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يمكن لمكياج العيون أن يغير ويحدد المزاج لإطلالة المرأة بأكملها! لتحقيق التأثيرات الشائعة اليوم من تدرجات الألوان والتأثيرات المتنقلة مع الحجم على الجفن، لا يقتصر الأمر على اختيار ظلال العيون المناسبة فحسب، بل يجب أيضًا التأكد من امتلاكك لأدوات تطبيق ذات جودة عالية. يوفر لك ARTDECO RUBICELL APPLICATOR المثالي الدمج المثالي بفضل طرفه المصنوع من رغوة صناعية عالية الجودة.
بفضل هذا المادة، يتم توزيع ظلال العيون بشكل متساوي، وتكون حواف التدرجات سلسة ومعبرة بشكل مذهل. اللمسات الدقيقة لأداة التطبيق، مثل عصا سحرية، تخلق مظهرًا مذهلاً!
يُعتبر ARTDECO RUBICELL APPLICATOR أداة متعددة الاستخدامات لمكياج العيون، سواء مع ظلال العيون أو مع بودرة الجليتر. ويُعد علبة Duo Magnet Box المكان المثالي لتخزينه.
المادة: رغوة صناعية عالية الجودة
قومي بتطبيق ظلال العيون الذي اخترته أو امزجي الخطوط المرسومة باستخدام طرف الأداة المرفقة.
Artdeco Rubicell Applicator - قضيب ظلال العيون
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I have ordered these applicators multiple times and they are perfect for my palettes. Keep in mind that they may not fit the height of some very small, compact palettes. I find these applicators very convenient to use and I use them almost every day.
The product is very short and uncomfortable to hold. The sponge doesn't fall apart, but it doesn't pick up eyeshadow very well either. However, the main issue is that the sponge detached very quickly as it is not secured in any way.
I would like to add to the review. I purchase 1-2 of these with every order and they are the best for me. Yes, they don't last forever and eventually wear out, but definitely not within a week! The eyeshadows I have are expensive and they apply well.
Although the website tries to prevent negative reviews, customers should know that this applicator is blatantly and shamelessly guess what. It absorbs the product without giving it back. It transfers the most pigmented shadows semi-transparently. Money wasted, regretting this purchase. It started falling apart after a week of use.
This product is really cool and convenient! :)
The sponge is very hard. It would be better if it was a bit softer. But that's not the worst part. I realized that I need a longer handle. It's uncomfortable to hold the applicator in my hand. It's too short.
The quality is good!
The eyeshadow applicator is simply amazing. I really liked it. Thank you.
Good and convenient.
Great applicator, we've used it five times in a week and it's still in the same shape with excellent results.
The applicator is excellent. I initially ordered one and then added more to my order. The quality is excellent and the price is reasonable.
The quality is top-notch! Although I had to trim the applicator a bit to fit it into the box with two refills.