clay for dandruff since only Ukrainian Cocos shampoos helped me before. However, their prices have increased more than twice, making it expensive to buy them, especially if I need to wash my hair frequently.
This product is excellent for cosmetics purposes.
The clay is good, I liked it. It lasts for a long time. Thank you Makeup for the fast delivery.
This clay is fantastic for the price! It effectively cleanses the skin, reduces inflammation, and evens out the complexion.
The best clay ever - white clay)) For me, this one is absolutely perfect: it slightly tightens the skin even after the first use, cleanses and minimizes pores, dries out pimples, and brightens the skin. I always apply moisturizer after using it. 10 out of 10!
What can I say... This is just regular white clay that has been well purified. Its properties are the same as any other kaolin clay.
I have been using this product for 3-4 years based on a friend's recommendation. Personally, I find it great for reducing puffiness and evening out the skin tone. I rarely experience redness, except for reasons unrelated to the clay.
I have been buying high-quality clay for about 14 years now and using it to make masks for both my face and body. I am extremely satisfied with it.
This clay is of very high quality, finely ground, and when mixed with water, it produces a smooth, creamy consistency. I often use it to make masks by combining it with oils and essential oils, and afterwards, my skin feels pleasant and velvety.
I like using it as a face mask. I add a few drops of oil suitable for my skin into diluted clay, and the mask no longer dries out on my face. The skin feels fresh and smooth, and it works well in preventing breakouts.
I like the effect - my skin becomes brighter and more even-toned after using the mask. However, I'm not sure if it's normal for the mask to crumble a lot while drying, but I consider it a disadvantage because it stains clothes.
I use it during the summer (now) every day, in the morning and evening, instead of facial cleansers and creams. Initially, I was looking for a natural product to minimize pores, and it does have an effect. Not immediately, but it's there. It feels very pleasant to touch, and yes, it does crumble. However, it doesn't cause any allergies, and it has countless possibilities for use! Definitely the best white clay out there!
The product tends to crumble a lot, I mean, really a lot. However, other than that, it is decent and even slightly minimizes pores.
I really liked the clay, it works well.
Decent clay. Sometimes I like to mix it with green tea instead of water.
This is the best clay I have ever used. It doesn't tighten or crumble when it dries, leaving my skin feeling soft and velvety. I will definitely be purchasing more.
This clay is really great! It fits perfectly and doesn't cause any allergies. And the best part is, it's very affordable. Previously, I always bought expensive clay masks.
Yesterday I tried the clay and was pleased to see that it dries really white. There are no lumps or other small particles, it's truly a pleasure to apply. Of course, the whitening effect won't be immediately noticeable, but it does brighten the complexion. It also dries out the skin, so I applied a moisturizing cream after using it. There was no redness, burning sensation, or allergies, so I highly recommend it.
I read the reviews and decided to give it a try. I used it as a hair mask because my hair was falling out a lot. The result was amazing! After just one use, my hair practically stopped falling out and became stronger. I highly recommend it!
The clay is excellent, the best I have ever used. It is truly white, with a beautiful consistency, and it performs its functions perfectly.
The clay is of poor quality, I do not recommend it. It has zero effect.
This is an excellent option for a facial mask at an affordable price! I add essential oils to it, and my skin looks fresh and moisturized.
The clay is great, it leaves my face clean and smooth, I am satisfied with the result, and the price is pleasing too. I thought that for such a price, it would be unrealistic to expect anything, but I recommend trying it. It doesn't lighten the face, although I didn't take it specifically for that purpose.
A budget-friendly and highly effective skincare product. After just one week of daily use, this clay has significantly improved the appearance of my skin, which is truly satisfying. I will continue to use it and highly recommend it to everyone!
Excellent clay. My sensitive combination skin doesn't tolerate clay very well - masks tend to dry out my skin and I end up having to admire redness for a couple of hours. But with this clay, my skin is soft, white, and pores are tightened. In my opinion, it's even better than the more expensive L'Oreal clay.
My favorite face mask. I add oils and a few drops of toner to it - and oh, what a wonder, my skin becomes unbelievably beautiful, white, velvety, and moisturized. I constantly buy it.
Good clay. Indeed, it cleanses, relieves fatigue, and nourishes.
The face feels pleasant after using it, but the downside for me is that it leaves a dusty residue once it dries. I've never seen anything like it before. Is it supposed to be like this? Other clay masks don't behave this way.
I have been using this brand's clay for a long time. This time, I decided to add it to my order, and even got 2 packs. Girls with problematic skin, I recommend it specifically for you. Just mix it with water, and you'll have a great face mask. Super!
This is my first clay, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I am satisfied. I have combination skin that flakes a lot, but the clay doesn't dry it out even more, instead it cleanses and refreshes nicely. I use it in combination with almond cosmetic oil and lemon essential oil (I add them to the mask). The main thing is not to overdo it with the essential oil, as it will sting, only 2-4 drops are needed. I feel a slight tingling sensation, which is exactly what it should be.
This clay is great! The skin appears fresh and feels soft.
This is my favorite clay. It cleanses the skin well and shows results from the first application. Another important advantage is that it has a fine texture, making it very pleasant to apply.
Once, I received it as a gift along with my order from this website. I didn't try it immediately, but when I finally did, I was pleasantly surprised by the noticeable positive effect! I have oily skin, and after using this clay, I had amazing sensations and appearance.
Horrible. I read that the white one is perfect for oily skin. However, it ended up tightening my skin, causing it to dry out completely. There was no result at all, I had to use creams afterwards to moisturize my skin. But this is just my personal experience! (Now I use pink and yellow clays instead.)
I am very satisfied with the result! I highly recommend it.
"My favorite clay and mask, it refreshes the skin and makes pores less visible, leaving a matte finish. Combination and oily skin will thank you."
I like it. I use it as a face mask 1-2 times a week. It is better to use it for oily skin or on specific areas of inflammation, as the clay noticeably dries out the skin.
I use this product when I start getting breakouts on my face. I apply it at night. In the morning, the inflammation is significantly reduced. I apply it as recommended by the dermatologist: I apply a "mass" of it, wait for it to dry, and then gently remove it from my skin with a tissue. My face is left with a slight powdery residue.
This clay is great; it effectively cleanses the skin, although it doesn't eliminate inflammation. It lasts for a long time, and I personally use it on my face.
I recently tried this product on my face and back (I have a rash). On my back, the post-acne marks slightly faded, which was the effect I was expecting. However, on my face, my pores became extremely clogged, even in areas where I never had them before, like my forehead! It was awful, I had to walk around with a lot of blemishes for a whole day. I had to do a deep skin cleansing and my skin became even more oily than before... I didn't expect this.
P.S. This is my first experience with clay, maybe all clays are like this and it's just a characteristic of my skin, I don't know.
I did not like it at all. I did not see any results whatsoever after using it.
I use it for face masks - excellent clay.
With the help of this clay, I can now do at home what I used to do at the salon. I also use it for preparing multi-component masks. I highly recommend it.
My indispensable helper!!!!! For oily or combination skin, acne rash, excessive sebum (especially in the summer). The skin is toned, pimples disappear on their own, it whitens, no need for cream, the skin is smooth and delicate, all for only 12 UAH...... I wouldn't trade it. Only thing - do not apply under the eyes, wrinkles may appear faster.
I have never used clay before, but I have heard about it. I ordered it on Makeup and decided to experiment, which was a wise decision. I really liked it, my skin feels fresh after using the mask, without any inflammation, and it feels smooth to the touch. I am thrilled with the results.
Probably the most beloved cosmetic product)) I have been using this clay for many years. I recommend everyone to try it, especially since the price is very reasonable. I am very happy that I found it on Makeup, as I used to search for it in pharmacies. And thank you guys! You're doing a great job! Keep up the good work!
I have been buying this clay for a while now, I used to get it from the pharmacy. It is great for making masks, as it nourishes and evens out the skin. This is the best clay I have ever tried. My skin feels soft and hydrated after using it. I highly recommend giving it a try, especially at such an affordable price. Anyone can afford it :-)
The clay is excellent!
I received this clay as a gift and I am satisfied with this present. The clay is normal and suitable for masks. I can't say anything bad about it because clay is clay, and that's what it is.
Thank you so much for the high-quality products and fast home delivery, which is a significant advantage over other companies! I have ordered Estel hair dye multiple times and I love it for its quality and price. It colors excellently, the instructions are easy to understand, and you don't have to be a professional to use it at home, which is a budget-saving feature))) I also tried Brelil oil and the effect is amazing. It truly restores the hair without needing any additional products. I apply it to damp hair, don't rinse it out, and my hair looks fantastic! I will continue to order only from Make Up in the future.
This clay is excellent! I have tried many others, but this one is on par with the Lancome mask. It cleanses really well and doesn't dry out the skin at all.